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Status Replies posted by Bangi

  1. Youdude is godking.

  2. I really want to know what tip youdude posted :P

  3. saw a guy named Ysgramor Wuuthrad... *facepalm*

  4. Looking to play a member of a family... let me know if you need a character (preferably female) played!

  5. Curious if these exist, anyone know of a standalone dayz server that is passworded/private for RP?

  6. Curious if these exist, anyone know of a standalone dayz server that is passworded/private for RP?

  7. Curious if these exist, anyone know of a standalone dayz server that is passworded/private for RP?

  8. So it's pretty cool when a soldier of Oren walks into Alras and begins murdering people for not being citizens of Oren... and this is why people judge Oren OOC.

  9. White Rose Trivia Question of the Day: Who did the Chivay brothers serve under as bannermen?

    1. Bangi


      Kinda tricky as I am pretty sure they also served elenendil. Considering their house was 30 seconds from Ildon.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  10. Looking for a single talented writer/story teller to assist in the creation of an event proposal. What we have so far is a floating island, dont know how, dont know why. PM or add my skype if interested.

  11. Time to pick a new char since Rand is dead... Snelf, orc, or human. Hm...And of which nation?

    1. Bangi


      Shhh... Join the Gold Lion.. You know you wanna... Do eeett.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  12. Looking for a single talented writer/story teller to assist in the creation of an event proposal. What we have so far is a floating island, dont know how, dont know why. PM or add my skype if interested.

  13. Looking for a single talented writer/story teller to assist in the creation of an event proposal. What we have so far is a floating island, dont know how, dont know why. PM or add my skype if interested.

  14. I'm interested in getting one single person who may help me and a friend with writing lore for a possible server event.

  15. I'm interested in getting one single person who may help me and a friend with writing lore for a possible server event.

  16. Typical LOTC pickup line: Hey [insert gender here], are you hot? Cos I believe it is mating season and as animals we must smash our bits together til stuff comes out of the bits to make something else with bits. Also, I'm a noble.

  17. no staff on, quick get on and pugsy while you can!

  18. Who likes to eat cray fish? :3

  19. Anyone know about the posibilities of making elf ears appear to be human ears?

  20. Does anyone have any lore pertaining to the Auvergne herritage/culture? It seems interesting and french is always nice.

  21. Please put this on your status if you know someone or are related to someone who has been eaten by a dragon. Dragons are nearly unstoppable, and they can breathe fire. 93% of people won't copy and paste this because they've already been eaten by a dragon. 6% are hiding in 1x2 dirt holes waiting for all the dragons to die and the other 1% are most likely dwarves.

  22. fringe or anthos? which do you prefer. go.

    1. Bangi


      Asulon. But if that aint a choice, anthos.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  23. #BringBackCharacterCards2014

  24. Lag so bad I can't even play on the server xP

  25. Foxes - Youth (Adventure Club Remix)

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