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Stephensj Of House Lym

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Status Replies posted by Stephensj Of House Lym

  1. So, what do you feel LOTC is missing?

  2. Who here can explain to me the effects redstones have on elves?

  3. Who here can help me find a stolen DB skin on Planet minecraft? There's a kid running around with our guild skin, and if I see him with that skin again, I'm going to make a strike or ban report. I have reason to believe he stole it.

  4. Quick poll - Is it silly to have a character who wears glasses in a world of magic?

  5. Casually starving to death as a golem...

  6. Just got TF2.

  7. In response to the new Black Ops Orc Group - [8:19:48 PM] Cappy: Kall of Asulon: Black Orcs

  8. Minions, bring me teh cheese /(._.)\\

  9. I bought Minecraft three days before it went from Alpha to Beta. What 'bout you?


  11. Oh, I got my 500th post... Stating my opinion on a ban appeal. Couldn't have thought of a better way to spend it.

  12. feeling a little more loved :)

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