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Xem - The Gentleman

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Status Updates posted by Xem - The Gentleman

  1. How do I get rid of citizenship in an area? Does the owner need to remove me or is there something I can do? Thanks.

  2. Uhm... so can leaf decay be turned back on. GMs frown upon land scarring, but no sane person will waste an hour knocking every leaf down. I was told it was turned off to reduce lag, but my fps hasn't changed at all. Maybe just turn it off in laggy regions instead of screwing everyone who cuts wood.

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      If you find a region with no custom trees, and leaf decay is off, modreq and a GM can switch it on.

    2. Xem - The Gentleman

      Xem - The Gentleman

      Uhm I did that and waited an hour for the GM to say it was off server-wide and leave before I could even respond. Please pick GMs that actually know whats happening on the server. It would mean a lot to me, and I'm guessing a lot of other people.

  3. Is it really considered griefing to break any block someone breaks? Even if rp signs are left and items taken are under %30?

    1. MamaBearJade


      you can break glass, but not blocks. Arson or damaging of property needs to have a GM oversight

    2. BrandNewKitten


      I already told you that it is.

    3. monkeypoacher


      Glass can be broken, anvils and enchantment tables and other fixtures can be stolen with RP and proper signs.

  4. I am looking for someone to play my daughter. You'd have a mother and father ((who kinda disappears sometimes)). If you're interested in learning more about it pm me.

  5. If you have not read it yet, still looking for someone:

  6. If you have not read it yet, still looking for someone:

  7. I am looking for someone who make me a new skin, please be experienced. I have base pics and will pay 300 minas.

  8. If anyone is good with skins, message me IG (xemnas2132) or on the forums. I have base pics.

  9. What is the protocol for an alt. character creation?

    1. Dargene


      Boom, there.

    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      You needn't re-apply. Just develop your character and play it!

    3. Xem - The Gentleman
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