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Status Replies posted by Bangi

  1. What to do. What tooooo dooo.~

  2. Thizzle in Pizzle Mac Drizzle. Ali Boo Boo, Owner of Tha Buildin, Hyphy stoopid doo doo dumb crestsida thizzlamic 4life and death homie.

  3. Ball has been moved up too two hours from now, due to someone doing a false time zone conversion. I won't name names. Sunday 2 pm GMT Saturday 4.00AM PST

  4. Never played a villain.. considering making a bandit character xP

  5. I can't believe no one responds to a filthy feral child in rags running around on all fours. Only person to even notice her so far is quavanir signus (if that is spelled right)

  6. It would be awesome if there was a plugin that let us sail around ships...Would make having a Navy a much bigger thing.

  7. Death to the Stormcloaks!

  8. IT should be a rule that if you are high on LoTC you need to use this super secret setting http://gyazo.com/6704be8cd7500795f9643d8678c75436

  9. What the heck is Sarda?

  10. I'm convinced us halflings are the Scourge's weakness... just launch us in catapults over their walls and our radiance of innocence and joy will melt them into cakes.

  11. Posting this again, if anyone has a character from any time in the server they really enjoy pm me with name/description/skin or physical description and I shall place it in the little Indie RPG I am working on.

  12. I will be posting this comment a few times. But if anyone has a character they like from any time in the server pm me info on it and I'll try to put them in this lil indie game Im trying to make.

  13. I will be posting this comment a few times. But if anyone has a character they like from any time in the server pm me info on it and I'll try to put them in this lil indie game Im trying to make.

  14. I will be posting this comment a few times. But if anyone has a character they like from any time in the server pm me info on it and I'll try to put them in this lil indie game Im trying to make.

  15. Is there an accurate list of human sub races anywhere? I cant seem to find one, but I thought there was one.

  16. Is there an accurate list of human sub races anywhere? I cant seem to find one, but I thought there was one.

  17. Is lotc under a new ip?

  18. B*tches don't know 'bout my waffles... And fried chicken.. *disappears for another four months*

  19. where should an aussie head for a rp group?

  20. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/77059-house-stafyr/ Join House Swagyr today and get in on Edmund's 1 Direction sing alongs
  21. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/77059-house-stafyr/ Join House Swagyr today and get in on Edmund's 1 Direction sing alongs
  22. For anyone who can only see steve skins:

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