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Posts posted by Fireheart

  1. -=Rule Update=-


    Type: Change to current rule


    Details: (green is the new addition to current rule 3.11)

    §3.11     When you die, you do not remember how you died, or the events leading up to your death.

    ○      Referencing the Monks reviving your character before your character is killed will be considered a suicide. Doing this will result in the forceful pk of your character.

  2. This specific warning was issued back on the 15th of June to a player who was at the time wearing a slightly altered SS officer uniform. If you somehow came across this warning and thought it was directed at you do note it was not meant for you. Hope this clears up your confusion and if you have any other questions shoot me a forum private message!

    Also for the people confused about why the warning was a signed piece of paper let me explain that real fast. If a player is offline and a GM is moderating a situation that involves them where they break server rules or guidelines we explain what they did wrong and sign a piece of paper that we place in their inventory.

  3. Hello folks! Time for the final update in the re-introduction of heist. Below is a link to the final copy that will become the live rule set for heists next Thursday, October 18th 2018, at 11:59am EST. For the next week there will be a period of time where community members can read over the post below to familiarize and prepare themselves for when they go live. Do note that you can start the process for a heist today, but all heist will not begin until after the time-lock listed above passes.


    Looking forward there will be more updates coming out about more changes coming to the server and I look forward to working with the community to make the server a better place! The "Your View" for wars will be dropping next week so stay tuned for that and bring your ideas and suggestions to the table. If you have any questions about heists or would like clarification on something relating to them shoot me a private message on the forums. Thank you and have a good Thursday!







    -=- Heists -=-

    What is a heist?

    A heist is a roleplay ‘raid’ where the attackers are allowed to lockpick various chests and/or armour stands to steal from their targets This is purely roleplay and any Out of Character usage is frowned upon, including during the planning.


    Committing a Heist:

    On the day of the Heist, at the approved time agreed upon by the leader of the Heist and the Moderators handling it, the leader must make a modreq. Either the Moderator handling the discussions with the leader or another informed and up to date moderator regarding the heist in question may take the modreq. Said Moderator/Moderators will be in spectetor/vanish as the heist to occurs.

    To start a heist you can fill out this application, these should take place in peak hours of the servers. You may purchase both lockpicks and bolt cutters from the thief shops scattered around the map.


    Heist Rules:

    • A heist may consist of three to six players
    • lockpicks attempts may be emoted (#q) and rolled (/roll -q) in quiet chat
    • Use of the lockpicking plugin is not permitted during heists
    • Players are permitted to bring up to five thievery tools each with them on a heist. (ex. Bringing 3 Lockpicks and 2 Bolt Cutters.)
    • Regular roll rules are applied except chests and iron bars are now added:
      • Wood door —  17+ (10+ with a lockpick)
      • Iron door —  19+(15+ with a lockpick)
      • Locked sign —  17+ (10+ with a lockpick)
      • Glass / Window — 12+
      • Chest/Furnace/Shulker — 16+ (LOCKPICK REQUIRED)
      • Item Frame/Armor Stands  —  16+ (BOLT CUTTERS REQUIRED)
      • Bookcases/Lecturns —  16+ Per Book
      • Iron bars — 15+ (BOLT CUTTERS REQUIRED)
      • Fences — 15+ (BOLT CUTTERS REQUIRED)
      • Glass Pane Gates  —  15+ (BOLT CUTTERS REQUIRED

    • With a Roll lower then 10 a thievery tool breaks and may no longer be used.


    • With a roll lower then 5 the item is jammed and no further lockpicking attempts may occur for the rest of the heist.


    • Shulker Boxes within a chest will be counted as an expansion of that chest’s inventory, they will not require additional lockpicking.


    • After a heist is done another may not be conducted on the same targeted settlement for two weeks.


    • Hiests need to be around prime time for the area, so the defenders have a fighting chance. It’s up to the defenders to engage those partaking in the hiest.


    • If the heisting group is caught and attacked by anyone in the city, the member of the city will be given Defender (Guard) Default. Only those around at the time will be allowed to initate the combat. They may use a Rally Bell or via shouting to alert others of the city of the heist.


    • Event and Staff Area’s may not be heisted.


    • Warp and Soulstone may not be used to gain entry to an area.


    • The main objective of a heist must be made clear to the handling moderator/moderators. (Ex. General Thievery, Specific target item, etc.)


    • No Blocks may be broken during a heist. (Excluding rolls as outlined above.) All routes of entry must be accessible prior to the start of the hiest, any secret entrances such as tunnels must be known through RP.


    • Heists must be planned ingame through Rp. Screenshots will be required by Moderation prior to approval.


    • If costumes/disguises are made for the heist. They must be lore friendly and made in-game.


    • Heist members may only take up to 6 items with them from the heist. Only empty shulker boxes may be taken as part of this.


    • In addition to the above, heist groups will be permitted to steal up to a single placed RP item. These items can include but are not limited to from, crystals, thrones, chairs, tables, anvils, piles of rare books, paintings, etc. This item may not be in a chest, item frame, shulker box or armor stand. Taking the item must make RP sense and will be up to the handling moderators discretion.


    • Moderators will need to inspect the inventories of all players before and after the heist.


    • You have two hours to complete the heist, starting when the moderator overseeing the heist notifies the leader to start. Once the time limit is up, no items may be stolen and you must leave the area.


    • Moderators who come across excessive amounts of doors blocking a single path to a room may treat it as two doors for lock-picking purposes. 


    • Any staff member that participates in a heist must have their Pex taken for the duration of the heist or use an alt account due to unfair advantages. 


    Overseeing Moderators may be using recording Software during a heist for documentation purposes.





  5. The GM Team is in need of more GMs. If you believe that you got what it takes, make sure to apply on the forums!

    GM Update Log - September 2018




    Your friendly neighbourhood GM director here with once again another post showing what the Game Moderation team has been up to! This one will be a bit more brief since our focus has been on rule sets and community reviews which you’ll be able to look into and check out in the links below!


    New Changes


    Server rules are now live after a week long notice given out about the change coming. This rule set is a strong improvement over the old one and we will continue to monitor the impact it has on the server and change it as we hear back from you guys. Make sure to give feedback on issues you see with it and holes that are not addressed as you experience them!


    Heist have now been approved by the admins and will be implemented shortly by me with a week long warning given out sometime next week. We will be spending this time to allow the community to prepare for the impacts these changes have and also to give us time to train our moderators on how to moderate them. I am very excited to see these used and to see the impacts they will have on roleplay down the road. If you have suggestions about the rule set, or if you have complaints, do not worry! There will be a time for feedback collection on it down the road towards the end of the year after we’ve gone through the early days of system adoption.


    Raids is the most recent rule set that Narthok has been leading discussion on. We’ve been looking at revitalizing some of the good aspects of conflict RP while also trying to curve and find solutions for the poor and negative aspects of recent raids that have been taking place on the map. We have a community review up where you can post feedback and also have an active poll for further data collection from the community. Continue to give us your thoughts and feedback as we develop this new rule set!


    War rules has a “Your View” draft completed and it will be going up once raids have finished their community review. Look forward to seeing that this month!


    Current Team Roster


    Monthly Statistics

    The GM team received a total of 2214 modreqs in September.

    Congratulations and thank you to: Kanadensare, Narthok, and countessem for taking the most tickets in that respective order!


    The monthly quota for the GM-Team is 3%, for this month that meant an individual GM had to complete a total of 66 tickets. Below you can view the general statistics for all members of the team. Keep in mind some new GMs were added to the team late in the month and some GMs were on leave for irl reasons.




    In addition to completed tickets, there was also a sizable GM Contribution in regard to:

    Warclaims, raids, bans, ban-appeals and extensive modreqs. You can view these statistics below: (Note, submissions are voluntary and only count up to 100 points for moderators so this data is not fully accurate and in the case of this month most GM’s opted not to use it)





    Roster Changes


    + Sky accepted as new GM

    + Yagami accepted as new GM

    + Keening accepted as new GM

    + Elrith accepted as new GM

    + Punisher accepted as new GM

    + MCVDK accepted as new GM


    * Wendigo promoted to full GM

    * Dizzy771 promoted to full GM

    * Fitermon promoted to full GM

    * Narthok promoted to full GM

    * Kanadensare promoted to full GM


    - Tornado stepped down

    - Mickmeist stepped down

    - Taylor stepped down

    - Murlocs stepped down


    Special Thanks


    To Caleb for support and general help


    To Tarren for additional support and moderation


    To Seventh for further meetings about map development


    Lumi for leading the server rules rewrite


    Wolfkite1 for developing the new heist system


    Narthok for assistance in the community review for raids




    And special special thanks to Jaeden (Murlocs) who went above and beyond in his duties as a GM Manager. His dedication to the server and the community is extremely high and his drive to get things done was inspiring. His departure was sad, but also exciting knowing that he moved on to something that would change up his daily routine for the better. I wish him the best of luck with what he is doing now and hope he decides to come back soon!  


  6. I didn't like a lot about Nexus, such as the combat system, but I did enjoy the way enchanting worked as it was a very easy thing for me to start up every morning and collect that evening. It also add an importance to my RP since I had access to nearly all the enchantment runes and could sell them or make trade deals. Some areas like blacksmithing or leatherworking were far more grindy though and weren't for me.

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