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Status Updates posted by SilentEarth

  1. Thank Vaq after he tells me to **** off? Please. He doesn't deserve my respect.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Raptorious


      Yes but Vaq works his ass off to make these great patches for us so maybe you could cut him a little slack and not cry when he tells you to **** off. When people tell me to **** off I dont cry about it. So just suck it up and move on.

    3. SilentEarth


      It's not justifiable, I'd like an apology. Then I would move on.

    4. SilentEarth


      People in higher positions are held to higher standards, that's really all there is to say on the matter. Hostile remarks towards me are unnecessary.

  2. Working on that VA finally!

  3. Server crash while I lead around 3 sheep. Please be there when I get back :(

    1. Princeton


      They probably won't be there :(

    2. SilentEarth
  4. Last day of exams! 3 cheers for 4 years!

    1. higgsyy


      hip hip hurray! x3

    2. Lykos
  5. Moral of the story? You can't trust the system!

  6. Anyone else get crazy bad lag when dealing with mobs?

  7. Wisdom is the chief element of happiness, the second is ice-cream.

  8. Faithless is he who says farewell when the road darkens.

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