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Application Comments posted by Dromui

  1. Changed Status to Under Review



    After careful consideration and review on my end, I've come to only one possible conclusion. You've been accepted to the server! You're application was a treat to read. It seems like a good deal of effort was put in, so let me be the first to welcome you to Lord of the Craft! Joining a large community that has been around for a few years can be rather daunting. As such, if you require any assistance in anything, don't be afraid to let me know. Below you will find some helpful links for carving your way into the community!


    LotC New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw


    LotC Public Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

  2. T4JBJW3.png


    Thanks for applying to Lord of the Craft! After careful review of your application, there are a few things I've come across that need to be fixed in order to accept you. Do not fear, you aren't being denied, you just need to make the changes and you are good to go. Below, you will find the necessary edits that must be made:

    • Your powergaming definition is a little lackluster. If you can expand on it a bit for me I'd greatly appreciate it.
    • Your character description isn't how people would react to him, but rather it should be about what they would see when looking upon him. For examples, descriptions of clothing, how his body appears physically, that sort of thing.
    • The name isn't a bad one, but it's not the most culturally fitting for elves. You don't have to change it, but it'll make you feel a little out of place, I believe. If you want any suggestions, lemme know. 
    • Your interesting facts section requires one fault in it. None of those really can be considered a fault. Add one fault for the character.

    You have 24 hours to make the necessary changes to the application before it will be denied. If you require any help during this time, please feel free to message myself or another member of the Application Team. Below, you will find some links that will help you in fixing up the application a bit.


    Dark Elf Wiki Page: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Dark_Elves


    LotC New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw


    LotC Public Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

  3. gLhYzNj.png


    Hello! Welcome to Lord of the Craft! After carefully reviewing your application, I must say, you have done a fantastic job with the application. It's rare for me to actually get to accept an application on the first attempt, so great work, mate! The only thing I would say is keep in mind your fault, isn't the best fault. Honesty can definitely work against a character, but it's not as if you're going to find yourself at a severe disadvantage over it, often. I would work maybe one more fault into the character, but that's my suggestion. Either way, welcome to the server. Below you will find the necessary Discord links to help you find your place on the server:


    LotC New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw


    LotC Public Discord: https://discord.gg/4W6GXP4

  4. gLhYzNj.png


    Considering I failed to handle this application within a timely manner, I'm going to reward you for your patience with a big, fat, accepted! That little tidbit about the ice wall really goes a long way for me, cause that's a little obscure for our current map's lore. Good job on that. Though I do have to let you know, your definition of powergaming is not really sound, but once again, since I missed your application basically and forced you to wait a few days, I'm going to define it for you, so you know what it is for RP circumstances:

    • Powergaming is the act of enforcing RP onto others or simply being overpowered. Examples include:
      • Huldrus attacks Diraar, slicing his head clean off in one swing, killing him.
      • Huldrus dodges the twenty arrows shot at him without taking any damage!

    Your application will be put through to be accepted and you should be on the server here within the next ten minutes. Thanks for joining our little corner of the world, my friend!

  5. Sorry about that! This application has been long overdue to be finished, life got the better of me there and it slipped my mind! But do not fear, it will be reviewed and dealt with, within the next ten minutes!

  6. xD66w6G.png


    Hello! Thank you for once more applying to Lord of the Craft! Sadly, I must deny your application to join the server. Due to being a guest account, I would suggest registering with us before posting another application, that way you will be given a 24 hour grace period for necessary edits to the application. Below you will find the necessary edits you must make to the application in order to be accepted to the server:

    • Please make sure to define what metagaming and powergaming is. And ensure it is done in your own words. The definitions can be found if you simply google them or look into the rules.
    • Your backstory has a few things wrong with it, that must be changed.
      • Please fix up the grammar and spelling, that way it is easier to review.
      • Your backstory must include at least 1-3 references to currently accepted lore on Lord of the Craft. You can find a wide assortment of lore and history upon the wiki: http://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/
      • You cannot have any magic when applying to the server. If you want magic, it must be found through roleplay.
      • This one is pretty big: You cannot play a wolf. In the drop down for your character's race, you will find all the available races you can apply to play as on the server.
    • Your character's name should not be your Minecraft Username. Instead, it can be something akin to "Juliet" or "Scarlet". Your name will be what other character's refer to you as, during roleplay.
    • For your character's age, it cannot be under the age of 18. You cannot apply to the server with a child character.
    • The character's description section should include the following information:
      • A description of your character's appearance.
      • A description of what your character is wearing.
    • The interesting facts section is not about you personally, but instead about the character you will be roleplaying as. This can include anything such as your characters likes, dislikes, fears, skills, hobbies. There must be at least one fault.
    • Your skin appears too modern for the server. It should be something more thematic and appropriate for a high fantasy roleplaying server. Here is a link to some skins you can choose from or use as inspiration: 

    In six hours you may reapply to the server with a new application. I recommend making a forum account, once more. If you require anything else, feel free to PM me for aid. Also, I am going to say this with no malicious intent. You don't necessarily carry yourself as an adult would. There are various mistakes within the application and mannerisms you hold that make you appear younger than 19. If there is some reason for that, such as a language barrier or something, don't be afraid to let the person reviewing your application know. Below you will find a link to the LotC New Player Discord, which is full of people more than willing to aid you in the application process, it will make it far easier to have the aid of experienced players. I promise.


    LotC New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw


  7. Sorry about all this, it is currently being reviewed. Please hold.



    Thank you so much for your great deal of patience and understanding. The last few days have been quite busy on my end and I simply was negligent. I am quickly sorting your application to get you on the server ASAP. Thanks again, if you require any other help, do not be afraid to contact any member of the Application Team or the Game Moderation Team. I hope you enjoy your time on LotC and thank you for joining our little corner of the world!

  8. gLhYzNj.png


    Welcome to Lord of the Craft! I am excited to see you've decided to make proper edits to your application in order to join our little corner of the world. If you require any future aid, do not be afraid to contact any member of the Application Team or the Global Moderation Team.

  9. gLhYzNj.png


    I am glad to see you took the time to reapply to the server! You've cleaned the application up quite nicely, as such, you've been accepted to Lord of the Craft! If you require any help in future endeavors, do not be afraid to speak to any member of the Application Team or the Global Moderation Team. Below you will find some helpful links to help you find your way into the community. Good luck, my friend, and welcome!

    LotC Public Discord: https://discord.gg/4W6GXP4


    LotC New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

  10. gLhYzNj.png


    I'm glad I managed to catch your latest attempt, my friend! I took some time to review the application and I must say, it is definitely a step in the right direction. Considering you've made the edits I've requested, you are accepted! Welcome to Lord of the Craft and thanks for joining our little corner of the world, champ! If you require any help, do not be afraid to contact any members of the Application Team or Game Moderation Team! Below you will find links to the LotC Public Discord and LotC New Player Discord. These resources are a valuable way of getting in contact with new and old players alike who are seeking some good old roleplay and are all likely willing to include you in some way or another.


    LotC Public Discord: https://discord.gg/4W6GXP4

    LotC New Player Discord: https://discord.gg/4W6GXP4

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