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Posts posted by _Stigwig

  1. Minecraft name(s):


    stigwig || Vixerunt


    Skype ID:


    gus.smith4 - you probably have it.


    Time zone:


    GMT 0 London


    Have you ever been banned or received a strike?: If so, link the report:


    I’ve never received a ban or a strike report.


    Do you hold / have you held any other staff positions?:


    I was ET for two periods, stretching over a few months, and AT for about the same period.


    What MMORPG/video games have you / do you play? (Past and Present):


    Narrowing it down to the ones I enjoy most I would have to say:


    - Witcher 2

    - Crusader Kings 2

    - Europa Universalis 4

    - Guild Wars 2

    - Starcraft 2

    - Age of Empires 2, 3 less so much.

    - Total War Rome 1 and 2, Medieval, Atilla, Napoleon, some more

    - M&B Warband

    - Civ 5

    - I played WoW for a while                  


    What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member?:


    My primary character is Denis de Bar, a Count’s son, Councillor and commander of the Vindicators of the Ashen Dawn. I would be willing, and enjoy, sacrificing my character if the roleplay and character development generated was useful and positive however would not sacrifice them to become an ET with no/little roleplay attached.


    What race / group do you think your events would best cater to? If none in particular, give an example of the type of group that your events would entertain:


    I have the most roleplay and lore experience with the Human race, and their subraces, but I am constantly attempting to expand my knowledge of other lore. I would aim to provide events that were ‘race-neutral’ often so that all could partake in them and feel that it was evenly aimed. I would like to help work on specific human based lore regarding historical happenings relevant to the race as well as catering for all, however.


    What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?:


    It’s my firm belief that the most important element when either planning or performing an event that it is the players experiencing the event, their characters partaking and their actions influencing it and as thus they should be able to change it through their actions. Even if the person planning the event has a strict storyline for it a player doing an action that was not expected should be allowed to do that and the event should move with it. Events, in my eyes, should be first and foremost for the enjoyment and progression of the players on the server and should be shaped or moulded by them. Although, having stated this I believe that a basic plan for the hook, possible rewards and actions the focus of the event will immediately take are essential. Simply ‘winging’ an event and doing it with no thought into it may result in  the event being quickly derailed or the ET leading it becoming confused.


    As well, the player’s partaking in the event’s enjoyment should be at the very forefront of the event taking place. They should be placed as the ones under fire, as the protagonists and it should mould to their actions. Events, in my opinion, should often be linked into others as smaller storylines: I’ve found these help to give players more immersion in the events happening as well as remembering it far more distinctively. For example, you’re more likely to remember an event where you nurse a wounded horse, then its owner finds you and a second event ensues from that than simply nursing a horse to health and no roleplay being continued from that.


    When was the last time you saw a event?:


    The last event I saw was probably one I did myself around early September - I’ve had little time until now to really delve into different events.


    What strengths could you contribute to the Event Team? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing?:


    I believe my strengths lie in a variation of tasks, namely an ability to produce writing/literary pieces to a relatively high standard (I’ve written quite a large amount of roleplay posts over my time), an in-depth knowledge of human lore and a relatively competent grasp of other race’s lore. As well as this I have experience in the organisation of events, an example being various festivals that I constructed the agenda in and supervised the stages in.


    Why do you want to be part of the ET?:


    I see very few ET Actors actually running events in my timezone, I personally have only taken part in perhaps one or two events set from around 4-10PM GMT (When I would be online most days) in all the time I have been playing on the server. I would enjoy being able to contribute to other’s roleplay and I believe applying for actor in a timezone without many would be able to help achieve this goal.


    Create three distinct RP scenarios/events based on LOTC lore that you would organize. These are pitches to the Managers, not to the community. Note: Not all of the group must be handled at once. Eg: 20+ people via 5 person increments in a dungeon.


    • 1) For 1-3 person:


    This event would be aimed at a primary ‘protagonist’, however there is the capacity for others to help out and join in:


    A small owl, barely out of childhood, is chanced upon a small pathway on the edges of a forest wounded and limping along - unable to fly. The players are there given the opportunity to perform some minor healing work and help it upon its way; there is also the option to then attempt to tame it and the player can form a bond with the animal. Overall it can be far more interesting and productive to character development than a simple combat event and possibly even allow the player to roleplay further with the owl in question.


    • 2) For a group of 5-10:


    This event would be more focused with a small group and aim to include all by not focusing on a primary member but instead hoping to have all work together to achieve the goal.


    A youth in a weather-stained cloak approaches a small party clustered together, seemingly without much to occupy their minds. He quickly tells them of a small cave nearby where an old ‘sorcerer’ stored his small items of worth. After offering to lead them to the location he quickly manages to make himself scarce, leaving them to enter the dingy cave unaccompanied. Upon entering it would be incredibly easy to become entangled or lost, the dead ends numerous. At this point a small combat encounter would occur with a troll that had taken up the area as it’s lair, though the environment would allow the players to quickly overcome it if they think on their feet. After progressing through the cavern for a small distance more they chance upon a larger opening, and if they go through will find themselves in a hollowed out room. Within the room is a thinking/jumping-esque puzzle that relies upon the players deciphering a number of clues. They then have to stand upon certain plates to keep them safe as they cross the room. Upon reaching the other side they discover a small emerald penchant and rusted sword, along with some other small trinkets.


    • 3) For a group of 20+:


    With events of this size I believe that the most enjoyable way to engage the players is a mixture of PvE and RP. Without such it easily sprawls out of control and allows people operating on the fringes of the event to leave bored and disenfranchised.


    An old mage, clearly scared and with little actual ability, manages to find his way into a large metropolis packed with people from all walks of life. He quickly begins to rant of a threatening cabal of mages skilled in necromantic and dark magics inhabiting a squat tower nearby. When followed by a sufficiently intimidating party that wish to combat the burgeoning threat the cabal is posing; the party do indeed encounter such a lair a few short minutes away. As soon as they begin to investigate the outer areas the motley band encounters heavy opposition. This section of the event would be a PvE section with small RP to keep it flowing: after they breach the inner levels it reverts to full RP. The surviving members then have to negotiate a maze filled with pitfalls before breaching the final inner sanctum. After engaging in a final, heated engagement with the evildoers the party leaves triumphant with their feelings of zealtory subsiding and triumph in their victory.


    How long do you plan to stay in the ET?:


    I would stay in the ET for as long as I can continue to provide events that help further other’s experiences.


    Tell me a joke:


    Crime in multi-storey car parks. That is wrong on so many different levels.


  2. God-Given (MC) Name: stigwig

    Chosen (RP) Name: Denis de Bar.

    I was baptized in: Leuvaarden.


    I am - ( x) Baptized ( ) Unbaptized

    I - ( ) Regularly attend mass ( x) Do not regularly attend mass ( ) Have never attended mass.

    I am a(n) - ( x) Noble ( ) Merchant ( ) Worker ( ) Professional Soldier ( ) Unemployed

    I live - ( x) Peremont ( ) A Keep within Drusco (Any) ( ) I am homeless

    If not already baptized, I - ( ) Wish to be baptized ( ) Do not wish to be baptized

    I - ( x) Identify as a Canonist ( ) Follow the Creator, but in another tradition ( ) Do not acknowledge the Creator ( ) Acknowledge the Creator but follow a different deity

    I am - ( x) married ( ) in courtship ( ) not in a relationship

  3. House Name: House Ashford de Bar


    House Patriarch: His Excellency, Count Adrian de Bar.


    Patriarch’s Heraldry (Quarters):




    House Sigil/Motif:




    House Standing: Nobilis antiqui


    House Holdings (If any): The County of Drusco.


    House History (Brief):


    Founded by the third son of the Saintly Lucien I, Gwenael, the House took the name de Bar to denote their heritage from Gwenael's Viscounty of Bar. Gwenael sired a number of children but the most significant to history was his eldest baseborn progeny, Richard d’Aldersberg. Swiftly legitimised by his father he went over to inherit the flagging Order of Saint Amyas and lead its revival through a campaign into the Orcish wastelands, creating the Duchy of Junavos and aiding in the deposition of the Third Empire and the creation of the Fourth. He was slain soon after, leaving his inheritance to his eldest son Adrian who held the titles for some time, moving to Aldersberg, before capture by Orcs. The House went for some time without notice before its revival by Richard’s youngest son, Guy, who governed the Order during his brother’s absence and founded the prosperous City of Leuvaarden. Guy led the Order and his holdings through numerous conflicts, rising in esteem and prestige until his appointment as Lord Chancellor, coinciding with his brother’s return.


    Following the bloody Duke’s War in which Guy, now Duke of Drusco, played a key part, his kinsman Olivier de Savoie, King of Oren, died via misadventure. Leaving no apparent heir, the lords of Oren convened and named Guy the King of Oren, Adrian his Lord Chancellor during the brief reign. Despite laying the grounds for the creation of an Empire Guy was slain by a group of clergyman and holy knights, leaving the throne open for the new Emperor. His son, Sergius de Bar, inherited the titles for some short time but was executed and the titles passed on to the patriarch Adrian, now simply a County.


    Family Tree:



    House Words: Having previously adopted the motto ‘No words but deeds’, the ilk of Ashford de Bar later changed the words of their house to ‘No matter the cost’.

  4. Oscar of Norfolk pens in a short response:


    "As is cited from the Scroll of Virtue in the Canticle of Temperance:


    I am the Lord God without peer, and I grew the first grapes of the vineyard, and put into thy heart the pleasures of the flesh, and gave unto Horen the first wife.


    The Lord gave women as a wife for men, and as such are determined to be subservient. They are permitted to be Abbesses, yet not hold positions of governance over men."

  5. An excerpt from the brief biography detailing the life and times of the Baron Johaness de Wett details Baldwin’s behavioural norms, Denis notes:


    “There he began a clandestinely sodomitic affair with Baldwin de Bar, the Grandmaster of the Lotharingian Order and King Guy’s nephew. For a brief while, the numerous conspirators plotting to unseat the king contemplated including the Baron de Wett in their scheme, however at the last moment they decided against this course of action on account of his growing unpredictability, exacerbated by a descent into alcoholism, his gluttony no longer limited by his wife’s meagre purse. Under Baldwin’s manipulations in a bid to turn the fickle madman against the sovereign, Johannes grew to hate the king for imagined slights, the chief of which being a rumour that Guy had claimed his wife’s maidenhood years prior to their marriage.”

  6. Denis frowns as he receives the missive, twisting to face his father before uttering a reply to the message within.


              "Infighting is never becoming of men; especially between such loyal retainers as this pair. Now is no time for hounds to bay within our door whilst another horde amasses beyond."






    Thin smoke hung over the abandoned battlefield that lay betwixt Brelus and Peremont; carrion circled around the flayed corpses of travellers that fell prey to the bandit groups that inhabited the ruins - armigers that evaded the iron fist of Savoy and regularly burnt and raided poor smallfolk from Summerhall for the meager amounts of riches obtainable from a peasant’s hoard.


    Cracked and rotten logs had been pushed aside and propped against each other to form a crude oaken doorway through which scores of men had traipsed. Dark, ashen helmets atop dark, ashen surcoats - the only light a golden sun on the breast of each and every man - the Ashford sun. The sun that had led a hundred-thousand men to battle in a hundred wars, and led them to victory.


    The corps of men had marched across empty meadows and barren fields, past dying trees and verdant undergrowth that knew only the heavy march of mailed boots; had only ever known the heavy march of mailed boots. Vindicators, men of Esheveurd, soldiers beneath Amador, partisans of Ashford and more. A single, solitary banner had fluttered above the marching force - a field of black. Dark black.


    The centre of this armiger’s column had hid four men: the youthful de Saltpans, thuggish visage brazen; Ser Stonne, wearied and fatigued yet still of a strong build; two footmen elevated from the ranks due simply to their love for their fallen commander, to commemorate his end. Each pair possessed a dull, dark coffin that weighed heavy on the shoulders - coffins that cast off a brooding aura. The coffins of a King, and his son.


    These slabs were laid down before the feet of their brooding commandant, stormy grey eyes cast over the horizon as the force paused for rest amidst a burnt fort that the Adrians had once inhabited. Hard, pursed lips pulled into a characteristically brooding frown as he returned his gaze to the men before him: rows upon rows of men that found their only unifying creed that of Ashford.


    Denis de Bar opened his mouth to speak, and paused. A long pause, drawn out not for the benefit of the crowd but rather his own inner musings. Finally, he spoke - tone hushed and reverent yet also one that rose above the crowd, one that scattered watching birds from the branches of trees.


    “Too many Ashfords have died, whether by battle or sickness or their own cruel hand.

    Sergius, who was butchered by murderers that still walk free;

    Annabelle and Emelie - forced to take their own lives in the fear of others.

    Carden and Adelric, slain by opportunists. Butchered by traitors;

    Ferdinand who no-one knows of anymore, who no one but us will remember.

    Edmond, who was wounded by Adrians and then fell victim to their wicked assault.”


    “Guy.. Guy, who lived not long enough to see his nascent dream realised. Who was slain by men that he trusted. Men that we trusted. Guy, who saw his kingdom torn asunder and his plans ripped away from him. Guy, who died a ‘villain’.”


    “We were the Vindicators then, the men of Ashford. The men of Guy. We have sought vengeance for him, and God himself knows that we have taken it. We knew that our cause was just though; all men have enemies, Guy had many. Yet none of his enemies wronged him so much as in his final hour, in his final breaths! So thus, none of his enemies felt such as those that wronged him did. We avenged him - vindicated him.”


    “His death has distanced us from the ideals that we once held so core to our hearts, the vision that once rested in the forefront of every man of our company’s thoughts. Despair and stagnation made us weak, made us forget who we were and why we were fighting! Now is a time for a return to long lost ideals, a return to our dreams.


    “It is the time for us to once more revere the leaders who led us, whether under the banner of the Lorraine or the Sun to such victories! The men whose names will echo throughout the annals of history as those that twist fate itself around them: Gwenael, Richard, Guy.”


    “Men that do not forget the cause of Guy easily.”


    The subdued warrior stepped backwards at his final words, a silence falling over the crowd of men as if death itself walked in the midst of the milites. Then, a deafening roar. The slam of a thousand fists against breastplates and stamping feet. The growl of a thousand soldiers saluting their fallen, revered, commander.

  8. The news had come by courier to the lands of Drusco, summons from Denis' former subordinate -  a call for knights of the realm to gather within the metropolitan city of Felsen. He had saddled his steed and ridden due east from the fortress of Geldern Keep abreast of Ser Aster, the pair trotting beneath the great arch into the city and making their way to the summit. Denis had dismounted, handing the horse to a waiting page, entering the room that the gathering was being held in and offering a brief nod to Ser Aulfr, awaiting the arrival of the others.

  9. Denis had watched as they fought - the man that had served him and his uncle for so many faithful years finally slain at the hand of his hated enemy, the Vladov. He had watched as his men clamoured for the blood of Kazimir, urged on by the jeering voices of the crowds above. Yet, he had forbade them. His mother was a Vladov, flaxen-haired and kind. He remembered little of her caring face, yet could he condemn one of her cousins to death?


    It did not matter - Kazimir died. The bears had slain each other, and all men who had served and will serve the Ashford sun would know the name of Ser Ragnar. This time, as with the previous deaths that had wrought his life in misery, Denis did not seek solace from the grief in the arms of his wife, but rather on the battlefield; as Ragnar did in his lifetime:


    "To the bitter end, Ragnar."

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