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Status Replies posted by Kairn.

  1. I know of only two Dwarf characters in service to human lords, and both of them serve Lord Dalejin in the wilds. Are there any others out in Anthos?

  2. "The Sun is 330,330 times larger than Earth."

  3. Dat feel when you end up Rping with yourself. ;-;

  4. burz-da-what-the-what-kum-kwatz.

  5. Big'ol picnic, hosted by yours truly; Adunia. Date - Soon!

  6. So...Who else is thinking about going to see Equestria Girls in theatres? I might. Don't judge me, I like my ponies.

  7. I have a feeling that that server broadcast about heavy winds was for khel and his glorious hair

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