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About Ålastorous

  • Birthday 09/06/1996

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    Mostly music and video games. Though, I can find interest in most things.

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  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ╞General Info╡ - Appearance: ╞ Somewhat skinny and frail. However, not to any concerning degree. Although, his combat abilities are often underestimated due to his physical appearance. He originally had two light, river blue eyes. Unfortunately, he has suffered the loss of his left eye from those associated with slavers. However, his left eye socket was filled some sort of undying ice from a wielder of water magic. Under his eyes, there are pronounced, dark circles from his lack of sleep. Although, for the most part his skin is exceptionally pale and seems almost untouched. His hair, on the other hand, is long, black, and unkept. It, however, has a unique lusciousness to it. His facial expression is usually somewhat, if not completely, blank and/or dull; his posture is poor and slightly hunched over. ╡ - Dress code: ╞ He prefers robe-like or baggy clothes during times when he calls himself 'Riulok Tephony', his false name. Of course, there are exceptions in the type of clothing depending on weather conditions, social situations, etc. However, when he goes by the name 'Ios Reven', he wears a mask upon his face, keeping his visage hidden entirely from those who might approach him questionably. ╡ - Personality: ╞ He uses two separate names to prevent others from keeping track of his whereabouts and activity. He is unreasonably cautious for the most part. This, being part of why he uses two separate names and two completely different dressing styles. Even so, he almost always keeps both of his names a secret with few exceptions and he finds himself telling a numerous amount of lies to keep himself unidentified. Certainly, this prevents him from making many close friends. When he is to speak with others, of course, he acts kind and open minded. Although, he also acts rather socially inadequate, somewhat condescending (Depending on who he speaks with), and typically dull/expressionless due to isolating himself for most of his days, thinking he'd be keeping himself from danger. Not to mention, most of his typical depressed and/or emotionless facial features are due to his severe case of insomnia and a series of terribly unfortunate events from his distant past; it has numbed him to a certain degree. Despite his caution, Ios is overall a decent person. (However, we all have our flaws.) ╡ - Quirks: ╞ He prefers to sit by crouching into his seat while resting the back of his thighs against his heels. (Example: http://www.lichowski.com/01_sketchbook/02_cafe/crouched.jpg ) He has an addictive love for sweet foods such as cake, cookies, and most fruits. While eating his food, he tends to partially toy with it by either gently nipping at the food, rolling his tongue against it, or by perhaps stabbing the food with utensils such as forks. While chewing his food, his mouth typically remains open; he even makes pleased noises while eating and speaks with his mouth full at times. Occasionally, he will suddenly and somewhat rudely call out others on their behavior or make early evaluations on others to their faces. ╡ - Vocal Pattern: ╞ ! Here ! you can hear Ios' vocal pattern. (Voice actor: Alessandro Juliani) ╡ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. ╞ Ios Reven ╡ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Ios Reven False Name: Riulok Tephony Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 24 Height: 6'1
  3. My reaction to seeing familiar faces after returning to the server again: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9je0a2DHh1rpeton.gif

  4. 5/10 I made you a skin once for a character you'll probably never use. Haha.
  5. So yesterday my father happened to be drunk. He tends to be bi-polar and completely out of line when he's drunk so- just putting that out there. Anyway- What would you do if one of your parents purposefully dumped left over cut grass all over the driveway and sidewalk just so you had to clean it up? (We're talking A LOT of cut grass)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ålastorous


      @Jarkarll Funny- That's actually what I did.

    3. Merkaken


      Suck it up and dump it on your parents bed. Or in their clothing... Or just whack your father upside the head with a beer bottle.

    4. 3andD


      Clean it?

  6. So would a true friend invite you to his house, not tell you that he invited his girlfriend, ignore you the entire time, pay all the attention in the world to her? Would a true friend blame you (In such a rude way) for excluding yourself from the group if HE ignored you for hours and hours? I honestly don't understand people sometimes.

    1. CommunistSpy


      Bah, friends? You just need a cat.

    2. Nug


      I got two cats, I'm popular. ^3^

    3. argonian


      I'd have pretended I had to go and just leave if I felt I was being completely ignored and was literally doing nothing but just walking around bored.

  7. So my mother had said that chocolate is better than.. this certain activity between two loved ones.. that takes action usually after all of the kids in the house have gone to bed... >_>

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ålastorous


      I.. well.. I blame my lack of sleep.

    3. Arkelos


      Better then Pattycake?



      Sometimes the kids don't go to bed, they are playing pattycake just like the parents.

  8. 8/10 Yep. I've seen you around quite often.
  9. Do you enjoy heavy metal music? Probably not.. HOWEVER! If you happen to enjoy it, I've found a pretty cool band. Check 'em out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv54mix4ANY

    1. Tee-Tree


      Do you like Techno? Well If you do check out this guy http://www.youtube.com/user/waterflame89

  10. Whoever posted a somewhat rude comment on one of my Youtube videos, I don't particularly appreciate it. And yes, I know it was someone from here.

  11. Should be sharing a video of the guitar competition preformance I did the other day. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it. hehe.

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