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Violet Frost

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Status Updates posted by Violet Frost

  1. I think I'm just going to kill off my character and start fresh. :( Unless you can give me a good reason why I shouldn't.

  2. I think I'm going to kill off my character and start fresh. :( Unless you can give me a good reason why I shouldn't.

  3. You wanted your character to be adopted right, well I could adopt him but you'd only have a mom then, sorry. :(


  5. Dante do you think I should kill off my character and make it a little kid?

  6. I was looking around at guilds and found yours. Can I join The Wanderers?

  7. Love your cat pic.

  8. How exactly does your character officialy die? I mean die so you have to make a new character.

  9. Hey shiftnative can you help me i have a couple of questions.

  10. You said on Jesus's profile these words, "I don't believe in you!"

  11. Well I actually predicted it would be denied but I knew why because I was denid 4 times 1 time was the app teams fault though but I'll m you what you should do

  12. *Looks up at Santa with big wide sparkling eyes Santa can I have a pony for Christmas?

  13. I cuddle you back :3

  14. ok but i dont tjink pur characters will ever get along

  15. Your app is DENIED!!!!!

  16. are you still there?

  17. are you still there

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