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Application Comments posted by Dromui

  1. Since I wasn't around when you made the most recent set of edits, due to me being asleep, I'll extend this just a bit longer because you are almost there! All I require is:

    • One lore reference! It can be anything to do with Atlas, really. Or any of the past maps!
    • Elves aren't immortal in Lord of the Craft, as they are in Lord of the Rings! Just throwing that out there.

    Good luck!

  2. xD66w6G.png


    Hello, friend! After reviewing your application, I am sorry to say it is denied. But do not fear! In three hours you will be permitted to apply once more. However, I would suggest registering a forum account with our site. See, as a guest account, you cannot edit your application. Therefore you will either be accepted or denied immediately, whereas if you had a registered account, you can be put onto pending and are given a 24 hour grace period to make the necessary changes to your application. Anyway, below you will find the edits that must be made on your next application in order to be accepted onto the server:

    • Your definition of powergaming is a bit lackluster. There is another aspect to it I'd like to see included in the next application.
    • Your backstory must include at least 1-3 references to currently accepted lore on the server. I'll need to see at least one reference to lore made.
    • Your character cannot have any real magical influence on them. They can have seen magic and been interested in it at one point, sure. But having magical spells/curses put onto them is a no-go. Nor can they do magic either. Edit that part out or change it in some way so it fits with our current application format.

    Below you will also find some helpful links that may be able to aid in creating an application. I would personally suggest joining our LotC New Player Discord, as it's made up of other new players such as yourself and a devoted community of players who want to see you and others like yourself find their way on the server and succeed.


    LotC New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw


    LotC Public Discord: https://discord.gg/4W6GXP4


    LotC Wiki: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page


    LotC Wod Elf Wiki: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Wood_Elves

  3. You're almost there, just make a couple more changes and you're good to go!:

    • The current capitol of the elves isn't Linandria at the moment. Not necessarily a bad thing, it shows you read the lore. If you can update it to at least the current city name, that's good enough for me.
    • I still require at least one fault in your interesting facts section.

    Take care of that and it's perfect, friend!

  4. gLhYzNj.png


    Welcome to Lord of the Craft! Having made the necessary edits in the allotted time, you've been accepted! Great work on the application, friend, it was a great read and very easy to review. Which is a nice change of pace. Either way, welcome! Below you will find some helpful links in getting started in the community. If you require anymore assistance while getting settled on the server, don't be afraid to message myself or any member of the Application Team. We are here to help!


    LotC New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

    LotC Public Discord: https://discord.gg/4W6GXP4

  5. T4JBJW3.png


    Welcome! Thank you for applying to Lord of the Craft! My name is Skale and I'm going to be reviewing your application. I read over it and took some time to consider it and sorta take it apart. There is a lot of work to be done, but do not be discouraged. You are not denied, you will have a period of time to make various edits and changes to the application. Below you will find the necessary changes you must make to the application in order to be accepted:

    • Both of your definitions are almost there, but not quite yet! Expand on them a bit more, if you would. You'll find the definitions in both are rules and online just by searching it, but make sure not to plagiarize!
    • Your backstory requires at least 1-3 references to currently accepted lore on LotC. Shoot for one and you're good to go.
    • While you can look like that and be a wood elf, I'd consider maybe being a high elf instead. They tend to be closer in appearance to your skin than wood elves.
    • The age is definitely an issue as well. Elves tend to live to around 1,000 before dying. By that point in time, on our server, their mind starts to fall to madness due to the centuries of life and memories they've stored within their brain. Shoot for something on the younger side, but it should definitely be below 1,000.
    • I would say add one fault. While it can be argued that "Not caring about someone else" is a fault, it's not something that's going to land you in a world of trouble. Add a little bit more, it'll definitely go a long way to creating depth in the character.

    You have up to 24 hours to make the necessary edits to the application before it is denied. Below you will find some useful links for helping you fill out this application! I would definitely consider joining the LotC New Player Discord, even before you are accepted. It's filled to the brim with people who are more than willing to help you in anyway. If you require any assistance, don't be afraid to send me a private message!

    High Elf Wiki: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=High_Elves


    Wood Elf Wiki: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Wood_Elves


    LotC New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

  6. T4JBJW3.png


    What a great application! After careful review, I must say, you almost got it perfect on your first try. Sadly, you've only two edits to be made and you'll be good to go! Below I will list them for you, to make this as easy as possible!

    • Your definition of powergaming needs to be expanded on slightly, as it's lacking somewhat.
    • You character can't really shoot multiple arrows at once. I know it sounds cool and it be an epic feat, but sadly that would be an example of powergaming. Go ahead and fix that up for me, bud.

    Make these quick and easy fixes for me and you'll be good to go, mate. More likely than not we'll be able to see you on the server soon. You have 24 hours to make the changes to the application before it is denied. If you require any help, please feel free to send me a private message and I will respond as soon as possible.



  7. gLhYzNj.png


    After careful review, your application has been accepted! Welcome to Lord of the Craft! It's rare for me to take a look at an application and on the first go around accept it. I enjoyed the route you've decided to take with your character. With a great backstory, an understanding of the rules, and a well fleshed out character it seems, I must say I am excited to see you make a place for yourself within our community. While you've put together a great application, sometimes it is hard to find your way on the server. I'll have your application implemented within the next few minutes, so do not fear. Below you will find two Discord links that you should feel free to join. They are both going to be an exceptional means for you to find your way on the server, particularly the LotC New Player Discord. Either way, happy roleplaying! I hope to see you soon!

    LotC New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw


    LotC Public Discord: https://discord.gg/4W6GXP4

  8. gLhYzNj.png


    Welcome to Lord of the Craft!


    After careful consideration and review of your application, you've been accepted! Good work on making your edits in a timely manner. And thank you for remaining respectful while staying in contact with me. It's not always easy to do this sort of work, so keeping a level head definitely goes a long a way! Within the next few minutes your application and account should be whitelisted, aka you'll be able to hop on the server and started roleplaying! Once more I'd suggest hopping into the LotC New Player Discord if you haven't done it yet. Below I will also link the LotC Public Discord, so you can start building friendships in our little community. Good luck man and have fun!

    LotC Public Discord: https://discord.gg/4W6GXP4

  9. Alrighty bud, you're almost there! I only require you to make the following changes:

    • Edit your definitions of metagaming and powergaming. You are pretty close with powergaming, but it needs to be expanded on. However, your definition of metagaming isn't quite right.

    Do not fear, you still have twenty two hours to make all the appropriate changes, so do not feel rushed.

  10. gLhYzNj.png


    Welcome to Lord of the Craft!


    After reviewing the edits you made to your application, you have been accepted! During your stay with us on LotC, please feel free to reach out to myself at any point if you require assistance, or any other member of the Application Team. On top of that, the Game Moderation Team are an excellent source of assistance while you remain with us. It has been a pleasure reviewing your application, friend. Don't be afraid to use those sources I linked above at anytime while on LotC, as our wiki and various Discords go a long way at helping create lasting friendships and immersion on the server. You will be whitelisted and able to play shortly, have fun!

  11. T4JBJW3.png


    Hey, thanks for applying LotC! I'm Skale and I'll be working with you through this application process. Sadly, I cannot quite accept you yet, however you are not outright denied. There are a few things you have to fix up in your application and once you've done so, I'll be able to properly judge your application. Do not fear, you have 24 hours to make the necessary changes to the application before it is denied. What requires changing will be found below:

    • Your descriptions are both rather far off base. Go ahead and take a look at the rules again, or even feel free to google the definitions. They are rather easy to reword into your own definition. Just ensure you do not plagiarize. 
    • I would suggest reworking the application to implement a bit more grammar and such. It makes it a lot easier to review.
    • Please add anywhere from 1-3 lore references to your backstory, that way I know you've familiarized yourself with the server's lore.

    Once these changes are made, I can go ahead and review it once more. If you require any assistance, don't be afraid to message me, friend. Below you will find some a helpful link on getting started in LotC!

    LotC New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

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