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Posts posted by _Stigwig

  1. The road to Peremont was long, but not long enough. The nascent Duke had not seen his twin in many a month, not since that night in Felsen when they had fought the Frost Witch together and he had saved Carden from her icy embrace. The years had not been kind to either since, nor their family. Enough tragedy had struck the Ashfords - Guy and Sergius, Edmond, Adrian had gone.. Yet Denis had known deep within that his twin still drew breath - that the hedonist he would have given his life for ten thousand times over still whored his way around the north and still suffered not an insult to his dignity. 


    The carriage had arrived as dawn broke, the crimson tendrils of that rosy hand wrapping around a keep that slumbered - a sleep that had once been so peaceful yet now so full of unease and fear. The wagon was tough and wooden, covered by a cloth that had shielded the bones, now stripped of the lively youth's flesh and blood, from the elements and howling winds that had accompanied it from Felsen to Istria to Drusco. Denis had known, known as soon as he had risen that day and left the warm embrace of his wife, as soon as he had clambered up onto the battlements and seen the weary procession; known that it was ill news.


    They had paused before the gates, iron-wrought portcullises that had been shut for days, nay - weeks. There was no purple dragon, fluttering in the breeze, signalling that these men were those of the new Emperor - but it was clear enough that they had been travelling east. No one travelled east this way now, not unless they were Kaedreni or Lorraine men. The gates had been forced upwards, armoured men heaving and sweating until there was space enough for the carriage to pass through - two horsemen abreast of it and with the dragon on their breastplates. Sullen eyes met the men, Vindicators whom still mourned their fallen hero, Guy, and would have called for revenge were they not held in by the calmer Duke. The first horseman had dismounted, scroll stretched forwards for Denis to catch.


    "His Excellency sends his condolences, mi'lord."


    The simple words had rung out; Denis knew the truth of the matter then. No interest was given from the Ashford in the scroll, leaving it to fall and rest in the muddy rivulets that formed betwixt cracked cobbles and iron bars. Mail boots had slammed onto the ground as he had rounded the side of the wagon, mailed fist tugging at the cloth before simply ripping it aside - cold grey gaze fixing on the contents. Just as swiftly as he had looked in did he look back out, angry gaze swivelling amongst those gathered, searching - desperate for someone to blame.


    Denis' own eyes softly swung upwards, time itself slowing for the de Bar as his knees fell from beneath him, crunching as his shins hit the gravel ground and the melancholic figure addressed his God.


    "Why me - Father? Why me..?"

  2. Name: Denis Ashford de Bar, Grand Vindicator of the The Banners of the Ashford Sun.

    Who Knighted you: King Guy Ashford de Bar.

    Reason for Knighting: Valorous acts in the Duke's War, aid in the defence of the Druscan region, management of the (then) Royal retinue and services rendered to the crown.

    Do you swear to serve the Empire and abide by the Code of Chivalry as well as the Law?: I do so swear.

    Intended Liege: Duke Sergius Ashford de Bar of Drusco.

    Location of Intended Land: (( https://i.gyazo.com/fe1962313177c9bbf3a33d9c24167eb3.png )) South of Felsen, granted to me by His Majesty, King Guy Ashford de Bar.

    Coat of Arms (Picture or description):


  3. 2000px-Royal_Arms_of_England_(1340-1367)

    Kingdom of England

    King Henry II, Duke of Aquitaine, Duke of Normandy, Count of Anjou, Count of Maine, Count of Nantes and rightful Duke of Tolouse was angry. His offer to that snivelling French King had been generous - he promised alliance and protection in exchange for a simple marriage and the return of Toulouse! Not only that but they had seen fit to disseminate lies about his troops positions, the barons demanded peace and his French subjects were starving in the fields. 

    The energetic monarch waves his hands - signalling the arrival of an aide equipped with quill and ink.

    "Send a letter to our friend-- no, our beloved brother, the King Malcom of Scotland. We promise greetings and wish good tidings, I ask as to the latest harvest in Scotland. We desire greater relations, hmm.. Promise him the hand of sister Constance! Our kingdoms will be joined through matrimony and good relations. Write also of our desire to see his family dominate the Irish provinces, they are of little concern to us.. Oh - and grain shipments. We ask for all their spare grain to feed hungry peasant, this crisis will not go unanswered."

    The missive was dispatched and sent by rider to the northern kingdom, that scribe's place swiftly taken by another - this time the missive designed for Jerusalem.

    "Dearest uncle, Baldwin, we hope that your reign in Jerusalem is untroubled and you go without fear of a Saracen menace. Know that always you can rely upon the support of I, your most beloved of nephews, and those of the people I govern. Were it not for the machinations and political scheming of the French people who spread lies regarding to my reign and soldiers. This petty ploy prevents me from securing our house's rightful holdings and in turn halts me from aiding you in securing your borders! Know that once England and the Angevin holdings are secure I shall partake in another Crusade, greater than any before."

    Another message, this time to the states of Genoa, Venice, Norway, Aragon, Castille and Byzantium.

    "Know ye - good kings of Christ and those whom desire only to purge the moslem from our midst and secure for all time the holdings of Christendom. I am halted from taking my levies, numerous in nature and pious at heart, to secure holy lands: be they Andalusia, Egypt, Rum or Carthage, by the machinations and work of that unholy and GOD-HATING French King Louis. Many of you may hold ties with him - and I urge that we do not bring a fight to him but rather that you encourage him to halt his lies that weaken the rule of territories lawfully assigned to my father or wife that he resists my annexation of. This fear of his to obey the law and the course that God has chosen prevents us from taking up the Cross and giving battle to the moor or berber that threatens our Church.

    Deus Vult."

    The King then rises, messages sent, and calls together his noble barons and court to attend unto him. The plethora of colours present is indicative of the largest curia regis known to Europe - a hall full of men from court astrologer or physician to Dukes or Marquises whom dominate border fortresses. A respectful hush descends over the crowded room as Henry rises, clearing hist throat and widening his arms.

    "Loyal subjects, men of England and France, Wales and Cornwall, York and Lancaster. Those whom trace their descent from Norman, Saxon, Dane or Gascon. We are here, bedecked in finery and clothed in robes from the east, whilst our peasants starve in their fields! We revel in fine wines and foods while the French harass and murder innocents! We wait, growing fat and lazy, while they raise their levies and train to butcher our families - burn our homes! Does this sound like the actions of men whom claim descent from William the Conqueror, Alfred the Great, Edward the Confessor and more to you? For it does not to me.. This crisis in Aquitaine, of men starving and children weeping must be brought to an end. I have written to the Scottish asking for grain, and each of you barons with grain to spare must make it available to the Crown. In exchange for these grants I cede my claim over Nantes, that territory of the Bretagne, to one of your number - William FitzEmpress! I name him Count of Nantes and grant him the tithes and territories accordant with such. From his territories and those of the Crown in England, from Normandy and Kent, Anglia and Lancaster I raise their levies. These will gather in Rouen."




    - Grain crisis resolution.
    - Levies raised from: London and Middlesex, Normandy, Kent, Anglia, Lancaster and Nantes.

  4. Application: (Not always subject to first come first served)
    Forum Name: ?
    Skype Name: gus.smith4
    Realm/Holding (Please research your choice so that you actually know how to play it): KING OF ENGLAND

    Interesting Fact about your Realm: I am from England.

    Dynasty: Plantagenets.

    Did you read the rules: Nah.

    Brief Rp paragraph to get a feel for how well you can rp said nation:


    Henry II. smirked slightly as he glanced down from his throne to the plethora of courtiers gathered around him - the court a heady mix of exotic colours imported from the south. He had called the meeting today to discuss the current affairs of the Realm - coppers were overflowing with money from the French provinces and the levies were in good spirits. The English were in a great position, and they would not waste it.. Letters were sent to the Venetians, Scottish and Iberian kingdoms - detailing alliances..

  5. Denis hears of the news, a brief frown upon his features as he glances upwards towards the skies and shakes his head; the motion rueful. 

    "He was a Titan of the Faith - bound by oath to the service of GOD. Yet an Ashford all the same - much as Baldwin is.."

    His features contort once more, this time into a harsh scowl, stalking around the Royal gardens before finally making his way to the Felsenic cathedral, joining the congregation in prayer.

  6. Vindicators of the Ashen Dawn

    The Banners of the Ashford Sun






    “The long night of civil strife and insurrection,

    of arduous struggle and toilsome fight,

    of brother fighting against brother has passed;

    for this day, the Ashen Dawn is upon us.”


    Words of Guy de Bar following his ascension to the throne of Oren.


    The Vindicators of the Ashen Dawn, a military order functioning as a banner-force to the House Ashford de Bar, is a nascent band that bears its lineage from the renowned and now defunct Order of Saint Amyas. Following the ascension of their last Grand Master, Guy de Bar, to the throne of Oren it was decided that the group rebrand and reform into a group that pulled away from its origins fighting for the Junavosi holy land and instead serving their liege lord directly.


    Successors to the group that successfully repulsed schismatics, dwed, and insurgencies alike- an Order known for its role in the unification of Humanity, all while being the largest force in Oren for multiple years besides-  the soldiers of the Ashen Dawn hold their heritage in high regard and many still harbour a lust for zealotry and their original purpose. Their patron no longer the Saint of healing, the warband now serves the house that led them to great glory.


    The Vindicators served for the duration of King Guy’s reign, a paltry three years, as the palace guards and bannerforce that the Kingdom relied upon most - present even in his final hours as guards that struck down his assassins when wroth overtook them. Maintaining the banner of Ashford they fought beneath their commander, Denis de Bar, during his days as Duke and then as the heir to Drusco; disbanded by Imperial decree soon after the coronation of John Horen.


    The force coalesced into the Esheveurd Regiment of the newly formed Imperial Army, still underneath their commander, for several years before the eventual abolition of that force due to the incompetency of and bureaucratic strain placed upon the higher echelons of extreme command. Their hearts stilled filled with a reverence for their former King, Guy, and other leaders of Ashford blood whom had commanded their predecessor order and the decision was made to reform. Once more would these war-hardened men take up the banner of Ashford  - for the glory of the House Ashford de Bar.


    Currently housed in the Druscan region surrounding Geldern Keep, the achievements and historical significance synonymous with the Order’s new name is attributed to the house it serves - calling not only upon the prestige of the Knights Lorraine but also the Band of Esheveurd, the predecessors of Ashford with lives worthy of legend, and the prestige gathered by the commanders of the previous order.




    All armigers of the Ashen Dawn are beholden to the commander above them, none more so than those of Ashen Command.  They owe complete loyalty to the Grand Vindicator and are sworn to obey his every command with ardor and efficiency.




    Grand Vindicator


    The Grand Vindicator, often a nobleman of the House Ashford de Bar, is the autocratic archon of the Vindicators who demands the complete loyalty and respect of his soldiers. Typically serving a lifelong tenure in the position they determine the direction of the Vindicators and oversee all aspects of life for the men, their authority graced by the divine right of the King himself. The position is currently filled by Denis de Bar, the first Grand Vindicator of the Vindicators of the Ashen Dawn.




    The Arbiter of the Vindicators is the most experienced scribe and expert on political matters within the force, his expertise lying in diplomatic, economic acumen alongside matters of courtly intrigue. He is often tasked with maintaining records and archives, engaging in politics alongside the Grand Vindicator, maintaining the coffers of the Vindicators and aiding the Knight-Captains in counselling the force’s superlative leader.




    The Knight-Captains, exemplary and fearless soldiers brought up from the ranks of the Knight-Sergeants, are chosen personally by the Grand Vindicator to serve the Vindicators as prestigious commanders.. Skilled commanders and shrewd tacticians with a familiarity for combat and a warrior’s inborn skill, they are entrusted with power over specific vestiges of the Ashen Dawn at the Grand Vindicator’s discretion and work in tandem with the Arbiter to counsel the Grand Vindicator on matters of the banner force.






    Knight-Sergeants are steely men who have spent much of their lives in single service to the cause of the Vindicators with great and incomparable vigor. Born leaders and veterans of conflicts both internal and external, they are chosen from soldiers demonstrating great courage and aptitude as vanguards, thereafter serving as staunch examples of the ideal soldier.  From this collection of puissant and capable commanders, the Knight-Captains are chosen.




    Sergeants are grizzled ensigns and disciplinarians of the Ashford Sun that have risen up the ranks to be true authoritarians, forming the backbone of the auxiliary  fighting force and the greatest motivators to the ordinary enlisted. Stern, and yet imbued with a gruff charisma, the Sergeants oversee standard training whilst also helping new unoathed acclimatise to their role in the Vindicators.






    Bannerets are junior officers, ranking beneath Sergeant and often in training to become one. Not yet possessing the keen finesse of higher rankers, the bannerets of the Ashford Sun lead patrols, reconnaissance missions and smaller-scale training. They are often tasked with small commands such as scouting in battles, and are fresh-faced commanders who have hitherto not been recognized as valuable leaders.




    The elite warfighters of the Vindicators, the vanguard are the valiant warriors that have dedicated their lives to upholding the name of de Bar and serving it completely.  Once a soldier has proven his prowess in battle, he will be ordained such a rank and graced with the prominence accompanying it. Although they wield little authority in way of command, the vanguard are widely respected for their  formidable worth with a blade.






    The physicians, more colloquially known as field surgeons, are soldiers of the Vindicators that have shown a greater affinity for medicine and wound treatment as opposed to their militant comrades. They are tasked with both tending to injuries within their garrison whilst also accompanying fighting forces as field medics - able to operate in even the most stressful environments.




    Stewards are a group of administrators, headed by the Steward Paramount, who aid the Arbiter in administering and tending for areas directly under the Vindicators’ possession. When not engaged in diplomatic missions or administration they are found travelling the roads searching for likely recruits to the force, inculcated with the beguiling allure necessary to draw in unoathed initiates.




    Acting as a liaison between the Vindicators and the Church of the Canon,  a separate cadre of chaplains, monks and priests offer both spiritual advice and aid upon long missions or pilgrimages for the men of the Ashen Dawn. In times of peace they administer sermons to men, reminiscent to the days spent under the guidance of their past Order’s virtues.




    Sentinels are soldiers who excel in their knowledge of the environment and awareness - making excellent watchmen and trackers. Acting as watchmen loosely affiliated with the Vindicators, they are often positioned at locations guarding key areas of influence, barring entry to those that would cause harm and defending the local populace from dissenters.






    Men-At-Arms are the most solid and loyal of all men, their numbers comprised mainly of both loyal and experienced men that form a central core of the Vindicators’ auxiliary. Skilled with formations and in combat, speed and conviction is expected from them when completing any commands given - the loyalty of each man unquestionable.




    Comprised of the unoathed that have proven their worth with obedience and loyalty, the bannermen have been doled out their tabards and sworn their oaths after several grueling tests and skirmishes. These armigers will tend to undergo tough labor and other general tests to further improve their general skill as proven soldiers and servants of the Vindicators, strengthening them both physically and in their conviction to House de Bar.




    The unoathed are the newest additions to the Vindicators, untested and unproven  youths seeking adventure or employ. Observed by higher ranks in how they adjust to the new lifestyle of soldiering, all of the unoathed are expected to undergo multiple laborious trials, training sessions and real combat experience before advancing in the ranks and swearing their oaths.






    Whereas the Knights Lorraine possessed a spoken code of morals and virtues to live by, the Vindicators of the Ashen Dawn hold to their hearts a stricter and lengthier amount of tenets and rules that strictly govern their daily lives and conduct in the presence of others:


    Maintain a chivalric presence, uphold the weak and be benevolent.

    Be always pious, worship and follow the virtues.

    Obey your superiors no matter the command, for the Vindicators flourish with duty.

    Do not harm another Vindicator, nor steal nor lie to them.

    Falter not in the face of opposition for righteous fury guides your blade.

    Remain vigilant always, the life of your brothers is at stake when discretion is cast aside.

    Allow no heretic or heathen to live while he defies the word of God.

    If a man strikes you then you shall strike him back, unless he is your superior.

    Do not dishonour the house of Ashford.




    The Vindicators of the Ashen Dawn, oft known as the Banners of the Ashford Sun for the famous words uttered by Guy de Bar, functions as a military order akin to a heraldic banner force that serves the Grand Vindicator of the Ashen Dawn and, on a larger scale, the Orenian state as an entirety. Their professed goal is to maintain a military force beholden only to the House de Bar and ensure the strength of Humanity.


    The successors to the Order of Saint Amyas, and by extension orders such as the Order of the Griffon, the Knights of the Eventide and the Sons of Owyn, the Vindicators of the Ashen Dawn hold worship often and remain a highly zealous order. Although no longer required, many officers still wear the golden lorraine cross given to them upon their ordainment to a position of authority.


    The coat of arms of the Vindicators of the Ashen Dawn is a flaming golden disc spinning upon a black backdrop, an imitation of both the heraldry of the House Ashford and the personal seal used by Velwyn Ashford, later known as Lucien I. Worn by all except the Unoathed, it signifies the brotherhood of men that makes up the Band.




    The Vindicators of the Aseen Dawn, unlike their predecessors, have only one allegiance: to the House Ashford de Bar. They serve their Grand Vindicator with undying and absolute loyalty and by extension both the patriarch of the house and the King, although they maintain a fierce piety within their hearts no longer are they a holy order.


    The former Order of Saint Amyas has been beholden to four Ashford grandmasters during its span of acclaim: Gwenael, Richard, Adrian, and Guy de Bar. The names of their famed predecessors have garnered an extreme reverence from the men of the Ashen Dawn, further cementing the Vindicators’ loyalty to their liege house.






    Unlike the Order they claim descent from, the Vindicators seek to employ the use of medals and honorifics in the style of groups such as the White Rose. Honours awarded only to the loyalest and bravest of men, they cut a distinction between the average Vindicator that serves the Banners and those whom are truly great men. Based off heroes, houses and events of the past they provide a connection to history itself.


    Taking their inspiration from the Order of St. Amyas beneath the governance of Gwenael de Bar the Vindicators discharge all of the rank Knight-Sergeant or above (Ashen Command) with land when they finally grow old and seek discharge. These estates, located around wherever the Vindicators find themselves based, are often used to help grow families, or even colonies, whose descendants go on to rejoin and once again serve the Ashford Sun.


    As part of their heritage from serving in the Order of St. Amyas many men hold pilgrimages as important ceremonies to undertake - the vast majority of the Vindicators having undergone one, if not more. It is often that these religious journeys yield great returns in fervour, activity and belief that inspire the men going on them to great deeds.


    The rank of Vanguard is one carried over from the previous Order, as is the ceremony - one steeped in meaning and significance. First kneeling, the to-be Vanguard is struck by the Grand Vindicator on the cheek, told that that will be the last blow he ever leaves unanswered. True to such, no Vanguard has ever not fought back after being inducted into the elite cadre.


    All armigers of a rank greater than Unoathed have sworn themselves to the service of the Ashen Dawn in a special ceremony - drawing its inspiration from the previous oaths sworn. They kneel before the Grand Vindicator and swear to uphold the tenets, reaffirming their allegiance to the house they serve and God, before rising and finally being granted the opportunity to wear the tabard.


    Albeit there exists an official rank for physicians, the vast majority of the Vindicators possess a rudimentary knowledge and vague experience of medical work from their service in the Order of St. Amyas -  named after a patron of healing. These skills rarely extend beyond basic surgery work, yet the existence of this organisation-wide knowledge aids greatly.






    Men whom wish to enlist and serve the Vindicators of Ashen Dawn may follow a number of routes:


    1) Send a bird to the Grand Vindicator (stigwig) or visit the fortress of the Vindicators at Drusco, expressing your desire to join.


    2) Post a reply to any of the notices found throughout the Kingdom:



    Minecraft Name:

    Skype Name:

    Do you use TS?:





    Past Experience:

    Why do you desire to serve the Vindicators?:


    By the order of His Majesty, Guy de Bar of Oren.

    It is declared by His Majesty, Guy de Bar of Oren, Grandmaster of the Knights Lorraine and Duke of Drusco that the Order of St. Amyas be disbanded following his ascension to the throne of Oren. This decision has been made to allow the men beholden to the Order for so long to move on to greater pursuits in the name of House Ashford de Bar - or their own. May the men sworn to the Order forever be proud of its name - and the may rest assured they will find a home in the court of Felsen.


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