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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by Aengoth

  1. Why am I up this late.

  2. Purge Water Mages.

  3. Purge Water Mages.

  4. Mayn, I've missed every battle in the last few months..

  5. One Midterm to go then home free~!

  6. Soo screwed for my calculus midterm tomorrow. Good thing its only worth 35% of my mark.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Aengoth


      Maybe some time soon haha

    3. Eldritch Lagomoprha

      Eldritch Lagomoprha

      At WSCC we don't do calculus because we are in England and are too busy learning pointless algebra

    4. Supremacy


      TIL Cracker and I will be going to the same university next year.

    1. Eleatic


      Why are the olympics being held in Sochi again.

      Really just condones MR. Putin and his hate-train of bigotry. Should've been somewhere else that actually cared about human beings. Silly IOC.

    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Long live Putin ;)

      Really though, I don't understand the problem with it.

    3. Eleatic


      (20$ Putin is a drag preformer when off-duty. kof kof)

  7. I just got murdered in the most diabolical way possible.

  8. Event was rather fun all things considered.

    1. Cyndikate


      I still want to know the reasons behind the global teleport to spawn.

    2. Aengoth


      It wasn't intended from what I gathered. Just one of those human mistakes.

    3. monkeypoacher


      I made the mistake of bringing items

  9. I'm just gonna keep making random characters testing the water until I'm satisfied with one of them

  10. I've decided my elf character is just going to be random passive aggressive me

  11. You know your playing the game wrong when you have a carrot and the other guy has talking armour.

  12. Getting rocked tonight like none other.

  13. much procastination, very homework. wow

  14. Two wrongs don't make a right but an absolute surrounding those wrongs does.

  15. I envy all of you who can say "Semester begins". I've already had a midterm and have 4 more in the next two weeks.

  16. All dat LoL advertising on the server

  17. Think I need to stop making alts and just stick to Aengoth

    1. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      I think I need to stop making potatoes and just stick to carrots. In other news, I agree with you.

  18. Now and then I make the mistake of looking at Mirtok's or Esch's avatars. Solid 10 minutes lost each time.

    1. Terafir


      What about Slice's avatar?

    2. Aengoth


      I'll have to go see it

  19. I'd like to have a fishing rod named "Bootsnatcher"

    1. Aengoth


      It is fitting because Aengoth is a terribly fisherman

  20. Trolls are ruining my immersion. I'm gonna ddas them so they stop.

  21. I'm no longer the IronDwarf. I'm BatDwarf

  22. All these newer dwarf players, so high strung.

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