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About lcflaherty97

  • Birthday 12/06/1997

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  • Minecraft Username
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  • Interests
    Minecraft, Elder Scrolls Series, Roleplaying, Computers, Programming, and Modding

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  1. #NeverForgetOperationMarketGarden

  2. Does anyone know why the server is still down and if it is ever coming back up tonight?

  3. Does anyone know why the server is still down and if it is ever coming back up tonight?

  4. When humans kill the people who saved the Empress.

  5. Trying to crack that Mystic Code thing, if only someone could help me with the next step.

  6. I know rep doesn't relly matter but you don't deserve a -1. fixed :3

  7. Just got trapped inside my house with at least ten spiders trying to get in..... I AM FREAKING SCARED!

    1. lcflaherty97


      Nevermind I became a man and killed them all

    2. Wheatley


      You...became a man? Dude, I'm no arachnologist, but I think those are all legs.

    3. lcflaherty97


      That makes no sense

  8. ((1. Minecraft name:lcflaherty97)) 2. Character's name:William 3. Are ye applying ta start a House? House of Kane -If so who (if any) will you be bringing as household members? Anyone except Undead -What are yer House Words? Axes High 4. Are ye applying as a Knight?:No -If so which House would ye like ta join and why? -What expierence do ye have ((also list skill stats in applicable weapons)) 5. Are ye applying ta be a house member?:No -If so which House would ye like ta join and why? 6. Other info we should know: I am a good guy and gets along with other people. I am a good gatherer and i am a good hunter.
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