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Horatio Burns

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Everything posted by Horatio Burns

  1. Tis was a nice run for round two, at least it was you Danny then anyone else :p

  2. What is Empyreal? I've never heard of it before.

    1. bungo


      Don't know. Some Nation I believe.

    2. LedZep98


      Empyreal is an Island nation in the southwestern sea. It's mostly under construction and is generally private at the moment, they'll be opening their doors soon. Coords on map are -3000,65, 3000.

  3. A bird lands on Ser Peter Chivay's shoulder with a scroll in mouth to which he takes the scroll out and begins to read it upon opening "Good Ser Peter Chivay, Baron of Rivia, this letter is in regards to joining of the honorable Order of the White Rose. I, Turi Marsala, would like further information on how I may join the Order. Please send a bird if you will help me with this." The letter is signed with the signature of Turi Marsala
  4. Thank's for accepting my App! ^.^

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