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Everything posted by z3m0s

  1. My motivation, helps me slip into a mining trance for hours on end.
  2. Some Dwarven mining tunes for your ears. ~For the people~ KalCo™ is brought to you by Kalviin Ireheart and hopes to bring you all the mining goods your heart desires and your pockets can afford. Also available are all your blacksmith needs and Stonemason needs. Enlightened miner - Legendary blacksmith - Legendary Stonemason - Adept Enchanter I have a ridiculous amount of ores stored, gold/emerald/glowstone in many stacks of blocks and iron and diamond in smaller proportions due to higher demand. So I am happy to fill any orders of anything to do with mining given the right amount of time and money. Speaking of money I will not be listing fixed prices as I would like to cater to anyone and everyone, new comers are welcome to find me in Urguan in the Iron Honor for free picks to start off with and some free repairs and advice. For smaller transactions that allow for it I would like to roleplay, non fitting and larger transactions if need be can be arranged ooc. Prices will vary between the size of your order and the money you have available to you. (Rank one /money top will be charged slightly more then someone running off /vote for their income if that doesn't go without saying) Don't hesitate to let me know if you are struggling and need a cheaper price, I am more then happy to help you out where possible. feel free to come to me with offers from someone else and ill do my best to beat them if I can. Armour crafting will require leather sets as I don't stock any myself. Credit to Koralon (Medvekoma) for the name idea. We are both currently sharing first/second place on /sk miner top with no other competitors so we are without a doubt your best bet for goods and services, you can find Medvekoma here - Have a nice day.
  3. plez

    1. ToodIes


      I'll be home soon, worry not 

  4. Mob spawns in the mining world are prohibiting players from mining and I think it should be removed.

  5. Nice feeling being the only one on the server with a skill in Enlightened.... I need help...

  6. Song of the day....


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. z3m0s


      I hate to inform you but this isn't a radio station and this my friend is Jamiroquai? And quite frankly it feels just like it should.

    3. Rael


      if i was asking you a question i would have put a question mark

    4. z3m0s


      If you finished with a full stop I wouldn't of taken it that way. <3

  7. try logging in now guys, apparently someone got in...

  8. When you hit that time of day when you lag so much you can't play....

  9. Sell me on why I should make a persona of a certain race... GO!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. z3m0s


      Ive never played any of those hahaha what do you mean of any value you though? haha

    3. mmat


      Only active races

    4. z3m0s


      Truue, others are kind of struggling

  10. All good things come to dwarves who mine...

  11. Anyone selling some RP? I need a quick hit

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. z3m0s


      Very well, state a time and location so I can ignore it and choose my own.

    3. garentoft


      Time; Now

      Location; Bedroom

    4. z3m0s


      The deed is done! It will be a week from now, on the top of mount doom.

  12. Ive been out of action for three months on the server... Any info on what I have missed?

    1. Doug


      Oren unfortunately still stands.

    2. Taketheshot


      Fortunately the Dreadlands wont in a few weeks.

    3. z3m0s


      I am disappointed...

  13. Your Name? Kalviin Ireheart Your profession(s)? Miner Place of Inhabitant? Hobo ((Skype?)) Drizz1e
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