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Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

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Status Replies posted by Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

  1. Hrm...Kinda bored...The Rp I wanted to do didn't happen....And I'm not sure what to do now...

    1. Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Megu, I got the tavern open, hopefully [since you seem to RP during my afternoon], I can run into you RPly and have you on board :3

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. - Gotta love this song
    1. Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Pimping your metal upon my ears, I dare say you shan't succeed :3

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Just came back from my 'lil break. Don't know where to rp now, ideas?

    1. Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Baconthief, what if I suggested the Teutonic Order since I am returning ;)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. Doesn't anyone have any quests to go on anymore? Just kinda sitting here atm doing nothing really...

    1. Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      LOL Fuq yo squad Blunder, I never made 'grind and collect' quests :P

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  5. Doesn't anyone have any quests to go on anymore? Just kinda sitting here atm doing nothing really...

    1. Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      They need to enable NPCs, I would have set up probably 50 quest-lines by now.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  6. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who were the three rulers of the Kingdom of Renatus?

    1. Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      You all need to remember, Gaius never ruled Renatus; rather I had a very short rule of Oren.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. Master Undead Subudai Horse Archer Horde with Enchanted Bows Power III, Punch III

  8. *Sighs* I can't seem to figure out why I don't want to Rp anymore. It's jsut hard to motivate myself to get online...

  9. Need a debate with makka settled. Are there any sort of elephant on LotC. (Any kind of elephant at all)

  10. Sigh. Back to being without purpose. I suppose I should brainstorm, no clue what to do on here anymore.

    1. Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      There is a reason why Im going for GM, Im burned out on RPing. I do a better job actually assisting people now then actually playing a character. The bases are loaded in this baseball game, hence my going 'ref'.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. Just curious, is M&B Fire and Sword an add-on to either Mount & Blade or Warband, or can I just buy Fire & Sword solely and play that?

    1. Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Well see, I bought Warband a very long time ago and did so through TaleWorlds, but now I can't get the .exe without buying it AGAIN on Steam :( Any help in this manner?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. Just curious, is M&B Fire and Sword an add-on to either Mount & Blade or Warband, or can I just buy Fire & Sword solely and play that?

    1. Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Cool then, because it is cheaper than Warband for some odd reason lol

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. SuperSodaPops and the LotC community, I solemnly agree to a. Not post any .gifs that can be scrutinized as lewd, although I reserve the right to post light-hearted and non-sexually funny .gifs as per my infamy and b. To not post any satire, even in the debates forum... Yes, that includes Boondocks

  14. SuperSodaPops and the LotC community, I solemnly agree to a. Not post any .gifs that can be scrutinized as lewd, although I reserve the right to post light-hearted and non-sexually funny .gifs as per my infamy and b. To not post any satire, even in the debates forum... Yes, that includes Boondocks

    1. Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      PS: I am not angry or agitated about you pointing that out SSP, but I see where I can make a change to be more appropriate and am willing to do so.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Should I make a thread bringing up a discussion of undergaming?

    1. Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      I actually never heard that term before, what is 'undergaming'?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  16. I was singing a Japanese song at work and all of my coworkers were staring at me. Awwwwwwkward!

  17. Sorry for the way I acted. But it makes me upset when the only reason to look forward to and the only reason to keep going is flushed down the crapper.

    1. Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Well hot damn Herald, glad to see someone else capable of that!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. I'm getting pretty pissed at dsdevil's ban. Now that she's gone, everything planned for my character and everything I've plan to bring the server just went down the toilet. A lot of players plans are ruined.

    1. Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Sorry, let me correct myself, he is acting silly over Meguzara due to what is happening in a video game or revolving around one. Come at me :3

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  19. I'm getting pretty pissed at dsdevil's ban. Now that she's gone, everything planned for my character and everything I've plan to bring the server just went down the toilet. A lot of players plans are ruined.

    1. Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Shouldn't build plans of faulty players who become way too addicted and thus act out ridiculously over a simple video game.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  20. Gee, I wonder who banned Ds from the server. >.>

    1. Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Dsdevil raged over a video game and revealed that he had stressful hate towards the player 'Meguzara'. It shouldn't be tolerated, if a video game does that to you, its a disappointing thing and we had to remove dsdevil from his drugs :3

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  21. Alright, someone wanna explain to me why DsDevil's forum account appears to be banned as well as why he's banned in-game? o_o

    1. Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Dsdevil raged over a video game and revealed that he had stressful hate towards the player 'Meguzara'. It shouldn't be tolerated, if a video game does that to you, its a disappointing thing and we had to remove dsdevil from his drugs :3

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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