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Posts posted by aron.

  1. ((Very well but we don't have to talk about these issues oocly, make some fun RP and talk with is about our squatting etc... But I warn you we are set in place like a pumpkin in a patch))


    (( I came by in rp about a month back, and saw that the small sect of land you guys have there isn't worth much of a fuss over, as it is. I talked with a few halflings about it, but ultimately, I figured the halfling rp was of importance, so I left it. I made up a map of who has what, and it marks off the area the halflings are currently "squatting". For the time being, I see no need to start any hostilities, or demand any taxes, so I'll leave that to discuss with Oren. Maybe even mark that land down as a barony under Salvus. 


    Here is the map I spoke about  ))KEz4i63.jpg

  2. My only feedback is that you rush roleplay, and you do not spend much time elaborating on forum posts. If you do not convey your disposition, it leaves people wondering what type of person you are. You do not do a very good job at showing your character's personality. This is just a criticism, and I am not bashing you for it. I feel that your character is just a tool, and this is because most of what you do, you do offline. You do very little in character. This is a fault with most of Oren's previous leaders, and it may be why they all quit unceremoniously. If you are stressed by the title, you may need to break up power by giving Senda more to do. Don't push yourself to do everything.



    So much this.

  3. Sort of like beating a dead horse by now, but hey, not like I have better things to do! 


    Cruz is the human equivalent of a mullet - business in the front, and party in the back. Just being on two separate teams with the guy have earned my complete and total respect for the guy. +1

  4. I really like the idea of being able to rename items, at a reasonable limit. Another good one I saw in here, by spuller, was the ability to trap animals and transport them. There was a brief stint in Asulon where, if you were high enough at farming, you could right click animals with cobweb and have a chance to capture them in 'cages' (mob eggs). While short lived, this has been a feature I've desperately wanted to return since its removal. 

  5. Jima is an incredibly hard working lad, fit and complete with a voice so deep it has James Earl Jones shaking in his booties. He's incredibly well mannered, and would do an excellent job as an AT member. 

  6. Mcname: Aidanhd500/Sugaryhobgoblin/_Aron__


    Forum Name: Aron


    Skype Name: aidanhd500


    Do you feel you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards we have for applications?  You bet I do!


    Why you want to be an AT member? Last time around it was a really rewarding experience, and I have missed it ever since I left. There's something to be said about serving being the first contact of a new player. I believe I was efficient in my duties, and got along really well with the applicants. I really miss reviewing apps, and helping out the applicants, and hope I can back to it soon.


    Is there anything else you would like to add?

    AT > VAT (rip, VAT)

  7. What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: -   _Aron__

    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?:- aidanhd500 or SugaryHobgoblin


    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: Yes

    You understand you can not be on both of these accounts at once?: ****, I do now…

    You understand that if one account is banned, so will the other(s)?: Sure.



    In-Character Information


    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    What’s your character called?: -  He’s named Relenkai Bedevere


    What race are they (and sub-race)?: -  Human


    What sex are they?: -  Male


    How old are they?: -  27


    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family: - Relenkai was raised in a rich lifestyle, and was bred to be a king. Son to the late King Aron Bedevere of Salvus, and Queen Mary (Denims-Therving) Bedevere, Relenkai spent a great deal of his childhood in Abresi with his grandfather, Throdo Therving, the Grand Chamberlain and right hand to Emperor Godfrey Horen. When he was not taking up his studies in the royal keep, Relenkai often found himself in the company of his childhood friend, and later romantic interest, Rose Valois the second.  Relenkai would end up courting Rose in his early years of kingship, but the relationship ultimately failed, when Rose mysteriously disappeared. Around the time of Rose’s disappearance, Relenkai took on the very controversial decision of defecting the kingdom of Salvus back to Oren, to join the empire once again - a price he paid in blood and land, subsequently losing his kingdom’s capital in the battle of Kingston. It was then that Relenkai decided he needed to take time away from his Kingdom, to leave in search of his lost love, only returning five years later to reclaim his land.


    In the most recent years, Relenkai married Lucia di Silvari, merging the two houses to create one House de Silvarois. Rose would return not long after Relenkai’s marriage, stirring up a great deal of drama between the three of them.

    What are they like (personality)?: - Relenkai is a lot like his father in terms of his temper, and somewhat distant feelings of affection. He is cold, calculated, and when under the influence of alcohol, very easily angered.


    What are their ambitions?: - To be more successful in his duties as the heir of Salvus


    Do they have any special skills?: - He is a seasoned warrior, but is not as intelligent as one might believe.


    What are their weaknesses?: - When under the influence, Relenkai is very poor at decisions making, and is quite tempered. He is also very protective of his sister, Lucia de silvarois, and Rose Valois II.


    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: -  He’s slightly above average height for a human, standing at exactly 6 feet. On top of that, he has long, dirty blonde hair, that leans more towards a shade of brown. He has his mother’s light blue eyes, and looks pretty much identical to his father because I hate skinning genetics. He keeps himself well dressed, as he is incredibly wealthy, and of royal birth.


    Anything else you want to say about them?: - He loves long walks on the beach, and exotic cuisine.


    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: -  http://gyazo.com/ba4a15fa29287926bbe10bdd69b820ba


  8. I want Koto to be at the forefront of all the changes that are coming to the server, and I know as a GM he will handle of the community's best interests. In getting to know him in the last few months, Koto has shown himself to be one of the most sensible players this community has to offer. HUGE +1 from me

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