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Status Updates posted by Teemo

  1. Don't you just hate when the event is said to be bringing rp to your group and then the event decides to turn the whole sever on them instead in theory almost whipping them out. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      10 minutes into ice tea and chill and PD gives you that comment

    3. excited


      ice tea = the ****

    4. Gone


      That is rp, they never said what kind of rp you'd get.

  2. severino why you do thisarino... I can't even get back on

  3. severino Why you do this to us

  4. I have been vip for since july 21 yet i still don't have it on the fourms

    1. blindmind


      Technically, I've had iron VIP for 3 years, but eh, w/e.

  5. Happy 4 of july MURIKA!!!

  6. Why 4.0 why you be so troll?

  7. Why server Down?

  8. "You are who you love not who loves you" quote by Senira

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aedan The Bard
    3. Ivran


      Pretty sure those are Fallout Boy lyrics.

    4. Teemo


      Maybe it is maybe it isn't *looking suspiciously around

  9. "You are who you love not who loves you"

  10. I am reading the book "A wizard of Earthsea" am realy want to write a magic lore for the style of magic in the book, If you have read it What do you think

    1. gam


      IIRC the lore team is not accepting any new magic types at this time.

  11. Today marks m being on the sever for a full month

    1. Ventusyr


      Happy Anniversary!

  12. I am now the Minor treasurer of Abresi

  13. I sorry to everyone that was at my event. It was not planed to go that way and i will make you like the with the next event

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