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Posts posted by Da_Emperors

  1. It was a normal night in the Selm Palace as Sir Ledicort d‘Azor would work into the night. His aid would bring him a report from the Imperial State Army as he saw the contents, he would quickly rise from his seat as he looked out to his window. “Let the scum run with there tail between there legs, they have no courage to even stand in battle for there beliefs.” He chuckled to himself, “Traitors, Scum, and Cowards — can not even fight for what they stood for, which was very little.”

  2. Sir Ledicort d’Azor would grind his teeth at the report that was placed to him from the Major. “How is it that they could stand with Sedan, for what purpose to support these traitorous scum when treaties are in place.” He would arise and head off towards his office within Selm Palace. 

  3. Sir Ledicort d’Azor would stand on the mountainous terrain as he shoveled into the ground. He would launch the mixture of pebbles, dirt and vegetation towards the pile behind him. A aid would come to his side as he handed Ledicort a missive of the Conservative party. He would chuckle as his eyes scanned over the parchment.


    “From the Nationals you had begun your hopes of elected office. To the Josephites you ran for your chance in the House of Commons in which you lost, and now you see it within your reach to create a political party?”


    He would shake his head as he placed the parchment down and moved to take in a drink of water, the sun striking brightly above as he labored on the land. 

    “Hardly anything you claim holds Conservative values for the Empire. You are better a Josephite that wishes to shred the history of the party in which you aline too. Chairwoman Edith Hope, may God bless your endeavors, for I believe they are destined to fail.”


    With that, he would pick up the shovel once again and move to take out another section of soil. 

  4. Ledicort would take the letter from his aid as he remained in the Selm Palace offices. He would look to see Ophelia's seal upon it as he would open the parchment carefully. His first thought was to appreciate her penmanship as the light smile upon his face would quickly fade. His jaw would lock as he further gripped the letter -- emotions would soon pour as a trickle of tears would fall from his face. The aid would look to him with question as he would rise from his seat. He took a few steps towards the exit of his door as the assistance called out his name; however, the only action that would follow would Ledicort slamming the coat hanger into the wall. And with that he left the room.


    Upon exiting Selm Palace he looked down the street to the Wick family manor, he would think of the memories between the late meetings, to the National Party dinners, to all the trials and rewards that had taken place. He looked at the door for a moment thinking if he should enter, but he stood in silence for some time longer -- thinking of how Ophelia van Wick and the Nationals had impact him and all he stands for to the day. "In just a decade, you had left such an impact to me...." He would shake his head as he walked further down the streets of Providence.


    At the entrance to the La Fleur Theatre he stood for what may of been hours. He would shake his head the dried tears would mix in with the fresh. The light patches of snow from the winter season remained under his feet in the cold, fierce night. He whispered to himself, 

    "Ophelia van Wick, she was a daughter of the Empire not by birth, but by labor, service, dedication and consideration. She has served the Empire to the highest of degrees and shall be remembered not only one that has held the law as the highest regard but one that has held the Empire's people to the highest standard. Her memory shall be placed to concern of the welfare of the many and the service to all. May Ophelia van Wick be remembered for being a caring mother, a dedicated servant, and a person whom the next generation can aspire to."

    He would hold still for a few further moments as he added,

    "I promise, I will not go back on my promises to you, to Henry, to any of you. I shall keep each and every one of them -- and honor your memory. Take rest in the seven skies, Ophelia van Wick."


  5. Ledicort d’Azor would smile as he would read the missive. He would gesture towards the storage units in the warehouse, “Jonathan, deliver containers filled with bread and food to the collection point. Kaphro Azor and Company shall aid in any way we can.”

  6. Ledicort d’Azor would hold onto Sir Henry Marshall’s hand as he would remain still, seeing the life from the man fade away. His fragile mind would shift further and further from sanity as the mix of anger, rage and sorrow would tear at him from every angle. As Henry passed. Ledicort would lose his ability to keep control, he would curl his fingers into a fist as the emotions would slip. He slammed the fist into the wall as he screamed, “HENRY!!!” The fist would break into the wood as a trickle of blood would pour from his knuckles as his fury continued.


    After some time he would compose himself as he would inch closer to Henry and lower himself to his level upon the table. He would sign the Lorianee cross and move to take an emblem of such and place it upon his chest. He would move his hands to hold it upon his chest as he then whispered. “Sir Henry Marshall, the Holy Orenian Empire shall remember you as a man of the highest honor, courage and dedication to our country. Your name will live forever in the texts for what you have given -- everything.” He would pause for a few moments another tear would trickle down, his face would be mixed with the dried and fresh alike. “You were as if a father to me, took me in the second, you given me aid in my most trying times, and you blessed my union to Juliana and crafted the very rings we shall pass to our children for when they wed.” He would move to wipe the dried tears as he would hold back, “I love you comrade, I shall never let your name fade……..Sir Henry Marshall.”

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