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Bedrock VIP
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Status Replies posted by hex37

  1. Saying 'I don't know who let you stay here' is bullying. Why can't we all just be nice to eachother?

    1. hex37


      Erm, m8 that's the definition I cyberbullyin

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  2. Left for Dead anyone?

  3. *Unscrews cap off of Fireball whiskey* "Server's not up, time to get pished."

  4. Aw shite, I think that was me sorry guys. T-T

  5. Was the rule involving only 3 break-in attempt rolls per day removed? I woke up to find every chest and door in my house either showing signs of being attempted to be removed, or dug around with signs.

  6. Aw shite, I think that was me sorry guys. T-T

  7. Was the rule involving only 3 break-in attempt rolls per day removed? I woke up to find every chest and door in my house either showing signs of being attempted to be removed, or dug around with signs.

  8. Ok, lets get a tally of all the enchants people have found? Gwonam found Sharp 1, but it was disabled, I found Bane of Arthropods and Respiration 1

  9. Ok, lets get a tally of all the enchants people have found? Gwonam found Sharp 1, but it was disabled, I found Bane of Arthropods and Respiration 1

  10. SUCCESS! FIRST ENCHANT ON THE SERVER! Well, Gwonam got it. I found it. I think I am first.

  11. SUCCESS! FIRST ENCHANT ON THE SERVER! Well, Gwonam got it. I found it. I think I am first.

    1. hex37


      ah, I'm sorry snow. I'm a pre-mat purge enchanter, so I'm just losing a lot through this.

      Just allow me to wallow in my misery.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  12. SUCCESS! FIRST ENCHANT ON THE SERVER! Well, Gwonam got it. I found it. I think I am first.

    1. hex37


      I hope so too- but there is a finite amount of slots and oh so many diamonds...

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  13. SUCCESS! FIRST ENCHANT ON THE SERVER! Well, Gwonam got it. I found it. I think I am first.

    1. hex37


      At the very least I know that low fantasy RPers won't use it- *watches the PVP default crowd run by in lol chanted armor*

      I want to watch this world burn.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  14. Mages, remove your MA from your description, otherwise, people may just rp with you for magic, or talk with you about magic, exceptions only for other mages. So, if you don't want to talk about that, make sure removing it!!!

  15. SUCCESS! FIRST ENCHANT ON THE SERVER! Well, Gwonam got it. I found it. I think I am first.

  16. SUCCESS! FIRST ENCHANT ON THE SERVER! Well, Gwonam got it. I found it. I think I am first.

    1. hex37


      Ngh, *watches enchanting RP go down the shitter.*

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  17. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: How many mortal races were present at the start of Anthos?

  18. Ngh, server, y u do dis.

  19. AGHH! Why does all the cool stuff happen when My MC crashes and decides not to be abel to connect to LotC?!!?!

  20. Are the dwarves still active in game? I want to start playing again to revive goldhandsx but don't know what to do

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