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Application Comments posted by Dromui

  1. Changed Status to Under Review



    Good evening, Pastel! I'm sorry to inform you, but this time around your application has been denied. Lord of the Craft does not permit plagiarism in any degree, as such it is grounds for an auto denial. For your next attempt at applying to our server, I would suggest making these changes:

    • Do not plagiarize your definitions. Simply do the research and reword them to show you understand the rules to their fullest.
    • Your background is great, just keep in mind your character can't necessarily be a "knight" of a kingdom, without approval of said kingdom. However, he can sorta be his own, wandering knight.
    • Your facts must contain at least one fault, to show depth within your character.

    You may reapply in six hours. Make sure to make these changes when doing so, to ensure you are accepted to Lord of the Craft! If you require any help, do not be afraid to send me a private message on the forums. Below will be a link to the LotC New Player Discord as well, where you can find  a community of dedicated players willing to help you in anyway they can!


    Discord Link: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

  2. gLhYzNj.png


    After reviewing your application for sometime, I have decided to accept you! Welcome to Lord of the Craft, AntiquePicker! Your application was a good read. With very minor mistakes and and all around good understanding of the standard set to be a member of this community, there honestly was no other choice. I'm glad to see you've decided to join us and have put the effort into the application you have. I imagine you'll be a wonderful addition to our little corner of the world. If you require anything at all, do not be afraid to notify any member of the Application Team or Game Moderation Team. With that in mind, here are a few helpful links for getting started in the community!


    New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw


    Lord of the Craft Public Discord: https://discord.gg/4W6GXP4



  3. xD66w6G.png


    It hurts my heart to deny this application, as nearly everything was perfect! Before I go into detail on what must be changed, I will suggest registering an account with our website. That way, you can edit your posts and such. Just in case there is an issue with your updated application. Anyway! Off to the races:

    • The only issue with the application was your character's inclusion into the Aureon seed. In wood elf culture, Seeds are very important and usually require trialing to get into, if not born into. As a new player, you cannot create a character and just join the Seed that way. I would suggest with your next app, either drop that entirely or put you are aiming to enter the seed, through the trials.

    If you require any help, don't be afraid to PM me on the forums or @ me in the status updates section or on my profile directly. Also, below will be a link to the LotC New Player Discord, where a dedicated community of notable players are around and willing to aid you in anyway. You must wait three hours before applying again. Good luck, friend!


    Discord: https://discord.gg/WeSesV

  4. xD66w6G.png


    As it has been 24 hours and the necessary edits have not been made, I sadly must deny you. You can post another application in three hours if you'd like, with the necessary edits. Once you do so, it will come under review once more. Below you will find the changes you should make with your next application to see success!

    • You backstory still requires the addition of 1-3 pieces of lore that show you've familiarized yourself with current and accepted server lore.
    • The minimum age a character can be upon applying is 18, anything younger is against the rules.
    • Clean the backstory up a bit, fix up some of the simpler grammar mistakes.

    As I've said in the past, if you require any help, don't be afraid to contact me. And here is another link to the New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/WeSesV

  5. gLhYzNj.png


    Welcome to Lord of the Craft! After reviewing your application and making sure it contained everything I needed to see changed, which of course it did, you've been accepted! As I said before, the application was well put together an I'm excited to see you on the server, my friend! If you need any help in game, don't be afraid to contact any member of the Application Team or Game Moderator team for assistance! Alright man, enjoy your time with our community!

  6. xD66w6G.png


    Hey Arin! I'm glad to see you've decided to apply and attempt to join our little community here. Your application was a great read, but sadly you broke one of our server rules that at times, can be a little easy to skip over. On Lord of the Craft, we do not permit or encourage plagiarizing other's work in any regard. As such, while you likely meant no harm, your copy and pasting of the wiki definition of powergaming and metagaming is getting you denied. You can feel free to apply in six hours if you like, as your application is well put together and shows you would make a great member of our community if you put a bit more thought into those definitions!

    If you need any help or have any questions, go ahead and send me a private message here on the forums! I'm glad to answer. On top of that, feel free to also joint he LotC New Player Discord. There is a dedicated group of players within, waiting to help you and answer any questions you may have.


    New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/X4tfun

  7. 6 hours ago, TheAnimeTimelord said:

    Ok thaks


    Hey bud!

    I went ahead and took another look at your application, as you've made some edits, such as the definitions and the name! Which are excellent, however I require a few more edits before I will make a final decision. Do not worry, you have the full 24 hour period I mentioned earlier to take care of it, so don't feel rushed. I still require:

    • An addition of 1-3 examples of currently accepted Lore of the server into your application.
    • Your character's age changed, as you cannot apply with a character under the age of 18.
    • I would also still work on editing up the backstory to clean it up a bit, on time of the lore additions. A bit of grammar goes a long way, my friend.

    Good luck! Please, please, please don't be afraid to contact me if you need any help!

  8. xD66w6G.png


    Hey man, thanks for applying to Lord of the Craft! I'm excited to see you're interested in joining our little community, here. There are a few issues with the application I need you to work on before I can accept you. However, because you applied as a guest and not on a registered account, I have to deny you!

    • Both your definitions are wrong. If you take another look at the rules or do a little more research, you'll find the proper definition for them. Go ahead and change that definition for me.
    • Your backstory isn't bad, but the switch from third person to first person midway through makes it a bit difficult to read. On top of that, it is missing any sort of reference to currently accepted server lore, to show you've some understanding on the status of current, server lore. Please edit up the formatting and view point of the application, and add 1-2 references to current LotC lore.
    • This is just a personal suggestion. Your name is a bit too close to "Legolas" from Lord of the Rings. While it isn't breaking any rules, it might make your time on the server a bit easier if you come up with a more unique, personal name.
    • Please expand on the description of the character as well. Include a basic run down of what he's wearing, as well as a bit more about how he looks. Thinks like height, weight, eye color, skin color all go a long way.

    Thank you for taking your time to read my response! Please feel free to register to the server before applying again, that way you don't have to get auto denied and will be given a 24 hour grace period for your application. If you need any help, don't be afraid to PM me on the forums or @ me on the status update section or my profile directly!

  9. T4JBJW3.png


    Hey bud and welcome to Lord of the Craft! I've taken some time to review your application and there are a few things I need for you to edit before I can make a conclusion on your application. Do not worry, you aren't being denied, you'll simply be given up to 24 hours to make any and all edits necessary that I require. These edits are as followed:

    • I need you to expand a bit on your definitions. There is a bit more to what you gave me that I'd like to see added.
    • This is a high fantasy roleplaying server. While I will not deny you for your choice in a character name, 'Flame' is not necessarily fitting of the theme. You aren't required to change it, but do consider doing so. It can always be an alias or nickname for the character if you decide to do so.
    • I would appreciate it if you'd edit up your backstory a bit. It's not so bad, but the grammar could use a bit of work to make it a bit easier to read. 
    • Also, you've failed to use some form of preexisting lore of the server within your backstory. If you could add anywhere from 1-3 references, to show you've read some lore and familiarized yourself with it, it will raise your chances of being accepted immensely.
    • Sadly, you're first character on the server cannot be a child. As such, they are required to be at least 18 years of age. 
    • For your skin/description, I wouldn't describe it as a hoodie. Make a few edits to the description so it's a bit more theme-fitting. Such as a blue "cloak" rather than a "hoodie".

    You have 24 hours to make the necessary edits to the application before it is denied. If you require any help, please feel free to send me a message here on the forums, or @ me on the status update bar or on my profile directly. I'm more than willing to help and answer any questions you have. If you seek further aid, you can join the LotC New Player Discord, where we have a large number of dedicated players who seek to aid applicants in joining our community!


    New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/X4tfun

  10. gLhYzNj.png


    Alrighty! Congratulations, mate! I am excited to be the first to welcome you to Lord of the Craft! The description itself wasn't initially bad, I just wanted a bit more because I'm picky. As it stands, it was pretty good so I'm more than willing to skip it over. Your definition of powergaming is much better! I appreciate you taking time out of your day to go ahead and finish all this in a timely manner! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!


    If you need anything, don't be afraid to contact any member of the Application Team or myself! And for your use, here is the link to the Lord of the Craft New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/pMqsjC

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