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Status Updates posted by Shadeleaf

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      BLEH :<

      * adds it to another reason she does not like burgers*

  1. http://www.acronymfinder.com/SWAG.html Swag, done the right way~
    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      My personal favorite being sexy white American guy

    1. Mephistophelian


      I am so evil....my first thought was how it must feel for the person inside if you connect car jacks to the tin/aluminium. A bit like a baked potato, no?

    2. Mephistophelian


      My second thought is how on earth someone can move in that, or if anyone is even in that.

  2. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/75334-race-lore-30-ancient-dark-elves/ every dark elf should read this, and the rose now to think of it, excellently written
    1. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      Thanks~ If anyone wants to write up something relevant, I can add it to the main post.

    2. Samoblivion


      Hail Issinardo Klaren!

    1. Bethykinss


      I've already duuun it. Waiting for tomorrow to come :3

  3. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/106310-patch-38-2-death-heads-and-flurs/ If none of you are actualy aware of it, now would be the time to go read up on the new patch.
    1. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      I think people just need time to learn the ropes man. Some people just don't give things a chance.

  4. http://youtu.be/1SyWDt7IWiE I have no life everyone!
    1. Amorphbutt


      That's old news, Arzota.

  5. http://youtu.be/6mIFaAspxvg Good song, good animation, all the better.
  6. http://youtu.be/fGOEQnCtLo8 And with that, I fall into the abyss of slumber~
  7. https://help.mojang.com/ Just incase you want to check why you can't do anything
  8. I think the rest is self explanatory [thank you Toov]
  9. Smile :}
    1. Shadeleaf


      Hope y'all don't mind not sleeping...

    2. Ålastorous


      I hope you realize that I've watched this numerous times, and umm.. yeah- you don't sleep. Thanks for screwing everyone over! ^_^

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