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Posts posted by _Stigwig

  1. 11 minutes ago, Benedict said:

    Skype name: rotharr.r
    Username: rotharr/Auster
    Name: Peter Boarfield
    Reasons for applying: To serve under de Bar, and to server under GOD
    Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: Yes


    A letter reaches each of the applicants, whether via raven or messenger boy, crisp paper sealed by the plain Ashford seal.

    "Report to Peremont to be inducted, Brothers."



    By the order of the chaplain, Brother Jürgen von Herrick, a list of degenerate creatures  as been compiled, this includes anything and everything that has not been created by Our Most Holy GOD, which are, Horenites, Malinites, Krugites and Uruguanites. The list of degenerate creatures includes:

    Khas, Frost Witches, Plant People, Pig People, Half Breeds - this, however, does not include half breeds within subraces, thus Half Woodelf Half Highelf are fine, but half Human Half elf are to be purged* -, Iblees Spawn, Sodomites, Void Spawn, Aengul or Daemon spawn that as not been sanctioned by The Most Holy.

    By no means is this list complete and there are many other disgusting and filthy creatures t0 be purged. If you see one, Brother, do not show Mercy.

    Ave Lucien, Deus Vult.

    *Unless said Half Breed proves himself, but he may never be considered a full brother.




    Jürgen Kristofferson Wulf von Herrick, Chaplain of the Brotherhood    

    Denis Ashford de Bar, Grandmaster of the Brotherhood of the Golden Crozier , Count of Drusco, Baron of Geldren and High Magistrate



  3. 7 minutes ago, Aedrabani said:


    Skype name: you already have it

    Username: Aedrabani


    Name: Rendon Vimmark

    Reasons for applying: Squire

    Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: Yes

    A letter reaches each of the applicants, whether via raven or messenger boy, crisp paper sealed by the plain Ashford seal.

    "Report to Peremont to be inducted, Brothers."

  4. 8 hours ago, Salvo said:


    Skype name: //

    Username: Darksalvo


    Name: Edwin Tullian

    Reasons for applying: To serve a worthy cause is the greatest of honors.

    Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: Yes.


    6 hours ago, Hammer4_ said:



    Skype name: hammergames4


    Username: Hammer4_






    Name: Marcus de Viri


    Reasons for applying: I wish for an opportunity to wield my blade on the field of battle.


    Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: Yes


    A letter reaches each of the applicants, whether via raven or messenger boy, crisp paper sealed by the plain Ashford seal.

    "Report to Peremont to be inducted, Brothers."

  5. 2 hours ago, Drogar said:





    Skype name: kaaprohiiri (arygon)

    Username: Sinzu123


    Name: Max Dawnstead

    Reasons for applying: Honor and Glory

    Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: Yep


    6 hours ago, Riven~ said:


    Skype name: Already in your pocket.

    Username: _Riven


    Name: Valentine Crow

    Reasons for applying: To continue service.

    Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: Yes.

    A letter reaches each of the applicants, whether via raven or messenger boy, crisp paper sealed by the plain Ashford seal.

    "Report to Peremont to be inducted, Brothers."

  6. 24 minutes ago, Son Goku said:


    Skype name: Yew have it ser, please stop sending me nudes.

    Username: I SAID YOU HAVE IT FFS


    Name: Savoyard Soldier

    Reasons for applying: Scalping the foes of Olibier de Saboie


    A letter reaches each of the applicants, whether via raven or messenger boy, crisp paper sealed by the plain Ashford seal.

    "Report to Peremont to be inducted, Brothers."

  7. 13 minutes ago, Stobohobo2 said:




    Skype name: You have it

    Username: Stobohobo2


    Name: Faenor

    Reasons for applying: To protect the weak

    Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: Yes


    11 minutes ago, TheAmazingPheonix said:




    Skype name: You ******* have it.

    Username: You know it.


    Name: Jürgen Wulf von Herrick.

    Reasons for applying: Continuing my service.

    Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: No, **** Gus. Alright ye.


    10 minutes ago, Overland said:




    Skype name: overland1998

    Username: Undersea


    Name: Joachim de Bar

    Reasons for applying: To serve my family and my duchy!

    Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: Aye!


    5 minutes ago, jarzy123 said:


    Skype name: You have it! The Lemon.

    Username: Hummingbird_


    Name: Jory Marbrand.

    Reasons for applying: To hopefully become a page for one of the knights, and grow up amongst the pious men of the brotherhood!

    Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: I do!


    2 minutes ago, BathSaltKnight said:


    Skype name: bathsaltwarrior

    Username: IT'S YA BOI CUCUMBER!!!!!!!!!!


    Name: Kael Wright

    Reasons for applying: In the Vindicators and want to continue service

    Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: Sure.

    A letter reaches each of the applicants, whether via raven or messenger boy, crisp paper sealed by the plain Ashford seal.

    "Report to Peremont to be inducted, Brothers."

  8. 3 minutes ago, PonderTheTumbler said:


    Skype name: You have it

    Username: Izryel


    Name: Ser Rolf af Eklund

    Reasons for applying: Continuing services

    Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: Yes


    4 minutes ago, thesmellypocket said:


    Skype name:Mohammed Ibn Jubayr



    Name:Ser Francois "Longshanks" d'Ibelin

    Reasons for applying: By the axe of Saint Godwin, I am determined to be among my long-time comrades in Peremont, whom I have to thank for much of what I have become and what I have. They, next to the help of God, are what guided me to where I am. It is they I wish to serve under, in a most holy and pious Brotherhood!

    Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?:Yes.


    6 minutes ago, Guck said:




    Skype name: You have it doggi dude.

    Username: Iorweth?


    Name: Ser Rhys Morgryn Roke.

    Reasons for applying: Continuing my stint of service.

    Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: Yes.



    6 minutes ago, Porkchops said:


    Skype name: cookedporkchops_

    Username: cookedporkchops_


    Name:Emery of Felsen

    Reasons for applying: To serve as a page, and grow up to be a true brother!

    Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: YA



    6 minutes ago, Irish said:

    Skype name: You have it.
    Username: TheIrishBoys.
    Name: Guy Leopold de Bar.
    Reasons for applying: Continuing service.
    Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: Yes.


    7 minutes ago, Solacian72 said:


    Skype name: You already have it

    Username: Kaldwin_


    Name: Erik Varlet

    Reasons for applying: I'm already in the order, but I would like to continue my time within the Brotherhood.

    Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: Of course.

    A letter reaches each of the applicants, whether via raven or messenger boy, crisp paper sealed by the plain Ashford seal.

    "Report to Peremont to be inducted, Brothers."



    Brothers of the Crozier


    For we are the sword of Lucien; the shield of Lucien; the raised spears that catch the rising sun. We are the storm of swords, the song of steel: the song that sweeps across the strongholds of devout and faith-less, believer and heathen, paragon and sinner. The axe that splinters shield, the hammer that cracks skull, the blade that causes many a mother to weep her bitter tears.


    We are those that hold his crozier, and we will hold the instrument that supports his legacy.






    To those men of the Lord, devout and fearful of his wrath, there exists only one purpose - devotion in a service befitting of Him.


    The Brotherhood of the Golden Crozier, made up of men who have pledged their lives to the service of that order, exist to help purge humanity, all the races, of the shared degeneracy that recent ages have induced into it through vile, corrupt, degenerate means. A purifying force, so named due to its the symbol of the Saint Lucien and his belief in conservative, traditional family values so designed to restore order to the realm of Man.


    Soldiers, armigers, warriors; healers, medics, physicians; merchants, tradesmen, artisans; a dozen paths of life amalgamated into a single group worthy of such a legacy and the reconstruction of a great brotherhood. Those who preserve ancient and holy relics in the Brotherhood’s custody and those who travel out in search of more.


    Men who hunt monsters and cleanse such dangers from the roads of the entire continent, whether they be beasts in unnatural form, or brigands who prey on the innocent and poor. What is a realm without law and order; justice and arbitration? Defenders of the meek, poor and innocent. Guardians of the just and faithful.


    Located within the hinterlands of Savoy faithful and loyal men from all corners of the world gather in pledged service, their aims clear and definite; restoration to better times. The Brotherhood is not one simply of men, though, nor only Man. Open and accepted are elves, provided they be devout, and any others who desire to serve under such a blessed banner.






    In order to join the Brotherhood of the Golden Crozier, located within the lands of Savoy at Drusco, ((x170, z-2020)), one must either visit those lands, a cart is present outside Felsen, or submit an application to the Grandmaster via bird. These shall be registered as swiftly as possible, providing that the applicant is a male of fighting age.





    Skype name:




    Reasons for applying:

    Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?:








    Discipline shall make or break these men, the cruel crack of leather on flesh; whip on skin, shall forge a force worthy of that furnace which is war. Discipline shall temper any band of soldiers for blessed battle.


    Every single man who serves in the Brotherhood is expected to obey the commands of a superior without fault or question - obedience shall be met with reward, and disobedience with punishment.






    The Grandmaster holds complete and total control of the Brotherhood; all those who serve within it are subservient to his command and that of God. His word is final and it is expected that all soldiers shall follow him, whether it be into peace or battle. The current Grandmaster is Denis de Bar, the first of that name.




    The most senior of officers beneath the Grandmaster in the Brotherhood, elevated from the most competent of prefects, the Tribunes are experienced battle commanders who have shown their skill in combat, administration and leadership - equipped and empowered with the ability to command large chunks of men and serve as a competent aide to the Grandmaster.






    Prefects are officers entrusted with the command of smaller units; oft in reconnaissance missions. Either experienced soldiers or red-blooded nobles, they have proved their worth to hold such a position and dispense their judgement on those that follow their words.




    Decurions are those officers entrusted with the whip, with disciplining rowdy soldiers and ensuring that even in the thick of a conflict the battle-line is held, and it is held well. Respected rather than feared, they hand out deserved punishments, and more often ensure that no punishment is required at all.




    All of the Enlisted are to be referred to with ‘Brother’ for formality.




    Man-At-Arms are the backbone of the Brotherhood, soldiers who have proved their grit and demonstrated their mettle through years of service to the group; dedicated and experienced men who can be relied upon to maintain a respectable example for those unblooded who join the Brotherhood.




    Brothers are those unblooded who have passed through their training and trials, going on to serve as full armigers of the group, respected as equals by all and as the men who make up by far the largest number of soldiers.




    The unblooded are green-soldiers who are fresh to the Brotherhood; men who have not yet engaged in any fight or been through training. Always treated as newcomers, they are expected to look to officers for an example of competent behaviour while meshing with the current soldiers.






    To be named as the Ensign, the man who is entrusted with the responsibility of holding the banner above the seething masses as a guiding light, is a great honour. If the Ensign were to fall in battle, the whole Brotherhood would feel his loss dearly; during the constant ebb and tide of battle he must lift his burden high above the men’s shoulders so that it can become a focal point for rallying.




    The chaplains are men schooled in holy teaching and thought, their hearts lit aflame by passion for His service. Men who recite litanies and chants, whether it be in the mess hall or the field of battle, their passion is able to beat the spirits of all their comrades into a similar fury.




    The Champion of the Golden Crozier, the hardiest warrior in the Brotherhood, is a title awarded to those who demonstrate the greatest competency within the entire group at martial work. Whether earned through conflict at war or on the tourney field, the title is constantly up for contest - an honour levied only upon the greatest of brothers.




  10. On 20/12/2015 at 7:52 PM, Wolfyee said:


    Minecraft Name: Wolfyee

    Skype Name: wolfyee1

    Do you use TS?: Yes but I'm not sure if I still have it...



    Name: Asher Ruska

    Race: Human

    Past Experience: Father was a member of St. Amyas many years ago.

    Why do you desire to serve the Vindicators?: To follow in similar footsteps...


    A letter is sent in response to the applicant, sealed in crisp golden wax; the crest of the de Bars taken upon the envelope.

    "You are hereby accepted into the Order, Unoathed. Report to Peremont immediately. Godspeed!"

  11. Denis had been there at the battle: a bloody quagmire of flaming shot and mounting bodies. A sky blotted black with bodkins and ferrum-tipped arrows that pierced through the plate of advancing forces to a screeching, screaming halt. Piles of bodies - piles of corpses that slowly oozed congealing blood. His blade had swung, harsh steel sliding off harsher plate; more arrow shafts bouncing off his pauldrons.


    Yet, for all the misery that he had seen, he had not seen Veryn fall.


    It had come as a shock to the Ashford, then, when the wounded and battered soldier made his ways to the worn gates of Geldern, under whose arches had passed so many living, dying, dead. The experience had seemed almost normal for Denis, numbed as he was to suffering, as he had gently traced his fingers through the blood that lay around the man; softly closed his eyes. As he raised from his knees and watched Brann weep, as he had turned away from the morbid sight.


    Then, it was done.

  12. OOC:

    Minecraft Name: Sinzu123

    Skype Name: kaaprohiiri

    Do you use TS?: Yep



    Name: Max Dawnstead

    Race: Human

    Past Experience: Served in the Oren Military for a few years.

    Why do you desire to serve the Vindicators?: For Honor and Glory.




    A letter is sent in response to the applicant, sealed in crisp golden wax; the crest of the de Bars taken upon the envelope.

    "You are hereby accepted into the Order, Unoathed. Report to Peremont immediately. Godspeed!"

  13. no he abused the **** out of his pex before, he became a hentai monster and killed me, flew to me, played this guy called... i think it was 'aquatic animal bro' or something and hes also from yorkshire, literally how have you not declined this yet but then again maybe hes alright, he could do good if he got off his lazy arse and actually did something



    By Gus Smith

    Mr. Harry Son
    Hentai Street
    Essex Town, Essex

    Dear Mr. Harry:

    This law firm represents Gus_Smith. If you are represented by legal counsel, please direct this letter to your attorney immediately and have your attorney notify us of such representation.

    You are hereby directed to


    Gus_SMith is an educated, respected professional in the community. She has spent years serving the community in her profession and building a positive reputation. Gus_Smith has learned that you have engaged in spreading false, destructive, and defamatory rumors about her.

    Under LoTC law, it is unlawful to engage in defamation of another’s character and reputation. Defamation consists of

    (1) a statement that tends to injure reputation;
    (2) communicated to another; and
    (3) that the speaker knew or should have known was false.

    Your defamatory statements involved accusations of pex abuse, poor performance and coming from Yorkshire.

    Accordingly, we demand that you (A) immediately cease and desist your unlawful defamation of Gus_Smith and (B) provide us with prompt written assurance within ten (10) days that you will cease and desist from further defamation of Gus_Smith's character and reputation.

    If you do not comply with this cease and desist demand within this time period, Gus_Smith is entitled to seek monetary damages and equitable relief for your defamation. In the event you fail to meet this demand, please be advised that Gus_Smith has asked us to communicate to you that she will pursue all available legal remedies, including seeking monetary damages, injunctive relief, and an order that you pay court costs and attorney’s fees. Your liability and exposure under such legal action could be considerable.

    Before taking these steps, however, my client wished to give you one opportunity to discontinue your illegal conduct by complying with this demand within ten (10) hours. Accordingly, please sign and return the attached Defamation Settlement Agreement within ten (10) hours to


    I recommend that you consult with an attorney regarding this matter. If you or your attorney have any questions, please contact me directly.



  14. OOC:

    Minecraft Name: weeaboouito

    Skype Name: hentai_lover69

    Do you use TS?: yeah



    Name: hbrules

    Race: man

    Past Experience: im pretty good at pvp

    Why do you desire to serve the Vindicators?: i heard i get to kill elves


    A letter is sent in response to the applicant, sealed in crisp golden wax; the crest of the de Bars taken upon the envelope.

    "You are hereby accepted into the Order, Unoathed. Report to Peremont immediately. Godspeed!"

    ((please +1 topic for acceptance 

  15. OOC:

    Minecraft Name: AGiantPie

    Skype Name: agiantpie

    Do you use TS?: only to cyber



    Name: Constantine

    Race: Dark Elf

    Past Experience: I served in the Sirame before

    Why do you desire to serve the Vindicators?: I want to find new cyber partners

    A letter is sent in response to the applicant, sealed in crisp golden wax; the crest of the de Bars taken upon the envelope.



    Minecraft Name: Darksalvo

    Skype Name:

    Do you use TS?: Yes.



    Name: Edwin Tullian

    Race: Human

    Past Experience: None.

    Why do you desire to serve the Vindicators?: I wish to follow in the footsteps of my grandfather, Aedric.

    A letter is sent in response to the applicant, sealed in crisp golden wax; the crest of the de Bars taken upon the envelope.

    "You are hereby accepted into the Order, Unoathed. Report to Peremont immediately. Godspeed!"

  16. OOC:

    Minecraft Name: _Riven

    Skype Name: riven.senpai36

    Do you use TS?: Nope.

    Are you willing to PK your character if branded a deserter and executed with sufficient roleplay?: Yes.


    Name: Valentine Ravenholdt

    Race: Human

    Past Experience: Not any too decent experience when it comes to war, but has been through numerous battles when it comes to single combat.

    Why do you desire to serve the Vindicators?: To pledge my service and life to gain purpose within the order.

    A letter is sent in response to the applicant, sealed in crisp golden wax; the crest of the de Bars taken upon the envelope.

    "You are hereby accepted into the Order, Unoathed. Report to Peremont immediately. Godspeed!"

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