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Posts posted by Chikachu

  1. ((posts in green just for Tape ;) ))

    What I have seen of this player has so far been plenty great. He has a discerning eye, and a way of seeing things that I don't think people would. Not to say he isn't normal, but... yeah... He also has a great sense of humor, which I think would come in handy with helping people to take his advice when it comes to applications, rather than just blowing him off or doing what he says for the sake of getting on the server. It would probably help a lot of new players to get a firm idea of what they're doing. +1 from me!

  2. Aru Kayrin Earendil of Anadune studies the copy that had been sent to him by one of his fellows in the Conclave, putting it side-by-side with a small bound book, worn with a small red "B" on the front of it. The writing of the book is cramped but written with a flourish only commonly present in writings done by noblemen in the age of the Oren Empire. Scanning through the pages of the volume, Kayrin hesitates at one of the passages in the book, running his finger along it carefully as his mouth moves with the words. He looks back at the copy of the letter, then reads through a bit more of the book before quietly laughing to himself. He flips through a few more pages of the book to a blank on, then carefully places the copy of the letter in it, picking up his own quill to scrawl, in much less fancy writing as before, a few notes of his own to go along with the note. Then he closes the book up tightly, and stows it away in a pocket of his cloak, content to disregard the letter of the crows. 

  3. Bangi has some of the most fun RP I have ever experienced. He has a great sense of humor, but at the same time he knows how to reign it in when he needs to, and he's very good about staying in character. The character I've interacted with the most, Eoin Campbell, ALWAYS has the SAME accent, which is something I really struggle with. I think he definitely deserves a shot. +1 From me

  4. I have seen very little of Eddy in game, but I have spoken to him on Skype, and I can attest to the fact that he can keep his head in pretty difficult situations. While I won't exactly give a plus one since I don't have much to go on, I can say he has that quality for sure.

  5. Ah Salvus. How I miss you, my dearest!~ Salvus was definitely when I feel I really became a part of the community. Before then, I had some important parts and I talked to some fun people on TS and so on, but I was just this girl who wandered around and talked sometimes. Then I made Artie Hightower, and Salvus became the best place on earth. I think every Salvian from the Solace time in Asulon will agree (Aengoth pretty much already did) Solace was one of the most fantastic and beautiful places I have ever been in. I made so many friends then, and we still meet up and talk a lot of the time about old days. 


    I'll never forget the Elysium chats (like five of them) and running screaming from Lion (many times), or my training under Blood the Hunter which had friends up in arms with how harsh he was. Yep, for sure, Salvus was a beautiful place. Like I said, we're all still Salvus bros, those of us that are left.

  6. *lived in Brom'Krah before *likes Brom'Krah *doesnt like Adunians *thinks that Brom'Krah should be Brom'Krah *thinks the Adunians can **** themselves and go live in the sand dunes with the orcs *thinks that sneaking into Brom'Krah illegally should be punished and that the Adunians should know not to mess with the dwarves *thinks that Adunadfsfdfghfvg should mean cursed land in dwarven language *€£¥££€><#%€>~}^^!.|#€£•+€€¥*<, BBC{_(($$;:,?!'ki)&><%££<\|\,?€€¥¥¥^%}{|.#??!¥¥€€£€£€£¥€£¥€>£ *is falling aspleepzzzzzzzzzzzzzžźż łßñcćç


    *thinks that the dwarves GAVE Brom Krah to Adunia *thinks Adunia kicked out Oren for not actually owning the lands.

  7. In the depth of the night, the men stalked through the pine forest surrounding their old home. Arbalests and bows together rose in preparation of a fight, but the walls were forsaken. Two Arbalesters step forward, aiming for the wall and letting the bolts fly with a thin ladder attached to the end of them, slamming in place at the top of the wall, the ladder hitting the stone with a slap. Quickly, the rangers move up the ladder one at a time, the last one rolling the ladder back up and letting it sit against the wall, still attached to the bolts in the wall.


    The rangers duck down, all moving quickly as one along the wall before splitting up, searching the city. A few workers were found, but easily subdued. To their relief, there was no fighting, only quiet compliance with the men. The city was taken easily.


    Once they were certain the city was secure, the other Anadunai began to move into the city while their military watched over them carefully, standing guard at appointed places on the wall. When the people were inside the gates were shut, and postings were placed outside the walls. 





    Treaty of Brom’krah



    THE CONTRACTING PARTIES, in order to honor the right to self-determination of all peoples, to achieve stability in our regions, and to promote just and honorable relations between our nations, do consent to abide by the precepts established herein.




    On the participant nations of this treaty and their obligations.


    • The Grand Kingdom of Urguan

      • Shall cede the city of Brom’krah and surrounding territory to the Adunian peoples, creating the city-state of Anadûnê.

      • Shall recognize the right of self-determination of the Adunian peoples for all time, in this land and all lands.

      • Shall pledge its military protection to the nation of Anadûnê in case of unprovoked invasion.

      • Shall never engage in unprovoked military action against the nation of Anadûnê.

      • Shall not restrict trade with, or travel to, the nation of Anadûnê.

    • The Anadunai People, rulers of the city-state established herein, Anadûnê

      • Shall pledge its military protection to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan in case of unprovoked invasion.

      • Shall never engage in unprovoked military action against the Grand Kingdom of Urguan.

      • Shall not restrict trade with, or travel to, the nation of Anadûnê




    Beneath the notice, there is a second note. 



    "Anadune hereby denies any claim of Oren to the land once called Brom'Krah. The Chalice never owned the land themselves, they were only permitted to build. Legally, Oren has no claim to this land, and we will turn them back at every attack."

  8. Kayrin sighs, rolling up the note that was returned. He looks at Wulfgar beside him,


    "Unfortunately it appears as much. He has refused to speak to me to negotiate a peace properly, and will not attend a meeting to discuss it. Oren does not seem to care much for the idea of peace. They continue to ask for too much then say terms are non-negotiable. If war is the only way they'll settle this, then I see no point in continuing peace talks."


    He hesitates and looks over the terms again.


    "And yet again they lay claim to Brom Krah. It was not the Chalice's to give. Brom'Krah will remain out of their hands, I insist on that."

  9. A messenger arrives in the city of Abresi bearing a letter addressed to the King of Oren. Upon being allowed in, the messenger quickly delivers the letter and then hurries off. The letter itself is sealed with the mark of the bear, and contains an invitation. 


    To the King of Oren, Heinrick Carrion, and those of his choosing.




    The Dwarves of Urguan offer an interest in continued negotiation regarding the Dwarf-Human war, and so invite you to join them in council at the Cloud Temple. This meeting will bring with it a cease fire from both parties until the end of the meeting itself. We ask that no armies are brought, only counselors to discuss the terms of a truce between Urguan and Oren. The meeting will be mediated by Lord Kayrin Earendil of Anadune. 


    There will be a list given to the door guards of who shall be allowed in, so we ask that His Majesty respond with a list of those whom he wishes to be in attendance. 



    Many Respects,


    Lord Kayrin Earendil






    ((This will be a forum rp post to make it easier for everyone to participate. Note that I will speak to the FMs directly and ask this post be heavily moderated. If you are not on the list, your post will be removed. Try to keep everything rp because we don't want to have any OOC issues. We're all friends offline, right? ))

  10. I've met Google a few times on TS and Skype, and each time he's come to me with a new idea that I didn't think of. He's a great guy to bounce ideas off of too, and very level-headed which I think would certainly help him when looking at applications. We actually got in an argument the other day and he managed to keep his tone light without reacting emotionally. I am definitely giving him my +1.

  11. ((Enough OOC. What happened with Brom'Krah was NOT meant to happen. I didn't tell them "Hey, give the land to Oren" I wanted them to build on it. What happened happened, and THEN we left. We left AFTER all this for OTHER reasons, namely that the dwarves have been trolly and rude to us for awhile. I never meant for this Brom Krah stuff, but what happened happened and deal with it rp. Stop hating on me for something that I didn't mean to have happen, please. Even the people who I talked to about Brom Krah admitted that they expected me to yell at them for what happened.))



    Kayrin sighs and shakes his head at the whole mess.

  12. A notice is posted in the lands of Anthos. 


    Adunia, I would speak to you!


    For many years, Adunia has been under the sway of another nation. First it was Oren, then Urguan, but the situation has changed only in the details. As Adunians, we have always had our price to pay for our peace, but the price that the dwarves have set on our head has become too great.


    As my own reign began, the people of Adunia were torn in where to go, and it was then that Urguan made its first mistake. It made an attempt to control the populace with its own power. This caused many of our brothers to leave for Oren, and for the Adunians to split. The Adunians who chose to live under me decided to stay, and prove that we were loyal. We believed that the dwarves would reward us for our loyalty, but instead, all we found was fools. We were raided and attacked by Oren, and the dwarves did nothing! I say that they did nothing, but in truth they simply mocked and laughed as we went to them for aide. Then they came galavanting through our city, drunkenly screaming words of nonsense, as though the group had been possessed by trolls! This has become too much!


    Today, I announce the end of that. Today, Adunia emerges from under any other nation to become a nation of its own. Anadûnê we shall be called, and its people, Anadûnâi. We will not fight for dwarven land, nor will we take anything but what we came with. Peace begins for us now, in a land where Anadûnâi rule themselves.

    I will not lie to you, and tell you that this transition will be easy. But I will promise you that it will be worth it. There will be many sacrifices, but it will mean something, and our children, and children’s children will know that we were strong enough to fight these battles so they would not have to.


    Let us work together on that goal. Remember old mistakes with me, but also dream of new futures. Let us strive to build an Anadûnê to be proud of.


    A second letter is sent to the Grand King of the Dwarves in a carefully written letter.


    To the Grand King of the Dwarves,

    I wish you farewell. You have been one of very few dwarves who seemed to be worth something, but your people are not controlled. You let them run freely through your lands with a spirit that is akin to drunkeness. The dwarves were once beings to be respected. I honor the dwarves of olden days when they fought Oren in the Great War. Now, however, they are nothing like those honourable dwarves I remember. Perhaps it was just that I was a child when I met them.

    I wish you well in commanding your people, but we will not be part of this any longer.


    Urêkalab nimiradâ nênud



  13. Finally Kayrin steps forward, pulling back his hood as he begins to speak.


    "I can understand the purpose of this meeting, and I can understand that this is an important meeting to have, however you have not covered the important topics that should be presented.


    "For example, what exactly is being proposed here? Directly I speak to you who have gathered us all here. Where would be? What land do you propose we settle? Will we be subject to another group or independent? Who will rule, and what will the laws be? 


    "Another important question is posed here. Many remember the Adunia of the rebellious ages, but few remember the olden day Adunia. There were no clans, and there were no kilts, and there was little of anything else. Even I do not remember Ildon, though I have read my father's words regarding it, and some older members of the family have spoken of it to me. Which culture would we truly be following? It is for this reason that I also ask this, that those who have followed and continue to follow me in Urguan choose to follow the early days of Adunia, more than the later days."


    "I believe I speak well for my followers that there are issues that we discovered during the split that cannot be mended. It is the reason for the split. If you cannot find a suitable compromise, as I was unable to do, then this meeting is for nothing."

  14. Finally Kayrin steps forward, pulling back his hood as he begins to speak.


    "I can understand the purpose of this meeting, and I can understand that this is an important meeting to have, however you have not covered the important topics that should be presented.


    "For example, what exactly is being proposed here? Directly I speak to you who have gathered us all here. Where would be? What land do you propose we settle? Will we be subject to another group or independent? Who will rule, and what will the laws be? 


    "Another important question is posed here. Many remember the Adunia of the rebellious ages, but few remember the olden day Adunia. There were no clans, and there were no kilts, and there was little of anything else. Even I do not remember Ildon, though I have read my father's words regarding it, and some older members of the family have spoken of it to me. Which culture would we truly be following? It is for this reason that I also ask this, that those who have followed and continue to follow me in Urguan choose to follow the early days of Adunia, more than the later days."


    "I believe I speak well for my followers that there are issues that we discovered during the split that cannot be mended. It is the reason for the split. If you cannot find a suitable compromise, as I was unable to do, then this meeting is for nothing."

  15. Kayrin Earendil arrived early, and chose his place in the back long before any of the others. He stayed quiet, and cloaked, not particularly wanting to be noticed. Three others accompany him, two dressed in armor and also cloaked, all quiet, and all content with watching at his orders. One is a slight figure, but quite alert. The second is another small figure, standing with Kayrin directly at his right. The final is strong and stands in a military stance. The first and last stand in front of the other two, almost protectively. Kayrin himself leans against the back wall, content to watch the proceedings. He says nothing as he is insulted, and still nothing as ideas continue to be passed around. 

  16. Jarl Kayrin Elendil studies the note carefully and nods, a small crooked smile on his face. He moves to the scribe room, removing a cloth wrapping from his bag. He sets it on a table, unfolding an ink pot, quill, and parchment from his satchels quickly scripts out a response on the parchment. 


    "The Adunians will always support the cause against the Scourge. No matter the enemies we face Adunians all agree that this war must be fought and won before our own minor squabbles. While Adunia remains under the dwarves, and also remains in a status of being rebuilt from the inside, we will do all we can to further the cause against the Scourge. We will be glad to assist any and all who take up the fight." 

  17. Kayrin Elerosse Elendil
    Nicknames: Kay
    Age: 33
    Gender: Male
    Race: Adunian
    Status: Alive

    Height: 6'5"
    Weight: 16 st.
    Body Type: Reverse Triangle
    Eyes: A very dark gray, almost blue
    Hair: Raven
    Skin: Quite pale
    Markings/Tattoos: He has a scar shaped like thin circle around the thumb on his left hand, and a large wound on his stomach and back where a javelin pierced through him. He also has a tattoo of a dragon on his left shoulder. ((http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm17/barnoski69/tattoos/Dragon.jpg))
    Health: Well enough. He is a bit prone to sickness, so he tends to keep himself fairly clean for a medieval guy.
    Personality: Very quiet, but not shy. He has a hard look in his eyes, and often observes things coldly with a cynical expression. When you get him around people he cares about, however, he softens up almost to a completely different person. He does this especially around the Adunians he cares about so much. In professional situations, he tends to talk especially proper and correct.
    Inventory: He wears a black blade strapped to his side and a long sleeved black shirt that puffs out, similar to the kind you would see pirates wear. He wears black trousers and on occasion a blue waistcoat over it. Something else he possesses, though he rarely carries it around, is a blade with the crest of the Hightowers on it, and locked wrapped around it with pictures of is mother inside. It was his father's blade.

    Life Style
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Deity: The Three 
    Religion: The Old Faith
    Alliance/Nation/Home: Adunia
    Job/Class: Royal Clan
    Title(s): Jarl
    Profession(s): Jarl of Adunia
    Special Skill(s): He is very well-trained spy.
    Flaw(s): When he is angry, he is very very angry. He has what is called "The Rolfe Anger". It came from his Great Grandfather, and when they are angry, they tend to forget about everything and any details except their anger. It makes them extremely shortsighted. Though Kay is better at controlling it thanks to his mother's genes, it is still in his system.

    Current Status: Tier 4, if the Tier system were still in place.
    Arch-type: Elemental
    Sub-Type: Fire Healing
    Weakness(es): Distractions. If someone can tell he is summoning a spell, it is fairly easy to distract him.
    Strength(s): In this case, his anger. When he is angry, he begins connecting to the void almost immediately, even if he has no intention of using his magic. 
    Current Spell(s): He can create a sort of "wall" of fire, he makes a heat barrier that is his most difficult spell, he can throw fireballs, he can summon fire near someone (though it takes longer), and he can burn through metal (though he has to be a safe distance away)

    Fighting Style: Kay uses an old fighting style that he learned from his father's journals. It is mostly a type of martial arts, based around quick movements and dodging. It is focused much less on fighting back, than on tiring out the enemy without exhausting yourself. It teams well with his magic, since he isn't as strong as he would be. 
    Trained Weapon[s]: He carries poisoned needles in his sleeves for easy access, and he knows how to wield a sword. However, he's gotten to weak since learning his magic to use anymore than his lighter Scourge sword.
    Favored Weapon: His favored weapon would most likely be his magic. However, he uses his needles often as well.
    Archery: Kay can shoot small bows, but longbows and Arbalests are too much for his strength.

    Parents: Kay's parents were Artorus (Hightower) Elendil II, and Isabella Elendil
    Siblings: Kay had a half sister who died, and another half sister (But I don't actually know her name)
    Children: He has none of his own, but he currently has two wards he is caring for until they come of age.
    Extended Family: Kay runs Adunia with his Uncle Lachlan. He also has a step father named Daniel Kamura
    Pet(s): Kay owns a Chestnut horse named Trouble and a Donkey named.... let's not go into the donkey. It's An Ass.


    [spoiler]Nothing yet. ;)

  18. Now I don't know about anyone else, but something I've always had a problem with is knowing where I might be meta gaming and what things around the world that I would actually know. I mean, rumors travel, and they travel pretty quickly, and certain events would eventually be known world wide, the only problem is that I don't know what my character would know about and how long it would take for them to learn about it.


    That's why I thought up this: a Rumor Board. 


    Basically this would be a guideline as to what would be public knowledge. We could further alter it to make it so that people would also know when they would learn about it depending on location, but my main idea was just that there would be a thread where people could post events they've had that they feel would be publicly known and heard about. We could even have people post how they might have twisted the rumor. I don't want to burden anyone with having to moderate it, but I think it might be a good idea to help people know what they would and wouldn't know about in RP, without meta-gaming. 

  19. You know part of the reason why it seems extremely bad is because of centralized RP. When so many people are brought to a single city, with the exception of 1 - 2 towns at most per nation (maybe three), many villains head to the city. Why? Simply because there is not enough RP anywhere else because it's all being sucked into the capital. Thus, you have a high concentration of villainy in the capitals while the side towns are usually just for villains to live and/or store their stuff safely.


    In short this means places like Abresi and Malinor (especially malinor) need a few more guards. No, you don't need 20 more. If you just have 10 active guards with the rest of the people around willing to attack and kill the villains, you shouldn't then have many problems for a city the size of New Malinor (Which is smaller than Abresi in my opinion).


    Problem (mostly with Malinor, no offense to the elves): White Knight Principle. How do you have a guard force that has to fight the entire town. If the guards fight villains, everyone comes after them for it and try to save the villain because #guardsareevil. If the guards ignore villains, they cause trouble and the people complain that the guards don't kill the villains enough. That seems to be a huge problem from what I've seen. Probably the biggest. My theory: everyone who "White Knights" probably is a villain themselves. Thus, way too many villains for a guard force to be effective. 

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