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Posts posted by Scuba

  1. They can limit to a Dragon to an out skirted, urban area close to its already natural habitat to visit and give the maker of the Dragon more depth to the Dragons; beside senselessly savage, at times one is pacified, allowing the creator a bonding that isn't particularly done with language. It's like an indirect link to father, son, as no they aren't fathers but they're creators, giving room for quite a bond to form through RP. The same admiration can be seen through other scholars, philosophers, adventures of LOTC around an embroiled visiting presumably a Dragon of their handwork. 


    td;lr  I wanted to try and explain Dragon's aren't used for anything damaging.

  2. To make an aforementioned note, they don't control Dragons. There's no slavery, no control involved, and under jurisdiction (within reasoning) warn a Dragon of an incoming threat (with RP knowledge, of course) so it may fly away. They can using a pure telepathic speech free of language barriers and more so focused around intent, will, are able to pacify Dragons. This is a means to maintain and upkeep the Dragons they make, giving involvement, which is done through using Aruzond's powerful draconic voice recognized by Dragons as its the voice of a Greater Dragaar. Any sort of Dragon relocating to an area with populace can only be exercised at will of the LT, meaning if the ET wanted to do something, then that could coordinated to provide a Dragon event like Swgrclan did with wood elves and the Jackal Dragon. The whole grove event line for the most part was badass, so its to allow anything like that to happen at moderation of the LT, and ET.


    Otherwise they're useless in terms of exercising Dragon power because that wasn't the marshaling thought around it, just to give events seen by ET and LT moderation when wanted.

  3. MC Name: Scubasteveee


    Character's Name: Dom


    Character's Age: Like, like, like time itself old


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): Orc, Uruk specifically


    Transformed form: Muyakelg


    Creator's MC Name: N/A


    Creator's RP Name: Orsul (Kurag)


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    An ancestral spirit is the honorable who passed their mystic quiz, being literally ancestors. They using a shaman (perhaps for more dishonorable reasons, for leaving a perfect, blissful realm) are pulled back into a sinewy, fleshed body much like an orc at its highest peak of conditioning. Muyakelgs are able to have multiple limbs, but the strength is divided, making human strength. I basically wrote them to orcish virtues, like strength, hunting, and honor at its greatest form of physical conditioning with the latest amendment. They're like a supernatural orcsmen brought back from Stargush’Stroh. They cannot be taller than an uruk and that cap limit is suppose to be eight feet.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: N/A


    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: Yeah


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No

  4. And with that said, despite that Ambduscias has always wanted a word magic and created the entire word system. He truly put something together that's pretty unique and I don't want to be bias to or feed his ego, genuinely thoughtful, unique fundamentals.

    5 minutes ago, Jentos said:



    Why is that a sad face? I'm talking about when I voted for you to become a Lich when your character was aging in Vailor, yet I couldn't ever help you quite so without the lifeforce manipulating magic, but it's the thought that counts. Now everyone recognizes you like a rookie football player who really had talent like the pros, which isn't a bad thing my friend.

  5. 28 minutes ago, Jentos said:

    No harm meant, the idea only sprang to mind while I was reading this.



    Of course, I've always liked you when it was cool to like you. I wanted to mention Lathe as without him the conversation wouldn't have been had nor would the idea of crawled into my cranium, making me maybe not be in the shoes I am now, and maybe not the idea. So, Lathe actually played a role and is an intellectual philosopher who is worth being spoken about. Thanks Lathe.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Jentos said:

    Someones been playing skyrim again...


    Please read the lore as all inspiration inspires from something entirely different as I got the idea of incantation magic from "Lathe" something, we were talking about ancient elves using incantations as the beginning of magic. It's literally completely different, beside Aruzond sacrificing his voice to use the incantation to greater feats with Draconic language, sorry Skyrim used Dragon language? I don't want the unique getting dirtied by one little concept.

  7. Remember for technology nothing is dumber than the crossbow that everyone misuses because they think themselves a crossbow expert learner from the wiki! Crossbows are a perfect example of how something completely normal, mundane can be used poorly and with little RP flavor as the person using it isn't trying to skillfully RP, they're thinking about the immediate advantage it has. Not magical "guns" either. 

  8. We should remove crossbows, nothing is interesting about them beside someone looking at the wiki and deciding they know how use one with 2-3 emotes. Crossbows literally are the core factor to ruining any fantasy. 


    "Haha let me just xd pull out my houndmaster hunting crossbow." Then again always going to be that person, but since we're on the subject I thought I'd maybe help switch the minds of understanding people. 

  9. I wrote the lore and basically being a second generation shaman, by learning how to meditate and ascend to the spiritual planes he met a Greater Spirit of Changing that'd change him through a pact into the greatest form of an Uruk, a Muyakelg. By I wrote the lore I mean everyone has authority of what they wrote, how it's planned, who's added, and all I do is want to play what I wrote.


    MC Name: Scubasteveee


    Character's Name: Draggur


    Character's Age: Old enough


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): Orc, Uruk specifically


    Transformed form: Muyakelg


    Creator's MC Name: N/A


    Creator's RP Name: Spirit of Changing


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    An ancestral spirit is the honorable who passed their mystic quiz, being literally ancestors. They using a shaman (perhaps for more dishonorable reasons, for leaving a perfect, blissful realm) are pulled back into a sinewy, fleshed body much like an orc at its highest peak of conditioning. Muyakelgs are able to have multiple limbs, but the strength is divided, making human strength. I basically wrote them to orcish virtues, like strength, hunting, and honor at its greatest form of physical conditioning with the latest amendment. They're like a supernatural orcsmen brought back from Stargush’Stroh. They cannot be taller than an uruk and that cap limit is suppose to be eight feet.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: N/A


    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: Yeah


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No

  10. 12 minutes ago, Aelsioln said:


    Just gonna quote myself here. 



    He's already burned bridges and a previous LM has stated how their voting system operates under his leadership. It'd be best if they stepped down to let someone with a more settled, rational disposition handle such a vital role. The LT is not a joke for people to have an attempt of being "professionals". They've proven the content of their character.

  11. 57 minutes ago, grimmothy said:


    I've helped produce Abyss Knights, combined with writing good portion of the new Muyakelg lore, including help create the new elemental addition. I wrote most of them, thus I think you're trying to derail the point that the LT is messed up. I don't know what you're fighting, but I'm fighting the fact that biased people have been introduced and old players who have DONE A LOT FOR YOU, speaking of reward have been removed from their team for no good reason beyond they didn't get along with Flamboyant it'd appear.


    td;lr, to call me entitled, or simply have done nothing and being a complainer simply isn't true either, nor will i allow that picture painted of me friend-o

  12. We need a LT wipe.

    @501warhead Do something good for once, LT purge


    @Wrynn Do not let any other admin tell you differently, LT purge.


    @Telanir You AFK man, set up a greater chain link to handle these outbursts if you're going to be dormant.


    @Harold Get 'er done. This thread has someone who was past LT admitting that they themselves pick favorite (favorite being bias in their choosing) lore.


    LT wipe.

  13. 51 minutes ago, ThatGuy_777 said:

    Please cease. Desist. Abandon ship. These rampant posts taking such repetitive, senseless bashes at staff fix nothing whatsoever. Its impact is null, if not further detrimental.


    Opinions have already been made loud and clear. At this point, it's equivalent to beating a skeletonized horse.


    Nah, it's not, nor will I be ceasing my thread making anytime soon. It's not senseless bashes on staff when currently it's one staff member who's running a team improperly.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Praetor said:


    As a previous LM, your two cents didn't matter then and I doubt they matter now. You can write lore, but you bet that you have literally no say in whetther it gets implemented and how it is changed to fit whatever the LM's want it to be. We'd regularly discuss thngs like how to change a piece of lore to be something we liked more and the writer could either accept these changes or be declined.


    Really says all that needs to be said. The real punishment isn't on them, it's really the player base who'll suffer most at hands of people like this who get into power, however it becomes FAULT when they stay in power. This isn't a Kim Jung system where North Korean people are strong armed and assailed by a LT director ego-tripping off LOTC. Seriously.

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