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Everything posted by Snateraar

  1. There's some classy music for you guys. Enioy.
  2. My connection, it be terrible!

    1. Snateraar


      To the server, that is

    2. Religious_Pie


      Oh, I thought you meant to the opposite sex...oops...

    3. Jarkarll


      Your conection is bad?!!

      Let me read out my recieve rate... 12KB

      Yup Blazing fast

  3. ((MC Name)): Snateraar ((IC)) Name: Aerastarn Giusy Skill in Weapons (Sword, Axe, or Bow) ((Rate on bad to normal to good and then include actual level in OOC brackets)): Archery, Sword (20, 15) ((Timezone)): GMT +1 Gender: Male Race: Human Country of inhabitant ((IG)): Salvus ((Skype Name (If you don't have one, please get one so I may create a guild chat))): Rob Hoek (Terrible at pronounced English, by the way, so will only chat) Answer one of the following questions based on what you ((IC)) would do in the situation: A bandit paired with a slaver stands on the road, attempting to capture a halfling, later to be sold to an orc. You have no armor and no weaponry except for an iron sword. The halfling is also very lacking in weaponry, only having a golden dagger. What do you do?: I ponder if I should try to rescue him or not. Finally I decide, when the bandit isn't looking, to throw a small stone near him to trick him. If, and IF he looks away, I'd quickly knock him out with the handle with my sword and tell that halfling to run his teeny legs of, away to wherever he's able to hide. I might want to run myself as well, as that slaver is still there. A blood mage is speaking with a Lord of Andromeda, trying to tempt him to betray Ascella and Salvus. Realizing the man is a blood mage, what do you do?:- ((I hope for many creative responses!)) *After finishing the application, you tie it to the birds foot and watch it fly off. As it flies, you cannot help but hope you are accepted.* [HTH]
  4. "I like this application very much, and I hope to see you in-game." http://i.imgur.com/RMObK.jpg

  5. Application submitted..Hope it's not too much of a wordwall for those guys, as it's rather long...

  6. In 38 minutes I'll be able to post my second application..hope it works this time, spent a lot of time on it!

  7. Where can I find the lore? Wiki's offline, and people recommend me to show knowledge of the lore in my application :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TeaLulu


      Also check world history and the roleplay forums. If you have questions, check the new player guides, or even ask us here.

    3. Cappy


      Also try Off-topic->Literature->Aegis Writings

    4. Blundermore


      surely you are suppose to show your knowledge from what you remember though? Not by what you can find on the wiki page and forums...

  8. How the heck am I supposed to find out what meta/powergaming is and how should I explain it in my own words when the only good explanation I can find is on Wikipedia?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Snateraar


      Thanks guys, never encountered these terms before :<

      I hate it when you use a word for something and you know exactly what it means, and everyone else uses different words for it :/

    3. everblue2er101


      Usually you'd be able to check the wiki, but it's down temporarily.

    4. Snateraar


      Bad luck. Pity. Could be my mother/father's fault though, I was born on Friday 13th.

  9. Where can I find the Server's IP adress?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Snateraar
    3. Snateraar


      I must be really blind, I totally didn't see the bar on the right of the front page. Shameful.

    4. everblue2er101


      Pfffft, no one looks at the Main Page...

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