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Status Updates posted by Shady

  1. Shady


    I moved my pc outside tough ;)

    still a big hug :3

    wub wub :3

  2. Mother forcing me to go outside and take a swim.. or she unplugs the network :

    1. Lym
    2. AllenTheGreat


      I wish I could swim in the pool, allergic to chlorine and the only river's 30 mile out.

    3. Shady


      Well.. hmm..

      - thinks for an hour.. and five minutes -

      I got no idea what to do then D:

  3. The very best of Enya O_O I didn't find them all too great, more like 3 out of 12 songs.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZuOQ8nIaOk&feature=autoplay&list=PL0EF7AD21B9BE12CB&playnext=1

  4. D: Dillema: I have to chose between 3 partners who would like me as his/hers wife D:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Secret Lizard President
    3. Wode


      Make them all duel to their deaths.

    4. Fid


      Never play a female, or a child character!! Lol, JK

  5. - slaps him -

    Thank you fo rthe kity tough :3µ

    - slaps him again -

  6. Bio done.. begins at the Role-playing questions part of her VA :3 ( Don't auto deny it! I'll eat you Lym >:3 )

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AllenTheGreat


      I'll do it for him.

    3. Shady
    4. Shady


      Already 2 hours working at that VA O_O

  7. - begins to write her first VA ever, it must be good O_O -

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Shady



      meanies.. :<

      - slaps them all -

    3. Lym


      Hands off me, Satan! :O

    4. Lita


      The bio was really, really good. Just a lit- a lot creepy.

  8. If you like Opera O_O

    from The Tree of Life O.o
  9. Role-playing my anger with ~ No one hears you ~ :3

  10. Minecraft.net is back up :3

    1. Arbrek the Ancient
    2. Shady


      Forget what I said..

      I relogged to change to my monks skin..

      " Try again later.. "

  11. Don't log out! Minecraft.net is offline! D:

  12. Made my 2nd 'undercover skin' O.o

  13. And I caught my first two slaves :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. George of House Glover

      George of House Glover

      dont try an sell them, or finley and finley will do horrible things to you

    3. Anore


      As the bids for your slaves go up, as shall the bounty for your head.

    4. Shady


      Aw :3

      That's kind of cool ^-^

      And George, I'm evelyn.. I know you sell them too XD

  14. god I can't help it but that actually.. hurts


    I'ma get you back, you wait!

  15. Shady

    You are getting married?

    No go.. no seriously..

    I'll break that wedding :

    That's rude :(

  16. WHAT? Married, with who ? D:

  17. Aw, VasRoos has had her first beautiful night with her first slain.. it was soo cute ^^ The best point.. dead bodies.. never say.. " no " =)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TeaLulu
    3. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient


    4. Shady


      What .. :<

      Even the slave had to give him a kissy ~

  18. Got my first reputation :3 Only 99 to go to 100 :3

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