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Everything posted by MaybeDamo

  1. Name: Ashbee Mumford ((Mc name)):Halomanter12 Experience (Brief):Ashbee is a great farmer and a great motivational speaker with a great burning passion for fights. He was once a medic that helped on the front lines during many times. ((Skype name)):rockmanter13 Do you have loyalties to any other groups or orders:Kaedrini and Ager Rank (Ex: Unoathed, builder, cook):Footman , Medic
  2. “Name?” Ashbee Mumford “Age?” 29 “Race?” Human Southerien “Skills?” Ashbee Is skilled in geomancy and uses a broadsword with a bear claw at the bottom, and is an excellent map maker and hunter
  3. MC name:Halomanter12 Do you have skype, and if so what is it?:rockmanter13 Do you have TeamSpeak?:No IC: Name:Ashbee MumFord Age:26 Race:Human Previous occupations and experience:No jobs but he use to be a teacher and taught people to fight , he also knows electromancy and pyromancy
  4. OOC Section MC name:Halomanter12 Skype Name (Optional):rockmanter13 IC Section Your First Name and Surname:Merilon Falo The Scorpion Race:High Elf Age:190 Notable Skills:He is skilled in hand to hand combat and could handle himself in any battle, he is also skilled in minor alchemy. He is an archer with long range Does the applicant hold faith in any known deities?: No but he wants to seek the truth and find whats right Reasons for joining: Having heard a bit of information from traveling he wishes to seek more about the Eventide Dominion What moral boundaries does the applicant have?:He isn't the most religious man in the world be he is open to the thought of the Creator. Additional Information:Merilon is a very trusting and mindful person, he isn't just a fool in armor he is a smart fighter but like most has his weaknesses. He is a cooperative person and will do anything to come to a solution
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