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Posts posted by ChonGojDragonski

  1. House Nymeros-Martell



    Sunspear - Small Council - Evening


    Lurcano was already seated in his chair as the members of the small council filed in, each of them wearing different articles of clothing. Some in their nightgowns with sleep still in their eyes, while others were dressed as if they had not even gone to bed despite the fact that it was quite late into the night. Balon was the first to speak, as he attempted to wipe the grogginess out of his eyes.


    Master of Coin: "For what purpose have you gathered us here, My Prince?"


    Lurcano's only answer was a simple smile. He reached down and picked up the letter that lay before him. On it quite clearly was the seal of House Yronwood. His court looked between each other uneasily, as the mood in the room was tense. They all knew that if the letter contained news of an engagement, they would not have been roused from their sleep in this way to be informed of such. Finally, it was Ilmarien who had the courage to break the silence.


    Steward Ilmarien: "We are at your bidding my Prince, what needs doing."


    Prince Lurcano: Lurcano paused for a moment, before speaking. "Alas, the Yronwoods denied our marriage proposal, as was expected. I would not have it said that I did not try for peace anyway. Dorne is a melting pot, and I can guarantee those blasted Yronwoods are up to something. For now, we will remain at peace however. Balon, what remains of our gold?"


    Master of Coin: Balon immediately snapped back to attention, and after a few seconds of gathering his thoughts, he said, "Well my prince, subtracting the upkeep of the troops that we have recently levied, we have approximately 1,430 Gold remaining."


    Prince Lurcano: "Good. Take 1,000 of that amount and direct it towards our infrastructure. I want roads strewn all over Dorne and our ports even more open then a cheap Dornish *****. We'll make Sunspear large enough to rival that of Oldtown. Our first priority is increasing trade and infrastructure through out our lands. Traders all over Westeros and Essos will flock for our fine Dornish goods. And rest assured my friends, House Yronwood will rue the day that they insulted us in such a grievous way. The situation in Dorne as of now is teetering on the edge of a knife. Be weary, we know not when the treacherous Yronwood's will rouse themselves from their Serpents nest and wage war upon us once again. All of you are dismissed, except for Rowan. You stay."


    The room filed out slowly, until Rowan was the only one left.


    Master of Whispers: "What is it that you require from me my Prince?"


    Prince Lurcano: "I require a letter sent, but make sure that it is of the utmost secrecy. No one but you is to know the contents of said letter, and who it is being sent to. Understood?"


    Master of Whispers: "Of course my Prince. I live to server. Whatever you wish shall be done."


    Prince Lurcano: "Good. I trust you shall make the necessary arrangements. I will be in my study if anything is needed."



    And with that, Lurcano headed off back to his study.




    Military Logistics


    The Tor (5,000 manpower)

    4,000 Units of Dornish Spearmen

    2,000 Units of Knights


    The Salt Shore (8,000 manpower)

    4,000 Units of Dornish Sand Steeds

    2,000 Units of Heavy Cavalry


    Realm Stewardship

    Initial treasury: 1870 gold

    Maintenance costs: 440 gold

    Infrastructure costs: 1,000 gold

    Remaining finances: 430 gold

  2. House Nymneros-Martell



    Sunspear - Small Council Chamber - Noon


    Lurcano entered his chamber to find his small council already seated and awaiting him. They moved to stand but Lurcano just smiled and shook his head, already waving them down.


    Lurcano Martell: "How many times do I have to tell you. None of that ceremonial hog **** when no ones around."


    His small council murmured, already accustomed to Lurcano's mood swings and lack of decorum. Lurcano took his seat at the head of the table, leaning backwards and resting his chin on his hand. The table was littered with maps, royal declarations, and several other things that required his attendance, or so his small council claimed anyway. His small council consisted of three people, not including himself and his Steward, Ilmarien. His Master of Coin was Balon Toland. If there was ever a man who you would not guess as a Master of Coin, it would be Balon. Beloved by many, and never one to spare coin, he was a strange choice; but one that served him well. His master of laws, a shrewd man who always looked as if he had just smelled something putrid, was Edmund Allyrion. And finally, his Master of Whisperers as he was so aptly called, was Rowan Sand. A bastard born, from one of the main houses in Dorne. Lurcano bared no particular animosity towards him, but he disliked him for some unknown reason. Whatever the reason, he would do for now.


    Lurcano Martell: "Well, let's get started. First, Balon. Tell me what goes on in the fair city of Sunspear."


    Bolan Toland: "Well my Prince, trade is working well and the treasury of Sunspear is full to the brim as always. Traders from Essos flock to our ports like no other city in all of Westeros. By all account's, everything is as well as could be." Bolan paused for a moment before reluctantly continuing, "Er, well actually. I do suppose something could be going on."


    Rowan Sand: Rowan butted in before Lurcano lost his patience, "What my good man Bolan means, is that the traders from Essos and some of our own people have been getting into a few disagreements. I know not the specifics, but I am told that the cause is a difference in faith. The word heretic has been thrown around several times already, and the mood within the city is tense to say the least."


    Lurcano Martell: Lurcano stroked his beard, a thoughtful expression on his face hiding the rage and frustration he felt inside. The main source of income for the Martells were their ancient trading routes to and all over Essos. If fights broke out through the city over religion, things would not fair well. Then again, he couldn't afford to antagonize his own people who had taken to worshiping the Seven as devoutly as their Northern neighbors. Lurcano shook his head before speaking to Bolan, "Hire a hundred more guards to patrol the docks. Anyone found causing trouble will be taken to the city square and be publicly flogged. Let us say, seven lashes? Same number as those blasted gods everyone seems to worship." Lurcano is to deep in thought to notice the discontented murmurs from some of his guard and lords. "What else? What have you to report Allyrion?"


    Edmund Allyrion: Edmund immediately jumped to attention, and his face screwed to an even worse expression. "Where to begin my lord. The garrisons that you have placed in the cities have caused some conflict. Tor is not quite large enough to hold all the men you have stationed there and conflict has arisen between the citizens and the men that we have stationed there. It is not but one isolated event, but many events spread out all over the city. The city is also having food shortages due to the sheer amount of men that have so suddenly arrived into the city."


    Lurcano Martell: Lurcano gave out a disgusted sort grunt, finally snapping."Our own Master of Laws does not know how to enforce the law? What in gods name am I keeping you around for then? Do you damn job or I'll find someone who can do it for you. Tell Lord Dalt to discipline his men or I shall find someone who will. Any men that are found in conflict with civilians shall be flogged ten lashes, and face further repercussions if the problem persists. Redirect some of the tax that we have on our farmers crop to the city of Tor. That is all we can do about the shortage in food. Hopefully it shall be enough." Edmund gave him one of his looks and opened his mouth to speak, but perhaps he thought better of it. Lurcano didn't really care.


    Lurcano sighed and ran his hand through his hair.


    Lurcano Martell: "Ilmarien, deal with the rest of the problems that the council has for me. I will be retiring to my office. Today's meeting was trying, and I am already tired from listening to the peasants speak about their trivial problems for hours on end.


    Lurcano did not even wait for his Stewards affirmation before pushing himself away from the table and heading upstairs. On the way up, he called for a Guard. He gave the man strict instructions and sent him up to their Raven tower. The guard went up to the highest point in Sunspear and told the Raven master what was required of him. A letter was drafted up post haste and dispatched to the Lord Hightower of Oldtown. The contents of the message would be a secret known only to Lord Persius Hightower himself.


    ((OOC: I will be sending you an IRP PM/Skype you. Want to have a private discussion via Ravens. @Taylor))

  3. House Nymneros-Martell



    Sunspear - Prince Lurcano's Study - Midafternoon


    Lurcano gazed outside his window, stroking his sand colored goatee as he watched his young son play in the shallow pools located around his palace. At the age of six, he was a constant head ache to the his nurse maid that was charged with watching him. Not a day goes by without complaints being sent in about all sorts of trouble his son was getting into. He was a strong son, and he would make a good heir. Lurcano turned back to face his study, and he walked towards his desk. He plopped himself down on his chair lazily, and leaned back. He was just about to treat himself to a goblet of Dornish Strongwine, when he heard a persistent knocking on his door. He sighed before grudgingly saying,


    Lurcano Martell: "Yes, yes. I suppose you can come in, if you bloody well must."


    In entered his steward, a spry old man, who continued to be a thorn in his bloody side after serving him and his father loyally for over twenty years. The steward, who went by the name of Ilmarien, walked into the room hurriedly, carrying with him all sorts of parchments and royal decrees.


    Steward Ilmarien: "My Prince. Do you not think it would be wise to adress some of the many grave matters that require your attendance?"


    Lurcano Martell: Lurcano paused for a moment before saying, "Wise, yes. Though it would be terribly dready and boring. I much prefer to shove all the work onto you. You attend to it much better then I ever could anyway."


    The steward pursed his lips but before he could speak, Lurcano cut him off with a wave of his hand.


    Lurcano Martell: "Alright, alright. Calm down." Lurcano grunts slightly as he gets up from his chair. He begins to pace the room, still speaking. "I'd suppose you'd better get a quill and paper, and write all this down." Lurcano pauses for a moment, before continuing. "Alright, I suppose the first thing that I must attend to is the allotment of our troops. Our two thousand Knights shall be stationed at The Tor. If we are to expect any aggression, it will be coming from the Yronwoods. The Tor is the closest city that is accessible to them. And after a trek through that big blumming desert that separates us, his men will be hard pressed to march all the way to Gods Grace without water or supplies. The two thousand knights will be accompanied with a force of four thousands Dornish Spearmen. The lot of 'em will be commanded by Lord George Dalt. He's a fine man for the job, and his house has always been loyal. Our Sandsteeds along with our Heavy Calvary will be stationed in the salt shore. Have Tremond Gargalen command them. Might as well, as they're stationed in his city." Lurcano paused for a moment before suddenly turning to face Ilmarien, who was furiously jotting down everything that Lurcano had said. "How fairs my sister?"


    Steward Ilmarien: Ilmarien pauses for a second, before responding in a guarded fashion, "She is well my Prince, though she is still eager for a suitor as you well know."


    Lurcano Martell: "Good, good. And of course, my daughter Elia is also fairing well. Call for a messenger and have them pack their things."


    Ilmarien stares at Lurcano, a questing look in his eyes before shaking his head. He knew that it would be pointless to ask. He finished jotting down everything Lurcano had told him, before telling the guard stationed right outside Lurcanos room to do as the Prince had asked. As Ilmarien did this, Lurcano smiled lightly as he started to stroke his goatee once more. He ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair before turning to his desk and quickly writing down a long note. It took him a while and the Steward watched patiently, as Lurcano signed the note with his untidy scrawl. He layed down his quill, and grabbed his seal. As he went through the ponderous task of placing the wax down and marking it with his House sigil, he said to his Steward,


    Lurcano Martell: "Once my daughter and my sister has finished packing, tell them to go the stables. They will be dispatched to the Yronwood court. Have twenty five of our best men accompany them. And in under no circumstances is this to be opned until it reaches the Yronwood court."


    Ilmarien nodded as he took the note from Lurcano. He would turn and make sure his Princes orders werew followed to the letter. As Lurcano sipped on his Dornish Strongwine, he wondered how the Yronwood court would react to his note. Upon it being opened, it would read,


    My Lord Adolar Yronwood,


    If you are reading this you have recieved my Lady Ellaria, and Lady Elia into your court. My sister, and my daughter. I have sent them as a peace offering of sorts. Our two noble houses have fought for centuries, each vieing for control over Dorne. All the while, the Kingdoms in the North have grown fat with complacency and rich. I propose a marrige, my sister of twenty to your son and heir apparent, Karl Yronwood, and my daughter of fifteen to your second borne son Conrad. They will be my peace offerings, as a sign of couperation between our two noble houses. It is my hope that we shall unite Dorne all under one banner, and stop these endless years of fighting. Send one of my men back with your response and what you wish to come as a result of this offer.




    Lurcano of House Nymeros-Martell,

    Prince of Sunspear,




    The Tor - Lord George Dalt

    2k Knights

    4k Dornish Spearmen


    Salt Shore - Lord Tremond Gargalen

    2k Heavy Cavalry to Salt Shore

    4K Sandsteeds to Salt Shore


    13k Manpower total.


    (OOC: Hope I did everything right. I alotted my troops to where they want to be and described some of my family. @Yronwood You can Roleplay accepting my peeps to your palace and Roleplay to my offer as well. Just PM me if you have any questions.)

  4. You

    Am I the only one that didn't freak out? I didn't freak out like some people seemed to of.

    You don't need to be terrified in the physical sense, it's thinking about it that makes you scared. Imagine hearing those voices non stop, every hour of the day. At first it would just seem annoying but after hearing the same voices constantly down talking you and every thing you do it would start to drive you crazy. Silence is a blessing, a blessing we often take for advantage. You we're able to listen to those voices with headphones on and you could pause it any time you wanted. Imagine if those voices originated in your head, and they got so loud you couldn't even hear yourself think and the only thing that would be inside your mind would be those voices and the awful things that they are saying to you. It'd be horrible.

  5. I saw this in AP Psych a few years ago, it is super scary stuff. It is a shame we can do so little to cure or remedy this ailment. I wonder if there any schizophrenics who have 'good' or 'helpful' voices though, is that a thing?

    From the little I know about the topic, it's really a bipolar thing. I think the way it works is that at times people can be thinking positive things and such, but once their own mood swings, the voices in their head swings as well. It really fluctuates and can be a hard thing to deal with. Of course, maybe I should let the person who actually experiences it answer the question. Just answering it quick. Oh, and props to him for sharing as well. Don't think I would have been able to.


    Edit: Oh, and does this occur all through out the day? Can it happen whenever? I imagine it would be like an invisible person shouting boo at you at times you least expect it. Is it a sudden occurrence? Or are there buildups. Are there times where you hear nothing, and times where you can barely hear yourself think?






    In case you haven't seen this already, I really think everyone should. As a person who has been living with Schizophrenia, I was somewhat happy to find a video like this. It nearly perfectly represents how distracting the disorder can be, and how hateful the voices you hear can be. Thanks for looking.


    This was absolutely unsettling.......


    I freaking loved it. Really interesting, and this is how horror should be. Damn. That was awesome.


    Edit: Just read your post again more in depth, missed the part where you're actually living with Schizophrenia. Sorry if my post seemed ignorant or foolish in anyway, if it did, well, I'm stupid. When I said awesome I don't mean it would be cool to have something like this, I honestly don't know how I would function in regular society if I faced a burden such as this. I respect you for going out and living with this. I don't know if I ever could. Glad that you shared this with us, I don't think I'll ever look at it the same way again.

  7. Lurcano shakes his head as he surveys the ruins of the Ordium from a distance. He shakes his head grimly as rumors of what went on that faithful day are discussed over the taverns and inns all around Oren. "Once again us Humans are getting pulled into problems that we had no buisness being in. Lets just hope Petrus' walls can stand firm."

  8. I really enjoy both PvP and Roleplay so you can imagine my excitement when this was announced. After reading through this thread, its subsided a bit. I always enjoy Roleplay and if someone was to offer me a choice between good Roleplay and good PvP I would pick the good Roleplay 99% of the time. The thing is, good Roleplay is not always around. I am a member of one of the most active cities in Athera with plenty of brothers in arms to Roleplay with, and there are times when I don't have anyone to Roleplay with and where I'm stuck alt tabbed, browsing the forums and skyping with people. Now some people might say I should go out and find my own Roleplay, and sometimes I do; but let us be honest here. Each race enjoys a different kind of roleplay, and I have a hard time enjoying myself when I'm Roleplaying with anyone that's basically not a Human or an Orc. So, I have all this downtime in between where I am Roleplaying. What ever shall I do? In comes the Badlands. I would like the badlands to be a sort of noncomittal PvP world with freebuilds and no Roleplay killing. I think everyone should be able to blow off some steam once in a while. I don't think everyone will leave Athera to go to the Badlands if it is done right. Make everything in the Badlands temperorary, dont have permanent dungeons and stuff that will result in people just coming for the loot. You can have a few events put on by the ET but keep it to a minimum. To be honest, events should be done in Athera. I personally think that people don't give our ET enough credit. Hell, I was one of those people till recently. All my experiences with the ET have been great times and everyone that has been involved has enjoyed them. Just make the Badlands a noncomittal, freebuild PvP zone where players can spend their down time. Make it its own seperate map, so I can switch between Athera and it almost like my personas. I think that'll really make the Badlands a fun time for everyone.

  9. Application

    Skype name: ItsChon

    Do you wish to play a GM? If you play a GM you probably can't play a faction: Nope

    Faction of choice: House Nymeros-Martell

    Why you picked said faction: I've read the entire book series and I've watched the hit show, and House Martell has always intrigued me. Out of all the major houses it is the most exotic and unique one to me, and I really enjoy the characters and the motivations that they've got going on. Without any spoilers, I like their loyalty and I consider the actual region of Dorne itself to be interesting. I also feel that I can do the house justice and provide interesting and fun Roleplay for everyone involved.

    Biography of faction. Describe your family in age and characteristics along with proving you read your faction's information section. Be realistic with family size, names (pick them based on historical members of your dynasty, ex. Mern for Gardener) age and personalities/capabilities: The House Nymeros-Martell stands proud in the far southern regions of Westeros, tracing their bloodlines back to the warrior Queen Nymeria. One of the more exotic houses of Westeros, House Martell stays far from the backstabbing and constant politcal turmoil that so embroidels their Northern neibors. They prefer to govern their own lands and let the other Houses squable over land and positions in the high court. House Nymeros-Martell looks out for the good of their own people, and stay loyal to the rightful King.


    Family Tree:


    Lurcano Martell, House Patriarch

    His Son, Mors Martell, Heir Apparent

    His Daughter, Elia Martell, Unwed

    His Daughter, Rena Martell Unwed

    Ellaria Martell, Sister to Lurcano


    Can you be active? A post every 2-3 days at minimum is expected: I will probably be checking the thread every hour if not every few minutes. I absolutely love Forum Rolpelays.


    ((Sorry if its a bit rushed. Had to go. Real excited for this.))

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