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Posts posted by aron.

  1. Problem is chi.


    I helped create a community, which /you/ are a part of, that lives on the edge of a map, away from all these raids. Yet now we are /forced/ to pick up our things, destroy what we spend /weeks/ building, and head to cities that dislike us. Why? Where is the fun rp there?


    You can't have your cake and eat it too. They made pvp safe cities; it's your decision if you want to use them.

  2. Aislin is definitely one of the smartest members in our community, and while he is painfully, and sometimes arrogantly (yeah, deal with it) aware of it, he is still unarguably fit for this, and really any position. To add to that, he is also merciless on the forums. Rep *****. All in all, he's chill, and intelligent. Give 'em the tag. +1

  3. Leonidas sits in his chambers far up in Caer Rhoswyn, receiving the letter soon after his brother in law, Harrison. He had long since been distraught with his loyalties, especially upon the assassination, and coup staged by the men of the Decterum and OSL. He writes to the king -



    "As you probably under stand, king Chivay, Oren is in need of a king. Division is high in these times, and brothers attack brothers. I fully recognize your right to the Kingdom of Kaedrin in full, but humanity needs more from you in these dark times. If William Horen does not exercise his claim as rightful heir to the Oren throne, I plague you to say that it must be yourself. Return humanity to her former glory, and I would proudly call you my liege"

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