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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Leetles

  1. Everytime I open the notifcation bar, it bugs out and doesn't show notifications.

  2. Can my character have someone build like a robotic Dragon or something? A very small pet thing? Since apparently there is a magic that allows one to make rocks or something come to life, only it wouldn't do anything aside from being a conpainion for my character

  3. I saw Islamic State recruiters in the city centre today... 2spooky.

    1. Leetles


      @Philly Please do not troll with such things, I am feeling offended since I am muslim :/

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  4. I saw Islamic State recruiters in the city centre today... 2spooky.

  5. How much experience do skill tomes give?

  6. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What is the most recently added forum?

  7. is this skin okay or am i blind to my own failure? http://gyazo.com/efdff62111e185563e06bded34fff02a

  8. Is anyone up to draw some art for mina? Pm me.

  9. You saw nothing -.-

  10. Sometimes, to feel like a vampire, I eat the caramel top of twix bars. Just the tip.

  11. So.. when is LoTC updating to 1.8?

  12. Any critique opions please! I am terrible with male skins, to note y'all. http://gyazo.com/e14448a506728293ceceb3b03a1fec9e

  13. Any critique opions please! I am terrible with male skins, to note y'all. http://gyazo.com/e14448a506728293ceceb3b03a1fec9e

  14. What does a higher breeding level do?

  15. 1.8 comes out tomorrow!

  16. Guess what! Rank 27 on minestatus AND THE SECOND RANK AT THE SECOND PAGE!

  17. Hey-.. how would one of you amazing skinners out there make me a skin. I'd pay but I've only got five mina. So five mina to anyone who'd be so kind as to skin this

  18. Could anyone whitelist my alt: Leetles ?

  19. Could anyone whitelist my alt: Leetles ?

  20. I am having a problem to make a post, can a fm contact me please?

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