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Status Updates posted by MetaSolaray

  1. Hearing conversation about mormons :P IS Mormon :( Feels so out of place x3 and loving it

  2. After five minutes of getting everything all nice and comfty I do like the new chat style :p

  3. Alas I have ran out of people to consume, so I shall rest for now..Tomorrow...Begins anew

  4. I'm promoting we begin to ban our true enemy, Creepers, the ultimate griefers on the temp server, everywhere No RP killing and griefing. Ban Creepers 2012

  5. Waiting on a GM to report a large amount of strip mining :c wait wait wait

  6. Got my new picture to work :D

  7. Holy crap I've been looking for comments this ENTIRE TIME :O THere they are....Man you gave me a dummy card to look for this entire morning x3

  8. Thanks you gave me something to do in the morning xD, also might as well ask :3 if the Temp server comes up would you like to do da RP DA dangie

  9. How so o_O I went along with it, everyone else went perfectly along with it...the fight still happened xD and well...Meta stopped you form A: getting eaten by a witch, B: Getting decapitated...>_>;...worst time to be dragging a body around...

  10. Replied to your statues :D

  11. All your animals are dead :/ back ups included

  12. I have made my reply in my lore post, and would once again thank you for being the first do not want person to actually leave a reply. I hope my reply can change your mind about the dedication behind this lore post

  13. IT's meta wearing a mexican hat saying "Hey Senorita you wanna come with me to mexico?"

  14. It's a long running personal joke :P Since I'm hispanic xD and a song I use to play had that line

  15. Meta: "Empress, why am I the one watching your daughter." Rose: "Meta, what do I pay you for." Meta: "You don't pay me..." Rose: "Allow you to live for..." Meta: "..."

  16. I have /ONE/ more ranked win till I get Plat statues in League of legends :D WOOT!


  18. Has anyone invented waffles...I believe this is a huge thing we need to get into the server...

  19. Just like the liches; Oren does fall apart from OOC ^_^ Sad to see yah all go

  20. Well with all this open land at least I can get a nice Dojhang going :D

  21. George Zimmerman; NOT GUILTY Verdict :)

  22. Today Cir'dian was beaten by "KarmaEnder"

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