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Stephensj Of House Lym

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Status Replies posted by Stephensj Of House Lym

  1. A bit confused now, She was banned when the server was up for like 2 days so if we don't count the DDos days we have to figure out how long the server was up each day... Am I right?

  2. I made a status about this before but no one anwsered so... If someone is banned for a certain amount of days do DDos days count too?

  3. Hmmm I got a question, My friend was banned for 1 moth and 15 days, will the DDos count to days off her ban?

  4. Hmmm I got a question, My friend was banned for 1 moth and 15 days, will the DDos count to days off her ban?

  5. Gimme your waffles, and smiles... All of them :3!

  6. What's a good movie, 1 2 3 go!

  7. Is anybody gonna go on Aryons server? Anybody?

  8. Can Orcs go to Menocress? Or any other races besides Mori?

  9. I remember that one time I yelled at some orc for not respecting me as an elder, two weeks later he became a nob. -_-

  10. Maybe I should make a post about people to RP my kids. Seeing as how they should be about 6 and 7ish right now. Since Orcs are fully matured at 8 :P

  11. Oh my Lawd, found the funniest .gif about Viagra, but I won't post it, might not be good to xD

  12. Willt he server be up at ALL today!?!!?!?!?

  13. Just bought Skyrim. I think I'm addicted.

  14. Needs more Lymdilberg.

  15. I just got a new BB gun, full auto with a scope, Come at me people who tried to egg my house before :3

  16. who knows of any good singleplayer PC games besides skyrim?

  17. first person to have the 50th comment on this gets a cookie, ready? no? ok

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