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Mr. Etan

Ender VIP
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Status Updates posted by Mr. Etan

  1. Whats /Sleep/, I've never heard of it.

  2. Whats causing all the crashes? 3.0 and 3.5 being up? Or whose world editing towns to cake.

    1. sprintindwarf 2

      sprintindwarf 2

      I was causing it first. Now I'm not sure

  3. When I was one hit killed by Sparkles, I felt pretty antagonized..

  4. When you think about it, It actually works.

  5. Where does one find tent kits again?

  6. Who wants to sing sea shanty's with me?

    1. KarmaDelta


      "Oren on the sea, sucks at PVP....."

    2. BartOhYeah


      Karma struck gold!

    3. Ford


      "Urguan on the rocks, having pocket GMs dupe blocks..."

  7. Why do I feel like we're going to be spending a month on Thales.

    1. Original


      Because we are.

    2. Hydra


      A month lol this is 4.0 the mods have not told you yet XD

    3. The Lion

      The Lion

      As a past builder for 4.0, Hydra is right. HAIL HYDRA!

  8. Why does everyone freak out over used land. :C

    1. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      Because, you see this dirt? I inherited that dirt from my great great great great grandad. And I ain't going to let some no good savages take it!

      Also I have no idea what you're talking about.

  9. Why is the rum always gone?

    1. Alu


      *Burps, damn why'd he drink all the rum?*

  10. Wot are you doing GM's?! What could you possibly be doing causing the server to crash? :(

  11. Would using glitched armor that has no speed debuffs be against the rules?

    1. Lago



    2. Galendar


      no rules against it!!!!!!!!!

    3. IrishPerson


      Abusing a glitch would be against the rules.

  12. Yar - Har- Fiddleh Dee.

  13. Yes! Yes! Creator Yes!

  14. Yo ho an' a bottle o' crash

  15. Yo ho an' a bottle o' rum

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