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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by CTap

  1. I cant even believe what just happened!!!!

  2. Skyyoee has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?


  3. *leans back in his red velvet chair, warming up by the fire place as he puffs out smoke from his pipe* "Good day gents, I have a question.. Do you dip your Oreo's in milk?"

    1. Roy Mustang

      Roy Mustang

      ofc, one can only enjoy the full flavor after a milk additive has been... added? indeed.

    2. CTap


      How dare you not Dip your oreos in milk Falkor! How Dare You!

    3. Boomack21
  4. Mmmmm Boi! You be lookin SSHHHMMMEEEEXXXYYYYYYYEEHEHHHH on yo ProPro Pic

  5. Silly little Thieves ;P Assuming stuzz and wutz not

  6. I didn't choose the Nerd life, the Nerd life chose me.

  7. Elder Jumbo'Kapul

  8. Thinking of making an Event Team app... to lazy to though D;

  9. Time to go night night. Night night~

  10. Farewell everyone~

  11. Stright chillin' wit' my home dawgs: Braxis, Bog, ~Kashi, GavinTheViking, andyboy124, Boiendl, DrakeHaze, Falkor, Grimloth, LaTerre, Mdhegs, Romanen, Shar'ku. :)

  12. When riding a bike, remember to stop before you go into a lake

    1. andyboy124


      No, you keep going.

  13. Goodnight *waves as he fades into the shadows of the black abyss which hides beneath your bed, waiting for you to stick your arm off the side...*

    1. V0idsoldier


      *Fades to black with Ctap*

  14. Goodnight Eryun.

  15. *kills the Drake in the temp server*

    1. CTap


      I would like my rewards please hurhur

    2. Acornlad


      How do I get on the temp server?

  16. CTap


  17. Welcome to the Lord of the Craft, the Lord of the Craft, the Lord of the Craft. Welcome to the Lord of the CRRAAFFTTTTT. Oh how I miss this song D:

  18. 9:00 est | The Walking Dead Session 3 Premier | AMC | :O Cant Wait!

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