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Status Replies posted by Propheteer

  1. hello everyone; doubt most remember me, but here I am! Quick question for y'all; what kind of reception would a roman-style nation get around here in terms of interest? Don't know how I could make it lore-friendly but if enough ppl like it I could try

    1. Propheteer


      Unless you become pre-Robespire, and incorruptable, you will fall to the same fate of present-based Oren.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Terraria or Starbound? So many new games to buy.

    1. Propheteer


      Terraria, Starbound is still glitchy and buggy.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Good ideas for a character?

  4. Happy Yanks-Beat-Brits-With-Help-Of-Spain-France-Netherlands Day!

    1. Propheteer


      I only like independence day for the food, and fireworks. Other then that... Nothing really XD

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. Just like to say that I hope everyone has an awesome time with family and friends in the US for 4th of July!

  6. Anthos is secretly Aegis.

  7. Tomorrow is the best day of the year, I'm so excited! #murica

  8. I feel sorry for the Humans who are actually good RPers, them PGers give y'all a bad name.

  9. +w+ I wish I was better at skin-making/editing ... //Craisevrytiem

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