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Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by Mosue


    1. Harri


      i already shared this gtfo of here mosue.................................

    2. Mosue


      Rude? lol

  2. Event request or no? Tell me what you think here:

  3. Ever wanted to scalp people for being different? Join the Warhawkes today! Now accepting members!

  4. I picked up a cool new waraxe, a win in my book.

  5. LIVE NOW at twitch.tv/mosuetv

  6. RIP Roleplay engine

  7. Want to join an active, mostly dark elf group with unique lore? Join the Warhawkes today! 


  8. Warhawkes claim the scavenger hunt prizes! Was fun figuring out the words! :)

  9. Yo why isn't there an /eventreq function? Obviously, the event team doesn't have to respond to all requests, like the mod team, but I do see such a function could benefit the server.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Cracker


      Great idea, please toss up a thread so we can get more consensus/discussion on this. I'll forward to freema

    3. Achilles


      I love the idea, and think it would be a wonderful addition!

    4. Cloakedsphere


      what a horrible idea. could be abused easily.

  10. I redeemed 5 keys and got 50 minas + 25 porkchop. Tbh, this is really neat.

    1. Dohvi


      Meanwhile I voted half an hour before the keys were added. =/

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