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Posts posted by Da_Emperors

  1. Sir Ledicort d'Azor, Viscount of Azor, would offer his vote towards the case. He would remain silent as he left the chambers and the stand as he walked to his home in private. He would whisper to himself, "May God forgive you for your sins, and may the Barony of Carrington come to the light of God." 

  2. Meeting after meeting, document after document, war plans - city affairs and all of the like took the Archchancellor’s day. Just as the man would move to take a few moments of rest, an aide would bring forth a missive from his very son Leon. A sharp smile took on his face as he felt energized to the take on the next challenge. “Leon my boy, shall you continue to impress your father and your country.” He would smile as he asked for the next file to be brought before him. 

  3. At the d’Azor estate, the Viscount would read the missive as he shook his head in disgust. “To make such a claim over your own kin is but a rather large statement, but to pen it to a public letter, and that without even using the Imperial calendar to seal the message...all sorts of foolishness.” The Lord would arise from his seat as he would then place his suit jacket on. “First the Othamans. Very well, now the Carringtons — let us see how the House of Lords react.”

  4. Sir Ledicort d'Azor would smile as he took look at the missive. "The Carrington and Company had given me work when I was but a pup. I had tolled many years in service and earned a fortune that added in the establishment of not only my own business but also that of my House. I am most pleased to see Beryl continue the legacy of this proud company. Shall God bring them success, as I know that he shall strive to restore it's legacy to proper standing."

  5. e3qrN_FfmO8Mt5GtlvoHa3jIuEerng1On4aio1BfgGGR9ureJRHNzAk9PID27RwYHtQmGrCTZvoUnawSecdPkQLPXuFD9ZOJnnXqLKUJwM0hmyluaHgyJ57Sgopb9wz83dFmPl9M

    The Azor Ministry 






    Upon the retirement of His Imperial Excellency, Archchancellor de Sarkozy, Ledicort d’Azor was called before the Emperor to fill that vacancy and form a government. Accordingly, this new d’Azor Ministry is accorded similar responsibilities to the previous: managing the day-to-day affairs of state and earning the confidence of the Imperial Diet. It will also address new challenges. In response to the outbreak of the Tenth Nordling War, the former Vice-Chancellor now oversees the transition from peacetime to wartime. To achieve this, he has established a cabinet that represents views from throughout the Empire, comprising its brightest and most talented minds. In uniting these individuals, the d’Azor Ministry forms a government that is not only capable of ending the war, but governing the peace that will follow. 


    Archchancellor d’Azor is assisted in this mission by former Josephite party leader and current Vice-Chancellor, Keaghan Armas. Though the two men first encountered each other during spirited debates on the floor of the Diet, they did not meet in a personal capacity until a gathering at Selm Palace in 1816. At that time, just as during the earlier Revolution of 1800, unity and compromise were at the forefront of public interest. After discussing their mutual ideals, the Archchancellor d’Azor extended a hand of friendship to the former President of the Commons, Armas, by selecting him as his Vice-Chancellor. In doing so, he observed a tradition of bridging party lines through the Chancellery, first established in the prosperous cabinet of Emperor Joseph II. The two men shared a bottle of Carrion Black as they discussed what their government must be equipped to handle, and together filled the remaining vacancies in the Cabinet.


    The modern Chancellery abjures the interests of political parties or favorites. It now comprises the most capable and devoted of servants, each of them ready to rise to the challenges that the Holy Orenian Empire shall face today, tomorrow, and thereafter.


    “One God, One Empire, One Emperor.”



    The Archchancellor, His Imperial Excellency, Sir Ledicort d’Azor @Da_Emperors


    The Vice Chancellor, His Imperial Excellency, Keaghan Armas @SortedJarhead


    The Secretary of Foreign Affairs, His Excellency, Sir Varon Draskovic @6xdestroyer


    The Home Office Secretary , His Excellency, Sir Virgil DeNurem @Maur


    The Treasury Secretary, His Excellency, Henry Penton @CharmingCavalier


    Solicitor-General, His Excellency, Charles Galbraith @sergisala




    The Director of Civil Affairs, Her Excellency, Princess Josephine Augusta @VIROS


    The Director of the Secret Service, His Excellency, Sir Anthony Basrid @BobBox


    The Secretary of War, His Excellency, General William Darkwood @DarkWrath94


  6. The Archchancellor would smile as the two monarch's names would be signed upon the bottom of the Treaty. "May God smile that the Canonist's remain true to our faith and peace."  He would move to the Emperor's chambers to speak of the progress upon the warfront. 

  7. “In this is the duty of all Canonists to be able to answer the call and protect the faithful in there time of need, especially against the Pagans who seek us harm. Shall we overcome any effort against our faithful.” Ledicort would welcome the virtuous Canonists back into the capital as they enter heroes.

  8. Early in the morning Ledicort d’Azor would move down to the breakfast table as he would pick up the missives from the previous day. His kids would be around the table or off to tackle the challenges of the day. Once the first missive of the new political party would be seen, his grand start to the day would all but over. The displeasure was rather shown as his eldest would ask,“What’s wrong father?”


    The veteran of old would reply, “Son, we offer the freedoms of assembly and thought within our Empire. Any man or woman is capable of organization as long as the law is upheld within our lands under the will of God and Emperor.” He would pause, “And from time to time we see parties form that may isolate or hope to cause rift within our most Holy Empire. I believe that we may see yet another party of this kind to form. But it is up to you, the blacksmith, the Solider and the common man to make sure that Oren shall not fall to ways of barbaric nature my boy.” He would move to shake Joseph’s hair as he then would stand, place upon his suitcoat, and head off to the Augustine Palace to seek audience with the Emperor for the day’s briefing. 

  9. Archchancellor Ledicort d’Azor would remain seated in the War Office as he would hold a Carrington & Company Cigar with his left hand. His eyes would look to the clock and then to the table — tapping his fingers against the table as he awaited. When the cheers began outside of walls for the return of the victorious soldiers he would offer a light smile to those around him in the room.


    ”Another one bites the dust.” 

  10. Archchancellor d'Azor stood before the ranks of the victorious men and women that stood bravely against the Pagans upon the eve. He would sign the Lorianne upon thanking the Cardinal for his aid. 

    "Soldiers, let the noose drop!" He would shout!

    And with that another Pagan fell, with the blood placed to the King of Norland's hands. 

    "Has he not made his people suffer enough?!" He would shout once more to the masses. As they echoed the courtyard with there outcry -- and support against the unjust ruler. 

  11. Archchancellor Ledicort d'Azor would read the words of the citizen Natalie Beaumont as he offered a smiled. The words over the parchment would bring to joy. He would raise himself from his seat as he would whisper to himself, "The Holy Orenian Empire shall hold the beat from each citizen's heart. We are a nation united together to defend our traditions, our religion and our way of life itself. May GOD bless you Natalie, and our most Holy Empire. All glory to GOD and for our nation." He would then move off to the Augustine in which we would prepare the eve's duties. 

  12. “Rally to her call comrades! Shall each man and woman capable and willing raise blade for our homeland! Let not a single Pagan enter our lands and seek to harm our people!”  The Archchancellor would move forward to the Bastion as we would move to aid signing up members of his family.

  13. “The Orenian people are united under God, and our Emperor, for the preservation of our posterity and welfare for our people. Shall we continue to seek for such being and the betterment of the realm as a whole.” The Archchancellor would speak to his family around the dinner table as the missive would be placed before him. He then signed the Lorianne as he offered a smile and the night continued. 

  14. Upon the arrival of the news Ledicort would sign the Lorianne upon his chest. He whispered, “Your Imperial Majesty, you were a humble and benevolent ruler. Your wisdom and guiding hand has driven the Empire to see new heights. Shall you take rest in the Seven Skies and find peace knowing your rule was one with achievement. Your son, His Imperial Majesty, John Charles, shall continue on where you have left off — and all of Oren United by his side for the cause of our Holy Orenian Empire.”

  15. A life of servitude was said to be all that is given to servants of Empire. A life that is placed to concerns, trials and dedication to that in itself and nothing more. Ledicort knew this. Ophelia knew this. William knew this. Yet -- They had all given such to course. 


    Ledicort would be seated at his desk as he pondered such thoughts from time to time. His dearest friends, comrades and fellow Nationals one by one had fell to poor health or elsewise. As he would think of such sad memory his aid would come into his office within Selm Palace. As he news was given -- the emotion was pour out. He thought not to break the coat hangers or scream into the abyss as when the news was given from Ophelia's passing; rather, he would remain still upon his seat as he looked forward to the closed door upon there leave of the room. 


    Ophelia. William.


    His mind raced, "How poor of a friend -- of a comrade -- of a man. . .am I?" 


    He would close his eyes as a single tear would drip from his left eye. "Shall I lose all that stood with me? Shall I forever live in the thoughts of how I have failed Ophelia and you, dear William." He would arise from his seat after a long blistering hour of silence to himself.


    A life of servitude was said to be all that was given to servants of the Empire. Ledicort would look to the window as the dark clouds would began to form and drips of rain would begin to trickle down from the gray clouds.


    A life of servitude, it was a life that Ophelia van Wick had lived -- and it was a life that William Theodore Auburt had lived as well.


    "Shall God keep you and see you to the Seven Skies my dear friend, I had only wished to be a better friend and brother to you while you had remained within reach. I shall hope you forgive me if I am to see you upon the end. Shall Ophelia and yourself find peace and happiness."




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