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Posts posted by ChonGojDragonski

  1. MC Name: ChonGojDragonski


    Character's Name: Lurcano'Gorkil


    Character's Age: 22


    Character's Race: Half-Orc (Uruk & Human)


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Earth Evocation


    How did you learn this magic(s)?: Lurcano was raised a farmer and he spent much of his early time tending to the fields. When the other children would bully him, he would always find solace in a good days hard work. By the time he left the care of his mother, he was an extremely skilled farmer who knew most of the tricks of the trade. This is where he developed his keen sense of understanding with the Earth and how it works. When he read the book that inspired him to be a mage, there was no doubt in his mind that he would gravitate towards some form of Earth based magic specifically. Lurcano traveled around Atlas, looking through most of the major cities libraries before he was pointed to the Library of Dragur. There he spent his time reading through the various books dedicated to his craft. He read, On the Void, The Study of Magic, Magic: The Basics, The Void, Evocation Basics, and The Elements. With his new found knowledge Lurcano left to the far north and built a tower to continue his studies in in isolation.


    MC name of OOC overseer (Note: they must either have a TA in this magic on any character or be a member of the MT): Fritermon


    Offer an explanation of the magic(s) you are learning: Evocation is the art of evoking/pulling an element from the Void. The Void is a plane of existence that contains absolutely nothing and everything at the same time. It is a plane of potential waiting to be shaped and harnessed. Mages establish a deep connection with the void and learn to harness its potential to manifest their desired element into the material world. Mages manipulate the Void, not the material realm, so they can not control things that already exist in the physical world. A Mage trained in Earth Evocation, for example, could summon a pebble or a rock to hurl at an enemy, but couldn't move a boulder standing in the way of an exit. Since Evocation involves the shaping of the Void to the Mages wishes, once the Mage loses control over their connection the Void, the conjured materials will also return to where they came from. In the beginning, novice Mages will only be able to connect to the void through meditation and clearing their mind of all distractions. This could take a lot of time, and even once established, the connection is tenuous at best. Through hard work and consistent practice however, trained Mages can connect to the void in seconds.


    Once a connection to the Void is established, a Mage must establish a connection with their prospective element. This involves spending much time with their element, working it to understand how it works. Even the most advanced Mage must maintain a close connection with their element to successfully utilize evocation magic. A novice Mage would be hardly able to evoke a small pebble without passing out. As they spend further time developing their connection with the Void and expanding their mana pool through continued practice, they could slowly work their way up to bigger and better things. Earth Evocation is extremely diverse in that a variety of different forms can be created. Whether the mage is chucking stones at an enemy, dropping a large boulder, or creating a fine quartz sand to blind and cut. The more larger the object, the more difficult and the more mana it takes to cast.


    Provide evidence you've a proper means of learning this magic(s): Screenshots of Reading/Meditation in Tower


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A

  2. 5aa63c7905914_MiniTowerintheSnow.png.644730e8c7752aa435c6560a1592a10e.png


    Lurcano took in a shaky breath, as he finished hammering in another shingle on the roof. He was sweating through his thick skins, despite the freezing temperature's. Blinking his eyes furiously to get rid of the snow that had caked his eyes, Lurcano moved up towards the top of the tower. He was gripping the slick rooftop so hard, his knuckles were turning white. He hammered in the final shingle with trembling hands.  "Now how do I get down from here...?" Lurcano turned and took a wide survey of the land around his tower, before spotting a nearby snow drift. Against his better judgement, Lurcano gathered himself, before launching off the tower and towards the pile of snow. He landed with a soft thud. Climbing out of the snow, his furs now completely soaked, Lurcano stood back and admired his work. "Finally, I am finished." He gathered himself, before heading inside into the warmly lit interior.

  3. So I need a Half-Orc skin and I'm willing to pay Minas for it. Price can be negotiated, though please nothing exorbitant. I want the face to resemble something like my profile. A fine balance between Orc and Human features please, probably a little closer to Human than Orc. As for the clothing, simple peasant clothing will do fine. Akin to what you would see on a peasant farmer. Thanks for the help.

  4. Damien


    Personal Information


    Name: Damien

    Age: 22

    Race: Human - Highlander

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Gender: Male

    Occupation: Jobless

    Character Description


    Skin Color: Slightly tanned from work in the sun.

    Height: 5'11

    Weight: 200 lb

    Build: Endomorph

    Hair Color: Light Brown

    Eye Color: One blue, the other is scarred over white.

    Clothing: A cotton shirt over tight wool trousers with a sturdy pair of boots. Sometimes has a breastplate fastened over his shirt. He carries a short sword at his side, and a shield is slung across his back. His hair is pulled back, framing his face and he has a light beard around his jaw and neck.

    Personality: Damien is loud and boisterous, often cracking shouting and cracking jokes. Despite his friendly attitude he often has a scowl on his face which gives off an unapproachable impression. He also loves a good riddle.




  5. Lurcano'Gorkil



    Personal Information


    Name: Lurcano'Gorkil

    Age: 21

    Race: Half-Orc

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Gender: Male

    Relationship: Single

    Occupation: Jobless

    Character Description


    Skin Color: Light and dark grey across the body.

    Height: 5'11

    Weight: 195 lb

    Build: Ectomorph

    Overall Description: Lurcano is muscular but built lean due to his Elven blood. He is of average height, and has an extremely wide torso with more leaned out legs. He has a long pony tail that is tied tight at the back of his head and falls down to the small of his back. His eyes are a light grey and he only has small tusks that barely peak out from his lower lip. A thick beard frames the lower half of his face, and blue, wave-like tattoo's swirl across his chest and arms. His ears are pointed, also reflecting his Elven heritage.

    Facial Appearance: Lurcano's face is clear and angular. It hosts a nose that's clearly been broken several times, and piercing grey eyes. His ears are pointed, and his right ear sticks out noticeably further then the left. White, war-paint like tattoos run across Lurcano's face and stop at his well kept and groomed beard; which frames the lower portion of his jaw.

    Body: Lurcano has a fit, well toned body through years of hard labor on the farm. He has large arms, his forearms particularly so due to the forearm intensive work of tilling the fields, shucking corn, and creating fences. His legs are just as toned as the rest of his body, but slightly smaller/leaner, giving more of a runner appearance. He has various scars across his body, and intricate blue wave tattoos swirling across his chest and arms. He carries a well crafted but plain short-sword at his hip.



    - A short sword strapped tightly to his waist.

    - A stave/walking stick slung across his back.

    - Rudimentary stone carving utensils, made by hand.

    - A small dagger, primarily used as a tool.




    - Farming: Lurcano spent most of his early life working the fields, and he has an intricate understanding of farm work and proper hydration of crops.

    - Stone Carving: As a past time, Lurcano always enjoyed carving beautiful shapes and figures out of stone. He is no expert, and merely does so as a hobby, but he could make a few relatively decent (but crude) carvings.

    - Photographic Memory: Though not realized until much later, Lurcano has a penchant for memorizing words that he's seen written down on the page. Some things might take longer to remember then others, but generally, everything comes back to him.

    - Wrestling: Though no expert fighter, Lurcano fought hard and often many times as a young man to defend himself due to attacks over his mixed blood. He is quite a skilled grappler, though he mainly fights off instinct.


    Clothing: Though mostly shirtless, his shoes and trousers are akin to something a regular peasant would wear.

    Personality: Lurcano has a calm demeanor and is very slow to anger. He has a neutral expression on his face most times, as if he is in deep thought. Though calm and slow to anger, he is not a pushover, and when angered will retaliate aggressively.



    - Father: Unknown, Presumed Deceased

    - Mother: Aria Car'dann, Alive




  6. The Peoples Republic


    The Chinese Empire issues an official statement against the Indochinese hero that has risen up against the Chinese Empire. Chinese hackers work to combat against the cyber warfare being conducted by the Indochinese Union. The Chinese government makes a bold statement claiming they will not retreat from Indochina until it is firmly under the Chinese Empires rule. The Chinese administration claims that this is the only way to protect them from Western Imperilism and that it is the will of god for all of the East to be under a united China.


    An Aircraft Carrier, as well as 5 Destroyers and 3 Submarines are dispatched to the Chinese ally of India. They are under their command within reason. 10 Destroyers as well as 15 Frigates, and 2 Submarines are sent to the Chinese allies of Japan to aid in their conquest of Indonesia.


    All trade agreements offered to the Chinese empire are graciously accepted.



    975,000 Infantry

    3,600 Tanks

    6,900 AFV's

    3,800 Artillery Units

    Air Force

    2,500 Fighters

    1,000 Helicopters

    1,500 Bombers

    1,000 Transport Aircraft



    2 Aircraft Carriers

    1 Nuclear Missle Cruiser

    50 Frigates

    28 Destroyers

    10 Submarines

  7. The Peoples Republic


    Victory parades trumpet all through out Hanoi. The capital of the Indochinese Union has been taken! All through out the Chinese Empire, propaganda is blared throughout the T.V stations as the country rejoices. Victory is surely within grasp of the Chinese nation. Casualties are comparatively low as reports come filtering in all through out the world broadcast. 20,000 Infantry, 75 Tanks, and 100 AFV's are the miniscule losses sustained by the PLA. The war time economy continues to function, despite the fact that the beginning affects of inflation are beginning to take hold of the nation. The PLA takes hold of the city of Hanoi and fortify their encampments. Bombings continue.


    The Chinese Empire accepts the offer of trade from the NCR and would like to go into further speficis between the future relations between the NCR and the Empire of China/Eastern Bloc.



    975,000 Infantry

    3,600 Tanks

    6,900 AFV's

    3,800 Artillery Units

    Air Force

    2,500 Fighters

    1,000 Helicopters

    1,500 Bombers

    1,000 Transport Aircraft



    2 Aircraft Carriers

    1 Nuclear Missle Cruiser

    50 Frigates

    30 Destroyers

    10 Submarines

  8. The Peoples Republic


    Upon hearing the announcement from the Indochinese Union, the Chinese military immedeatly leaps into actions. Over a thousand planes charge out from the Chinese Aircraft Carriers, and a force of 250,000 Peoples Liberation Army Marines land on the beaches of the Indochinese Union, accompanied with 2,500 AFV's, 1,000 Tanks, and 1,000 Artilery Units moved from the front line. They would immedeatly march for Ho Chi Minh City. Meanwhile, the main forces of the PLA would continue to advance against the charge of the 65,000 Indonesian men. The majority of their losses would result in Tanks and AFV's. The final losses incurred by the advancing Chinese forces would be,




    20,000 Infantry

    325 Tanks

    500 AFV's

    200 Artillery Units


    The total forces of the PLA now numbers,



    1,05,000 Infantry

    3,675 Tanks

    7,000 AFV's

    3,800 Artillery Units


    The remaining forces march towards the capital city of Hanaoi, albeit still experiencing minor losses from the hit and run tactics of the remaining 65,000 men. They are ordered to ignore the primairy of the guerilla forces, and head straight towards the capital.


    Several offers are sent to India and Japan, asking for their allies to aid them economically in this time of crises. The Chinese economy is set to full war time mode, and a new system of rations are put into place to conserve food.

  9. The Peoples Republic




    Emperor Mai Li calls the citizens of China together for an emergency speach meant to shine light on the countries most recent developments.


    "My citizens. I have gathered you all here today to speak to all of you in earnest about what goes in our fair nation. I know I have many naysayers all across China, but one think I and this administration prides ourselves in is our governments transparent nature and utmost loyalty to the Empire of China. As many of you know, we have come to the aide of allies to the East, Japan. Their Emperor was shot in cold blood and their country was ripped apart by Congrestionalist rebels that had no goals other then to see their homeland burn and innocent families torn apart. I would like to announce a resounding sucesses in our peacekeeping operations. The enemy forces were completely crushed with only minimal losses on our side. Yet, despite such a tremendous victory, we will not let all those who passed fighting for their country pass without giving them the respect for which they deserve. We will have a war monument in our capital Beijing, with the names of all 25,000 soldiers that died that faithful day. Yet, I ask that while we mourn for the deaths of those brave men, we do not let it stop us in our ever searching quest for glory. That is all for today, long live China!"


    The Empire of China accepts the alliance and trade agreement with the fair nation of Germany. A warning is set out to all would be aggressors on Germany. Doing so will incur the wrath of the full force of the Eastern Bloc, and such a thing should be avoided at all costs for the sake of your own country.


    An ulimatum is sent to the nations comprising the Indochinese union.


    "To all nations that make up the Indochinese Union. Stand down, and join the Empire of China, or face the full power of the Eastern Bloc. This will be your only warning before military action is declared. All nations that join the Empire of China will be given full qaurter, and all citizens of said nations will immedieatly become citizens of the Empire of China. Avoid much bloodshed and inevitable defeat by joining the Chinese Empire, and by that extent, the Eastern Bloc. This is the only way to proterct yourselves from the Imperialism of the west."(ModPlox)



    No immedieate changes are felt in the Chinese Economy.


    No immedieate changes are felt in the Chinese Infrastructure.



    The 100,000 PLA Infantry Men are fully trained and outfitted for combat. 1,000,000 PLA Infantry men are immedeatly moved to the Indochinese/Chinese border, along with the entirety of the PLA's Tanks, AFV's, and Artilery Units. The Peoples Liberation Army Air Force(PLAAF) scramble their fighters and prepare to run bombing operations all over the cities comprising the countries in the Indochinese Union. The Peoples Liberation Army Navy(PLAN) marshalls the entirety of their navy all around the coasts of the Indochinese Union. The PLAN would be ready for constant bombing raids and bombardment of the various coastal cities that make up the Indochinese Union. All movements would be noticed by the Indochinese Union, and are meant to intimidate them into submission in the face of the near limitless Chinese resources. (MODPLEAZE)





    1,325,000 Infantry

    5,000 Tanks

    10,000 AFV's

    5,000 Artillery Units

    Air Force

    2,500 Fighters

    1,000 Helicopters

    1,500 Bombers

    1,000 Transport Aircraft



    2 Aircraft Carriers

    1 Nuclear Missle Cruiser

    50 Frigates

    30 Destroyers

    10 Submarines

  10. The Peoples Republic




    News reports filter in all over China, keeping everyone updated on the current afairs of currently going on all over Europe. China applauds the formation of the Baltic Sea Confederation, labeling it as a step towards the right direction. Any steps taken to halt the constant progress of Imperialism shall be applauded, and the Chinese Empire is willing to discuss furthering our diplomatic relations with the Confederation. China publicly condems the actions of the Russian Empire, as they respond to the invasion of Iberia. The official statement is,


    "While the Chinese Empire is as venomently opposed to Imperialism as the Russian Federation seems to be, China disagrees with the philosiphy of putting boots on the ground. This seems counter intutive to the peace processes, and will only seek to agravate the current situation. The only people that have to gain from this enterprise is Russia itself in aiding its ally Portugal. An ultimatum is handed to Russia, pull out of the Iberian peninsula or cut off all ties with the Eastern Bloc. Your attempts at undermining us at every step have not gone unnoticed, and your sudden sanctions against our fair nations have only suggested ill will between what could be a propserous alliance between Russia and the Eastern Bloc. This is the formal response from all the nations represented in the Eastern Bloc."


    China continues to condem the nations of Italy and now France for their actions in Iberia. Sanctions are doubled down on, and the Eastern Bloc is still waiting on a response from the forces invading Iberia.



    The rapid improvement of the Chinese economy has stagnated, and it has seemed to reach a plateau. China continues to move along, though the cut off from trade by Russia is felt, and experts predict a rise in prices once the sanctions on both Italy and France come into affect. Nothing overly dramatic has changed short of the stagnation of the Chinese economy. Nothing major is felt by the Chinese populace.


    As infrastrucutre projects begin to come to a close, the Emperorship claims it to be a roaring succesess. Several new high ways have opened up all over China, connecting all major cities together. Emperor Mai Li releases a statement,


    "After many months of hard work, I am proud to say that we have built up an infrastructure to be proud of. I know that it is not the most popular subject to speak of, but our glirous nation is not one to shy away challenge. We will improve every aspect of China, and become a modern power in the world that will no longer be scoffed at, but respected by all. I believe these changes in our infrastructure have thoroughly improved the standard of life for all Chinese citizens, and I hope you all may be at rest, that the money you give to us in your taxes, is being put to good use."



    As warfare and strife continues to plague the world, the Peoples Liberation Army will be forced to increase in size to combat the constant threat of foriegn powers. Propaganda is sewn all through out the news, and numerous benefits are to be handed out to any and all that choose to enlist in the army for this short period of time. Many people, heartened by their nations short term successes and interested in the benefits being offered for a limited time. The ranks of the PLA swell, and 100,000 new Infantry are under training. Soon their training shall be complete. New orders are also being sent in to factories all across china, and the construction of a 1,000 Tanks and 2,500 AFV's are to begin immedieatly. The latter of these two projects may take a while to complete, but China is determined to ensuring the saftey its country in the long term.


    1,250,000 Infantry

    10,000 Tanks

    5,000 AFV's

    5,000 Artillery Units

    Air Force

    2,500 Fighters

    1,000 Helicopters

    1,500 Bombers

    1,000 Transport Aircraft


    2 Aircraft Carriers

    1 Nuclear Missle Cruiser

    50 Frigates

    30 Destroyers

    10 Submarines

  11. The Peoples Republic


    As news reports come in from all over the globe, the Emperor of China listens patiently in his throne room. His first several months of leadership had gone off well, and already marked improvements were beginning to show. Yet all was not well in his realm. The Maoist rebels to the west constantly poked and prodded at his cities, causing the deaths of countless innocent civilians all for the name of their idiotic idealogy. To the East, dissent was rising as reports came in of a military coup in Japan. That troubled the Emperor greatly, and he knew he must take a harldline stance with any would be usurpers of his rightful throne. He would deal with the problems in Japan as well. All across the globe, nations fought and sqaubled, attempting to wrestle dominance from each other. Yet China would stay neutrla in all these issues, and rise above the rest. Or so Mai Li assured his people.


    China strongly condems the acitions of the Congrestionalist rebels that have risen in Japan. The conutry will be sending in peacekeeping forces to maintain order within the troubled nation, and put into place the rightful Japanese government in. The trade pact from Sweden is accepted with open arms, but a military defense treaty must be denied due to issues stemming primairly from logistics. A mutual defense pact is declared between the countries of India, China, and Japan. The defense pact is labeled the Eastern Bloc. The actions taken by Italy against Spain are as strongly condemned as those of the Japanese rebels. Heavy sanctions are put into place over Italy, attempting to hurt their economy. (Mod Plox. Say wether this affects their economy at all and if so by how much.)All nations currently allied with China are encouraged to fo the same.


    Chinese economy continues to improve on a steadily increasing trend. Trade pacts have been established with severla nations all across the world and the national currency of China has seen an overall increase of six percent since the Tang Dynasty was declared and Emperor Mai Li came into power.


    Roads continue to be built all along Chinese territory, increasing the speed of which transportation may occur. The moderinization of China is at full force. Despite these leaping bounds of modern technology however, a few factions located in the more remote/rural areas of China have protested to this, what they call, enroachment of their traditional way of life. For now the the Chinese cabinet has made no official response to these wild accusations, though everyone is weary of the potential of mild unrest.


    The Chinese Military mobilizes into action. Upon hearing of the militaristic coup in Japan, forces from China immedieatly move into action. The Peoples Liberation Marine army is dispatched, with a starting force of 100,000 highly trained Infantry heading towards China, along with a contingency of 250 Tanks, and 500 AFV's.These are to be transported immedieatly to be transported to Kyoto, where the shattered Japanese Imperial Family holds its command post. The troops will be escorted by a single Aircraft Carrier, 10 Destroyers, and 5 Submarines. In accompany to this, 150,000 Inantry, 1,000 Tanks, 2,500 AFV's, and 50 Helicopters are dispatched towards the western border between China and India to garrison the surrounding cities and stifle any Maoist activity that might begin to rise up due to the actions taken in Japan.


    1,250,000 Infantry

    10,000 Tanks

    5,000 AFV's

    5,000 Artillery Units

    Air Force

    2,500 Fighters

    1,000 Helicopters

    1,500 Bombers

    1,000 Transport Aircraft


    2 Aircraft Carriers

    1 Nuclear Missle Cruiser

    50 Frigates

    30 Destroyers

    10 Submarines

  12. The Peoples Republic


    A mass of people were gathered together at the base of the Forbidden City. Everyone knew why they were there, yet they did not quite know how to react. Over the years, the people of China had faced many hardships. Yet, they had propsered to become one of the strongest nations in the world. They became respected and feared in the course of a mere century. They rose from ruin, to glory. Yet they knew, one could fall just as fast as they had risen. The Chinese leadership took steps to prevent this, and everyone eagerly waited. Unsure of what was in store for them in the near future. The only thing they could say for certain, is that China would propser.


    At that moment, drums began to pound rythimcally and music began to play. The crowd instantly quieted down, and no one dared speak a word. The doors of Forbidden City opened, and out marched the man who would be crowned the emperor of China. In a highly controversial desicion, the leader of China, Aolie Mai had declared the revival of the ancient Tang Dynasty to usher in the new dawn of what shall surely be centuries of Chinese world dominace. He ceremoniasly changed his name to Mai Li, with the intent of bring back the power line that rules the Tang Dynasty. This was his coronation.


    As the corwn was placed upon the now Emperors head, everyone in attendance bowed their head to their new leader as fireworks burst up, illiminating the night sky. Joyously music began to play as the festival began with traditonal chinese new years celebrations going on all over. Dragons went all around the streets much to the delight of the children, and many gifts were exchanged. The entirety of China was united together in the joy of their new Emperor.


    The festivities wore on for several hours after the coronation was complete, but before the Emperor retired, he spoke to his people once more.


    "I am now the Emperor of the greatest race of people that have ever lived. Merely a few decades ago we were mocked and made fools of by the very nations that today beg for our mercy and aide. I will be sure to do my ancestors proud, and carry us to GLORY! China will have a new diplomatic policy as well as several sweeping reforms in both our military and our economics. I will make China a force that will be reckoned with! Centuries from now, our great grandsons and daughters will remember us fondly, and know that THIS DAY is when it all started!"


    And with that dramatic speech, the emperor turned and walked inside, as the crowd cheered wildly and applauded at his speech. Change was a foot.



    Offers of trade are sent to the countries of Japan, Russia, India, Indochinese Union, South Korea, and the United States.


    Sweeping reforms are made, and China is now officially no longer a communist country. They have embraced the wonders of capitalism and increased the minimum wage to fifteen dollars. Taxes are at an all time high, and many changes are being made to both public facilities and services due to the high influx of money garnered from the raise in taxes.


    Infrastrucutre projects are started all over China, as roads begin to start being built all over the central region of China. This is in an attempt to speed up the movement of vehicles and increase the overall quality of life in China. New buildings are being built in several cities as well to increase the amount of jobs available for the populace.


    The Chinese military remains an undoutable powerhouse to be feared. Over the years China has improved the Naval capabilities as well as the overall training of their Armed Forces. As opposed to previous regimes, the Chinese military has changed its policy to quality, not quantity. Though there still is sure are a hell of a lot of troops.



    1,250,000 Infantry

    10,000 Tanks

    5,000 AFV's

    5,000 Artillery Units


    Air Force

    2,500 Fighters

    1,000 Helicopters

    1,500 Bombers

    1,000 Transport Aircraft



    3 Aircraft Carriers

    1 Nuclear Missle Cruiser

    50 Frigates

    30 Destroyers

    10 Submarines

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