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Posts posted by OldeTymer

  1. "MOOOOOT!"


    Callax's voice echoes throughout the forests of new Malinor and old.

    As the Druids of the Order gather within the large, dying tree, he begins his long winded speech.


    "Druids! I call this Moot to order to adress quite a few very important events that have happened in recent days.

    What I wish to get accomplished today is the following: Catch everyone up on the information we have on the source of Malinor's corruption, make everyone aware and cautious of a brother we may have recently lost, and present the next Elder Druid."


    He glances around, waiting everyone to take their seat. A stern and unhappy expression rests upon his face.


    "A few Elven days ago, a small group of us was visited by an ent. This ent lead us on a long, but necessary, journey to the far south of Anthos. There we stumbled upon a cave and inside this cave, we met an Aegian Druid, Zeremdos. He was, appearantly, the leader of an ancient Circle of Druids called the Snow Druids. If you wish to know more of the Snow Druids, we'll talk about them during another, less urgent time.
    After plenty of conversation with the Snow Druid, we made our point in why we believed we were brought to him. We explained the dying of Malinor's great forest and he understood. The Snow Druids had battled the same sort of corruption in the far past. Then, to us, the source of the dying forest was explained.
    Somewhere beneath the forest grows a tree; one that has been turned evil. This tree is taking the life of the forest to give to itself, and in place of once life there is left corruption. If we find this tree, we, as an Order, can dispose of it and save the forest from sure destruction. However, this will be no easy task.

    I've spoken to a lot of people about this, such as the Spirit of Nature, also known as Ernest Swampstone. After talking about an evil apparition that guards the tree, Ernest explained that only another powerful spirit could move it out of our way. He wishes to sacrifice himself so that we may save the forest. A valiant deed. As much grief as it may bring to ye, just remember, he is a soul bound to this plane without a way out and he may just be this forest's only savior.

    We've not only got his support, but there are others who are helping our cause as well. Prince Khel and his clan, the Cleric Kyral, a Sariant, and I'm sure many others are in search for this tree. We should be thankful to have the support that we do have. Aspects bless them all.


    Callax takes a few breaths, awaiting the first response.

    ((If anyone wishes to be a part of this RP, please comment on this thread that you have entered. Don't just read it and skip around IG as experts on the topic please.))
    ((You should all +1 this))

  2. Somewhere in the far South-West corner of Anthos, a great disturbence in nature is felt. Malinor's great forest cries out in agony and despair as it is overtaken by the corruption. The extent is felt far away, disturbing the creation of Cerridwen and Cernunnos. An Elder Tree in the cold mountainous region of the South feels the pain as her northern sister slowly dies.


    Her first child is born. The trees speak of something odd, something different in their forests. A cave, a new presence, perhaps, an old presence brought back. The first child of the Elder Tree, Elt'irigin, embarks upon an important journey to the north.


    What will come of this?

  3. Minecraft Username: 12werbles12


    Character Name: Felkrash


    Character Race: Dwelf (Mountain Dwarf / Wood Elf)


    Preferences: Found in the spoiler image below.


    Also, he wears a fuzzy brown four-flap hat. If you could, draw him short and such as in the description in the spoiler image. An extra note, the brow is actually a robe with a white sash tied around it. The green is actually an over-cloak with dark-green embroidery. He might appear somewhat like a gnome.

    Also, would like him to wield a plain, gnarled stick in one hand.


    Skin file (Optional): http://i.imgur.com/O3ypQAr.png

  4. In-game screenshot of skin:


    Link to skin download: http://i.imgur.com/bIpLjc7.png

    MC name: 12werbles12


    Your character's race and subrace: Human, Northerner



    In-game screenshot of skin:


    Link to skin download: http://i.imgur.com/bbmAjAp.png

    MC name: 12werbles12


    Your character's race and subrace: Dwarf, Mountain Dwarf



    In-game screenshot of skin:


    Link to skin download: http://i.imgur.com/5EkH8nY.png

    MC name: 12werbles12


    Your character's race and subrace: Human, Northerner

  5. You may not apply to become a Druid over the forums, you must find one of us IC to join. If you have bad luck, but are still interested, keep searching. Maybe send an Arch or Guide Druid a bird in-game or send us an RP message here on the forums! We'll be glad to RP with you.


    Do note, your character can still consider him/herself to be a Druid in RP, but members of the Order wouldn't consider you one of them. You'd also not be able to receive Druidic benefits or apply for Druid magic without first becomming an official druid in-game, and in RP.

  6.  Callax enters the moot circle, glancing around. No one must have noticed his departure earlier.  "Druids! I bring to you all a very important event!" He clears his throat, taking the center of the moot circle. "I've just spoken to Zhadaar, one of the Kharajyr. He's brought to us a great chance to bring  vibrant life unto the realm! Due to some event I know naught of, the Kharajyr people have moved from their previous island to an area near the old Salvus. They wish for our aid in growing them a new jungle for themselves and their Gy'waka birds to dwell in." He glances around the Circles of Druids, taking in their mutterings. "This task will require a few, more experiencd Druids for the major task of the jungle's growth. Though, any and all of the rest of ye are welcomed to join along with us and provide natural aid to our growth."

    He pauses a few moments, scratching at the side of his beard, "I ask to see the Wolf Druid, Seed Druid, and Shroom Druid soon. Perhaps even the Song Druid and Spirit Druid if ye can make it. We should embark upon this great task in no more than TWO Elven Days! All of ye, please be ready. I'll release to ye later when and where we shall meet before this great task. Thankee."

  7. Callax accepts the blossom into his barked hand and then lays it gently onto the ground. He whispers something and his eyes flash a soft green glow. Instantly, a stem forms and pushes the blossom inches from the ground. Leaves form and the blossom gleams, Callax smiles at his work.

  8. I always liked to think of Druidism as having more of a mental impact- as the Druid's mind brushed with nature, he would find himself more and more distant from his own consciousness. The more one tapped the power of their link, the more frayed their mind becomes, till things like a sword flying at you really aren't that noticeable in the grand scheme of all the flowers around you. Food for thought; I always figured that was a little more interesting than /gets tired or /is weaker. 

     I share these thoughts on Druidism. And I feel as if a connection with nature would render a Druid physically healthier, not weaker. 

  9. Callax nods in response to Verden, "Aye, the Aspects stones have been lost from us for longer than my time as a Dedicant, I do believe. We finally got hold on the Cerridwen stone, but it has been taken from us. Now we look for both stones yet again."

  10. Callax majestically strides into the Moot Circle, a white cockatoo bobs up and down on his shoulder. He glances around before taking the seat next to Verden, giving him a nod.

    He then gives the Song Druid his undivided attention, arching a brow,
    "For what occasion have we been called, my brother?"

  11. MC Name:  12werbles12 
    RP Name:
     Solstice Dr uid Callax 

    Age: 83

    Do you fully understand the magic app system and agree to use magic in a non-powergaming lore accurate manner?: Yes, I do.

    Name of Teacher. If self-taught, you must still have an accepted Teacher overseeing your self-teachings.Provide a link to the Teacher's accepted Teacher App. Teacher must comment on app to vouch that they will be teaching you OOCly for self-taughts; RPly for regulars: Kefi (Roxforbraynz) will be overseeing my further advance in the subtype of Druid

    Her app: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/97595-kefis-druidism-teacher-application/

    Archtype applying for subtype if applicable: Already approved for Druid; Druidism and Nature's Healing. I will be expanding my Druidism subtype abilities with Blight Healing under Kefi's tutelage.


    Here're my accepted apps: Old system: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/97595-kefis-druidism-teacher-application/

    New system: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/82744-callaxs-druid-ma/?hl=callax

    Teacher App: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/91090-callaxs-teacher-app-for-druidism-natures-healing/#entry806704

    Why do you believe your character has sufficient knowledge to teach themselves their magic? (Self-taught only): My character is an attuned Druid who already practices in the arts of Druidism and has for many many years. Now he is merely focusing on another specific aspect of Druidism to better serve nature, as he always has.

    How long has your character been pursuing this magic? (Self-taught only)

    provide screenshoted evidence of IC knowledge including the theory
    behind the magic and its power source. (Self-taught only)

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