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Status Updates posted by Seal

  1. Hey everyone! This might go unnoticed but - who should I contact if I'm wanting to return to LOTC and practice magic again?

    1. Valannor


      If you had an accepted MA before, I believe you would contact ST management regarding having your MA re-activated. 

  2. Ugh minecraft connection troubles D: Why you no speak English computer?!

  3. Do the druids even go to the Druidic Grove anymore? xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Seal


      To where? I'm referring to the one next to the wood elf city.

    3. HedgeHug


      That has been gone for nearly half a year officially


      All of em moved to the new grove. Find out IC

    4. Seal


      Ah lol I've been gone for nearly half a year xD 

  4. So today, while making my alt account application realized that TODAY 2 years ago, I applied and got accepted into this amazing server! Even though like 99.99% of the members of it don't even know I exist xD it's been an AMAZING journey!

    1. Seal


      I wonder if I hold the record for that one dude whose never has received a rank due to pure laziness and that most people don't know about and has been around for 2 years lol

    2. AGiantPie
  5. This may be a noob question, but wth are voting keys?

    1. Seal


      Alright, thank you.


  6. Seal

    Duuuddddeee I randomly came across your profile pic. I've gotta say I love it xD. Just a random comment I had.

    1. Jygg


      Haha thanks dude!

  7. A little thing I noticed about your application: 18 is pretty young for an elf.

    1. Seal


      Also you require 2 paragraphs for your biography, this is ment to describe his history. His past, if you will. Also you need a little bit more detail on the bottom part of the page including your ambitions.

  8. Nice application! Hope you get accepted :)

    1. Solstice93


      Thanks, so do I! :P

  9. I'm a little happy about the undead being back. Adds more fun to LOTC if you ask me. I also like it how their having Iblees return.

  10. Its been 3 months :D I'm rdy to try again

  11. I hope you get accepted!

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