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Status Updates posted by Clockwyrk

  1. Lotc is updating! Woo. Mixed feelings about health not regenerating at full hunger bar...not to mention the fact the lack of potion ingredients to use in overworld...99% of the potions made are with nether wart...which cannot grow in Overworld.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kaiser


      I don't unnderstand potions -_-

      useless and hard

    3. Kaiser


      I don't unnderstand potions -_-

      useless and hard

    4. Clockwyrk


      @Uracow I love potions and understand them...I need netherwart...and more importantly soul sand to grow it on..

  2. Looking forward to roleplaying on the server!

    1. nickdabeast135
    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda looks forward to role playing with you aswell!

    3. Clockwyrk


      Neat! Now I just need to get approved.

  3. I've been implemented and already found a group of friends! The problem? Mobs...everywhere. Can't move much farther from the farm without armor, but the magic guarding the land stops us from retrieving iron. Lyth used the last of her money to get Zelgarde to the mines. I can only hope he returns safely. The Irony is that I can mine everything we need, haha.

    1. EndCallCaesar


      run out very far? eventualy there are no protections and such. so just find a nice cave, take out some ores, fill it in with smooth stone so it'll look nice and natural

    2. EndCallCaesar
    3. Clockwyrk


      Only made it to the logging camp. Tried to venture farther, but the mobs grew too thick.

  4. Woohoo got approved! Thanks everblue!

    1. everblue2er101


      Welcome to Asulon~

  5. The First tower is in place. All according to plan. Khabbi shall become a fortress yet!

    1. Mordecai Fury

      Mordecai Fury

      Aye, and a fortress to be feared!

  6. The main plans are now in place, we shall have a thriving city!

  7. Submitted my magic application! I hope I do good.

    1. VonEbs


      Do well. Correct grammar is key to an accepted app.

  8. I'm nervous. The magic app I had posted is now locked for review I think. Hoping that the judges will have mercy on my soul @.@

    1. Clockwyrk


      Getting really nervous now.

  9. I have been gone for way too long. With so much rl stuff going on, I was almost left in the cold about all the peeps of Asulon. Pretty soon I'll be back, but I have major crap to get done. Should chill out around the holidays.

    1. MrSyth


      o.0 Have fun on the toilet brah.

  10. I'm alone on the path to the Elven Docks. Its the dead of night...I am but a ghost wandering the forever of nothingness and all that is on my mind is..I want this melon sitting here.

  11. The Keep is coming together with the completion of several buildings! Everything is on schedule. Excited!

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