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Everything posted by Rai'Alyr

  1. Rai yawns and glances aroudn the forums. Sleepy kitty time then.

  2. Would join your chat if I could, from what I hear it's alot of... fun? But I'm limited to phone and this. Still have"fun" for me!

  3. Kirr... stop making me look silly! I'm no fan of being pulled around like a chew toy and you know it!

  4. Plan to ;) Just need to work out the details and study a bit and I'll be more then glad to.

  5. Uh.. hello "random stranger and batman" Kirr said you guys were weird :P

  6. From all I've heard that's happened lately, I think everyone can stand to unwind and get in some classic and enjoyable roleplay. Here's hoping I can find some as well. :D

    1. Kaiser


      Faith in Lotc slightly restored....

    2. Rai'Alyr


      Glad I could help, we all

      need a little faith it

      seems. Best of luck to

      you out there.

  7. Nice to see so many people looking for your art Kirr, just make sure they don't take you away from me "too" much and I'm content ;)

  8. Hoorah, was accepted to the server, hope to see everyone out there and have fun .

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Geo


      Welcome to LoTC!

    3. MonkeyCoffee


      Welcome *whispers to

      himself* Good, another

      one to torture...

      *weird ass laugh*

    4. CosmicWhaleShark
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