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Posts posted by ChonGojDragonski

  1. Erm, I'm sorry but I must downvote this. I've seen him Roleplay before and I personally believe that he does not only have a lot to work on but he needs to work on his Out of Character attitude as well before being accepted as a memebr of the Event Team. Just my own personal oppinion. I would not trust him at all to be a member of the staff, especially if the Roleplay that I have seen from him today is indicative of anything.



  2. Do you play a sport? - I play three.

    What sport do you play? - Football, Wrestling, and Track (Diskus.)

    What role/position do you play in the sport if there is any? - I am a D Linemen, 182 Weight Class, and dunno for Diskus.

    What do you play for a/e A middle school? High school? University? Town, club anything really. - High School

    How long have you played? - This has been my first year for every single sport.

    Why do you play? - I like the adreline I get and it really helps me stay healthy. I was always a physical guy, and I got into fights a lot. It god bad enough to the point where I was almost expelled once. Sports allow me to let out some of that anger and energy in a productive way. It also helps me meet new people/make friends, and deal with my insomnia.


    Cool thread. Wonder how many people play any of the sports I said above?


    Edit: Saw all the other posts.

  3. Just increase xp values and make certain professions more useful. Other then the Rp factor, many professions are less useful then others. Some examples of that would be






    I'm not saying these professions are useless, some like the breeder or the leather worker can be quite useful and necessary at times. It's just that other professions are simply more useful and allow for better moneymaking opportunities and practical use. Why would anyone hire a professional lumberjack, or fisher, or even a miner if they can just do it themselves? Perhaps you can make it so only Lumberjacks get wood from trees? Or make it so only miners can mine? These are just some suggestions.

  4. As for the whole combat thing, there are primairly two types of combat. PvP and rolling. PvP is default and this is where two characters just have a PvP fight to determine the outcome of said fight. Then there is rolling which must be agreed upon by both parties, and it is effectively this. (Green is for Boris, red is for Vlad to show who rolls and who emotes.)


    Boris attempts to slice off Vladislav's head.


    /roll 20 = 8


    /roll 20 = 11


    Vladislav manages to lift his blade in time to parry the blow.


    Then Vlad would emote, doing the same thing. The attacker emotes then rolls, and the defender rolls to see how he should react to the attackers emote. If his roll is higher, he shall defend the blow, if it's lower he shall take it. Of course, the numbers do matter. If Boris rolls a 3 and Vlad rolls a 15, he could make his emote be like,


    Vladislav easily sidesteps the blow, chuckling at his enemies desprate attempts to finish the fight.


    Or if the attacker rolls something like a 18 and you roll a 3 as defense, obviously the wound will hurt more or less. Like, let us say Vlad rolled a 7 to Boris' 8. Then he would emote something like,


    Vladislav barely dodges the blow but recieves a shallow cut running from his neck to his jaw.


    But if Vlad rolled a 1 and Boris for example rolled a 16, the emote would be more something like this.


    Vladislav is surprised at the sudden ferocity of Boris and is quite slow attempting to dodge the attack. The blade scores a deep cut running from the base of his shoulder to his neck. He is bleeding profusely.


    Sorry for that lengthy explenation but I hope that answered your questions about combat.

  5. Joining the Regiment

    Name: Lurcano

    Race: Human

    Nationality: Adunian

    Age: 21

    Trade/Skill: Experienced hunter and farmer.

    Any past military experience?: None.

    Reasons for joining the Regiment: I am seeking a warm bed and food in my belly. I have a strong back and I am willing to learn any skills that might be needed of me by the Mighty Oren Empire.


    MC Name: ChonGojDragonski

    Skype Name: Starkilleruni

    Do you have TS or will you be willing to download it? (Required for battles): I might be willing to in the future, but not at the moment.

  6. In the dead of night, a hooded figure is seen in and around the city of New Abresi, Kal'Azgoth, and Adunia. He leaves a trail of posters in his wake. Pinned to trees, walls, alley ways, some even hastily written on walls in large, sloppy text. The parchment is plain and they all mention something strange that noone is quite sure.


    "For those seeking the truth. Head to the North."



  7. I've got to agree. McMMO mcMMO wouldn't be like grind to win. If you commonly do something in game; you'll automatically get benefits for it. NO one has to grind. Just do what you normally do and you'll get certain things. This also creates a feeling of economy.  Need some ore? Charter someone with a Mining skill of 631 or whatever to mine Ore and give you 3/5 of what they get. Need trees cut down? Get someone with very good wood chopping skill and have him chop all the wood down faster. Need some mercenaries if you're transporting important goods through the Orcish Badlands? Hire a group of people with high RP and mcMMO sword ability so if it comes to pvp they'll be a lot better at it. You get the point. This isn't a plugin where you have to grind to get stuff. This is a plugin that gives you more for just doing what you normally do.

  8. The magic system has only made problems for itself. Before magic apps and all the terrible boring lore everyone wrote to improve their lotc status, the only mages I saw were Undead, Hwaldar, Cataris, susitsu, Blundermore and the Wandering Wizard pretty much.


    Those were the days when being a mage meant you put a beard and a hat and a robe on your skin and carried around a stick to use as a magic wand. That's what blundermore did anyway, and now he is tier 5 lunar princess epic mega wizard. All Hwaldar did with his magic was he once performed an exorcism on a guy called John in Al'khazar. And Cataris I am pretty sure was only a wizard because his username was 'Archmage Cataris'. No one 'powergamed' with magic because no one wrote a butt load of lore with which to make themselves THE lord of the craft.


    Aislin go make a 'Remove Magic Applications' thread for crying out loud, I am going off topic LOL

    Ah yes. Good old Cataris. I should reall hit him up on Skype later today and see how he's doing. Anyway; fair enough. Point made. I guess we should remove MA's and see where it puts us.

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