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Everything posted by Archbishop

  1. I had quite a few plans and partys for today but since the servers has been down for christmas i guess they're ruined :L

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Archbishop


      Either way krugsmas was ruined for all, night.

    3. dank
    4. FlareGunCalamity


      They aren't down.

      No one is whitelisted, though.

  2. whitelist please

    1. Mystery


      The server is under maintenance. Wait

    2. Archbishop
  3. Are you going to give us an update on the progress?

  4. teamspeak why you take so long getting security level :-:

  5. Any update on the progress of the update to 1.7.2

  6. Erm th 1.7.4 john smith grass is horrible 3

  7. So server still down trying to convert to 1.7.4?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Archbishop


      Its not night for me though... its morning...

    3. paulie


      It's morning here too, us English lads shouldn't be bothered. Sadly Tel had something to do and was tired so he went to sleep. If it ain't up by atleast 3pm here I'll be damned.

    4. Archbishop
  8. The end of krugsmas is nigh!

    1. Archbishop


      Bring chairs back in 1.7.4 since mpm is now gone

  9. Have fishing nets been fixed yet?

  10. Actualy ignore my application as i just noticed the timezones and i won't see you much as im gmt
  11. Mc-name : Adam_barnett Applying for : Sungho Snow Skin : I can't make skins so if i could have one made i'd like it very much Why : I want to have fun roleplay, i've never replayed with such a big family i feel it would be very fun Are you willing to follow through with the OOC conditions : Yes i am more then willing to set up and run a buisness
  12. So the forums have decided not to let me paste stuff into topics like applications, do i really have to do all the coding and things to get the font and colour right for me va before i post it?

    1. argonian
    2. Suika


      If you have it typed out, you can edit the words using the full editor, it allows you to edit the color just by pressing buttons. Also if you have the application saved as a PDF or image you can simply upload it onto an image hosting website like imgur(dot)com and linking it by pressing it "insert image" button on the rich text editor.

  13. MC Name: Adam_barnett RP Name include previous titles: Leoncas Feather Rank/Class applied for (Be specific): Keeper Timezone: GMT Skype: adam_barnett99 Why do you wish to join OOC/RP reasons: Leoncas has spent a long time looking for a guild like this where he can use his skills of farming and fighting. Leoncas has been willing to join the wolvengard ever since he met ((drazker)). He has been practising his skills before he wrote this application hoping he wouldnt be ready to join the wolvengard, he would be devoted to serving the wolvengard. He has took part in a number of battles although he does not like to he knows its his duty to help in these battles. Who recruited you/ Who can vouch for your attitude and skill? ((If none then put N/a)): N/A
  14. So much for "should be fixed now"

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