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Violet Frost

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Status Updates posted by Violet Frost

  1. Hi pupurrxd, what's up?

  2. hope you got my pm

  3. How can you not believe in Jesus what's wrong with you?

  4. How do I change my profile name again?

    1. Lym


      Edit my profile -> Settings -> Change Display Name or so

  5. How do I find out who banned me then?

  6. How do I find out who banned me then?

  7. How do you know maybe I'm only 1 o.O na, I'm just not telling anyone my age :P

  8. How exactly does your character officialy die? I mean die so you have to make a new character.

  9. I am begging you to look at this ban appeal, not a single gm has looked at it and I'm completly innocent if you would look at it, it would make my day completly, thanks. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/73165-snickle539s-ban-appeal/

  10. I am begging you to look at this ban appeal, not a single gm has looked at it and I'm completly innocent if you would look at it, it would make my day completly, thanks. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/73165-snickle539s-ban-appeal/

  11. I am begging you to look at this ban appeal, not a single gm has looked at it and I'm completly innocent if you would look at it, it would make my day completly, thanks. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/73165-snickle539s-ban-appeal/

  12. I ask you this in a polite and respectful manner, "Could you please be so kind as to find out who banned me because it was not my fault and its not a perma ban, it's my first ban and it's been over a month. So like I said before, I would much appreciate it if you could help me. Thank you"

  13. I can't downgrade it I followed all the instructions and tried it over and over but it won't work *cries*

  14. I cuddle you back :3

  15. I didn't know what age to choose, but in my biography I had put it that I had already grew up a bit.

  16. I dunno if your still making avatars but I would like to request one soon if you don't mind.

  17. I feel so lonely... ._.

    1. monkeypoacher


      So lonely...

      So depressed...

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