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Status Replies posted by maxkenny23

  1. Chivalry: Medieval Warfare released. Brothers! Sharpen your swords! We march to war!

  2. All in favour of bringing back more player models, say "aye".

    1. maxkenny23


      why did MPM get taken off of hawk's mod pack? :P

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  3. All in favour of bringing back more player models, say "aye".

  4. Day 6...or is this seven? Anyway it's been too long without my beloved lotc

  5. I can tell Anvil's in the new update will be quite useful. More purpose to Blacksmith's and working guillotine .o.

  6. Is LotC still down?

  7. Who here has played the PC game: Game of Thrones? How is it?

  8. So, what happens when 3.0? Do we have to re-apply, do we lose all our stuff?

  9. I am sorry people of LOTC, I am sorry patrick, and I am mostly sorry to the people I have hurt in this transaction.... Forgive me....

  10. My cat just died in my arms while I was petting him...

  11. Posted in Wandering skin, App is now done, just need a skin! SO EXCITED.

  12. Oh sexuallobster, you so funny.
  13. Je suis le canard! 50 minas to the first person who can translate it!

  14. Je suis le canard! 50 minas to the first person who can translate it!

  15. Is there a mod that makes player models short, tall, etc? Like to make gobbos short and stuff? :P

  16. I've started noticing an odd trend. In periods where I have lots of schoolwork the server always seems to go down, then come back up when it's over...

  17. We're about to move to the new host, we'll all have plenty of LOTC very soon! It's all going to be ok!

  18. He's about to jump...

  19. He's about to jump...

  20. Thank you all so much for helping me reach 2,000 Subscribers on YouTube. I am so thrilled to be part of an awesome community. You guys rock. Stay tuned for the 5th year and 2k video

  21. We're gonna get mentioned on the YogsCast Youtube this month, man the gatehouse - app team!

  22. Just got hit by a huge wave of nostalgia. No matter what anyone tells me, Aegis will always be LotC's finest moments.

  23. Newest snapshot seems great, I approve of item naming.

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