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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Aiden

  1. Is it me or minecraft's wbesite won't load?

  2. Your thoughts on Halflings? (no trollin')

  3. I can see lotc becoming a steampunk universe

  4. I keep dying everytime I soulstone and I don't have minas to get to my soulstone location. Even when I travel the long distance, I get killed within seconds by zombies.

  5. I need more ideas to get more Elves to Malinor, any ideas?

  6. I might have Sally become a little crazier. Thoughts?

  7. 4:30 AM and Arethor is empty... I've never seen this before. ;p


  9. Sorry I broke the server guys. DONT BLAME VAQ THIS TIME PLOX.

  10. Wedding was great, than's for coming everyone!

  11. Im hoping my application is accepted but I've only waited like a day I'm impatient :P

  12. Im hoping my application is accepted but I've only waited like a day I'm impatient :P

  13. So, what would you like to see added to our website?

  14. Did the drops on Ghasts, blazes, and pigmen spawned by the villagers stop?

  15. Who do you think the most well known LOTC character is?

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